Submitted into Contest #62 in response to: Write about two characters on the verge of a life-changing event, but one has rigged the outcome.... view prompt


Black Drama Contemporary

The conjoined twins Chandan and Tara as the term conjoined signifies are together from birth and now in their late teens. All these years they did everything together. This was irrespective of the fact that one was a male and the other female. Their togetherness was not just physical but also psychological and that too natural for obvious reasons.

Their parents also are well aware of the impact of their togetherness and are at the same time worried about their future. All are aware of their case as a unique medical sample and their separation would endanger both of them and most likely at least one of them. Under such circumstances to take such a risky decision was a herculean task.

The fact that they were borne in a society that was patriarchal in its outlook posed a problem on one side and the chances of survival of Tara the female twin was more likely from the medical point of view. Such a situation was the main reason to keep the status quo as far as possible.

The desires of each of the two twins even though were independent but they had agreed in their heart of hearts to sacrifice their personal desires to a safe journey of life for each one of them.

The society as we all know is made up of people going about looking for ways and means to enhance their material and spiritual wellbeing. Such people range from Doctors, politicians, ministers, middlemen, relatives, busybodies and so on and so forth.

Dr. Squack deMaska was one who claimed to be a surgeon and was the son of a rich merchant who had on many occasions helped the grandfather of Chandan and Tara. By virtue of that the grandfather of Chandan and Tara was indebted to the father of Dr. Squack.

The role played by the grandfather of Chandan and Tara in the family matters was significant and had sufficient power to force upon others his opinion and views. The people in the neighbourhood also looked upon Mr. Chandan Dasgupta, the grandfather of Chandan and Tara with great esteem. He also was head of many organisations and committees that were run and formed in the village to which Chandan and Tara belonged.

As far as Chandan and Tara are concerned they were also making best use of the state in which they were in. Both were good in the academic field and were making waves in the literary arts. Chandan had a melodious voice and Tara wrote poems and that transformed into lyrics for Chandan sing soothing songs for one and all to hear and relish.

Both of them had wonderful ideas and together were able also to churn out stories and essays which were summed up in books of short as well as long forms and that were absorbed and appreciated by readers of all ages and professions.

Dr. Squack deMaska was advised by his peers to find out if he could do the critical and risky operation of separating the conjoined twins. If he could do the operation successfully his reputation in the society will jump substantially, exponentially.

Dr. Squack deMaska was aware that it was not his cup of tea to convince the parents of Chandan and Tara to agree for such an operation. Dr. Squack deMaska, the son of Mr.Maskalal Malamal approached his father Mr. Maskalal and expressed his intention and apprised him of the future he saw in undertaking such an adventure which could benefit their family in the long run in running their business.

Mr. Maskalal the business man that he was, with the business mind that he possessed, did not respond immediately to his son’s request, and advised him that he will look into the matter and come back to his son, in a week’s time to advise whether he liked the idea or it was an idea, fit to find a place in the trashcan.

On his part Dr.Squack DeMaska thought a week’s time is not much to wait for a reply, considering the magnanimity of the project and seriousness of the reputation involved.

Mr. Maskalal not wasting any time, immediately, established contact with the grandfather of Chandan and Tara and invited him for lunch and expressed his intention to discuss an important matter at the earliest. Grandfather of Chandan and Tara, with the kind of indebtedness he had with Mr. Maskalal, the kind of urgency expressed by Maskalal, was kind of embarrassed to refuse the invitation and kind of rushed to the parents of Chandan and Tara, and kind of informed them of the invitation for lunch, at the earliest possible time. All in the family of Chandan and Tara, smelled something unusual about the invitation but could not refuse and allowed their grandfather to go for lunch next day.

Accordingly, the grandfather of Chandan and Tara went to the mansion of Mr. Maskalal Malamal. Mr. Maskalal after hosting the lunch for Mr. Chandan Das Gupta, very politely aired the desire of his struggling, doctor son, Dr.Squack DeMaska, and diplomatically also reminded him of the moments and occasions and how he helped Chandan Das Gupta to tide over the troubled times.

Mr. Chandan Das Gupta, with mixed feelings returned home to the curious and anxious parents of Chandan and Tara. The matured son and father of Chandan and Tara could see the mood and expression of anguish writ large on the face of Mr. Chandan Das Gupta and advised all members of the family not to ask any question unless he himself does not convey, which the son of Mr. Chandan Das Gupta knew will elaborate at the appropriate time and occasion.

The fact that Mr. Maskalal Malamal was polite and generous enough to give a reasonable period of time for him to come back with their decision was high in the mind of Mr. Chandan Das Gupta. Accordingly, he told the parents of Chandan and Tara to be patient for a day and he will inform them of the proceedings of the lunch meeting and also give his take on the matter. (Part 2 – to be continued)

October 10, 2020 02:54

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