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It was made of stone and brick, covered in moss and weeds circled around its edge. it's the last place I remember before mother passed but after that, it's a big blur. No matter how hard I try I can't remember anything after dumping her ashes in this well. weird place to dump the ashes of a passed loved one but mother loved this place, she loved how the sunflowers bloomed in summer and then shrivel up and died in the winter. She loved the Well more than anything. She would tell me tales of how there was a creature down there that would talk to her every day and every night, she would say that she could hear its whispers at night and its cries at day. I remember her saying that this creature didn't have a name so she called it tum viventem which means Well creature in Latin.

The grass was wet and my socks and shoes were damp and the flowers in my hands were starting to sag if only the Well was a lot closer to the house. I stand there unaware that I was getting drenched in rainwater as to me it felt like time had stopped as soon as I laid my eyes on the Well, it was like every leaf that fell in the autumn air, every little bug that roamed the grounds had frozen. This feeling came on and off like something was toying with me yet there was no one else around to make me feel this way. My hands begin to shake and my head starts to pound as I place the flowers down at the Wells edge. it was some basic roses, nothing to fancy but nothing to little.

"Hey mum, heh crazy isn't it.....14 years ago we were skipping stones on the lake in the sun and you were giving me flowers when I'm down and how we went on those long road trips for no reason, and stop at that bakery to get a small sweet treat for lunch." I paused catching up with my breath. "I hope one day I can be just as happy as you made me.......but with you gone it's hard to sleep at night and contain my emotions yet I'm still standing and I hope you could be proud of me for what I have done." I end my speech leaving the flowers lying against the brick wall on the outside of the Well. I lean down, resting my arms on the walls of the Well and hang my head down with a sigh. I couldn't see the bottom of the Well I could only see a black void coating the water that sat at the very bottom.

"Creature? Pfftt, whatever, it's just a story." I tapped my fingers on the cold stone bricks while I look down into the void of darkness. My eyes were glued on the bottom of the Well, my mind was telling me, there was something down there and I should go check it out but my gut said that I shouldn't listen and turn away letting go of the thought, but I couldn't think, my brain was blinded by a thick fog that just hangs around blocking out any thought I had.

"Sebastian?" a voice calls out from the bottom of the Well, it said sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Sebastian, I'm down here......Please help me!" I thought I was going crazy, I swear I could hear someone in the well. warm candlelight lights up the bottom of the Well, a person in a white gown was standing in the murky water barefoot holding the candle. as the wax slowly melts down dripping down the side of their hand and into the freezing water that slowly ripples to her movement.

"Why did you not help me, Sebastian......Why did you kill me?" They quiver, tears stream down their face and the light slowly dies down making them fade into the darkness.

My mind suddenly recognizes the voice, the person who was calling out to me. mother, I'm coming just wait. "wait don't leave I can help you!" I shout out hoping into the Well landing in the slimy water, both legs get a massive shot of ground shock. I wince at the pain as the darkness of the Well brings shivers to my spine. "Over here!" a hand pops up in front of my face and I lean forward pushing myself to grab the hand but there was nothing there but a wall. I now realize I had jumped down into a deep well that was one big circle of living shadows that could jump out at me at any second.

"Sebastian?" she was behind me, her soft voice rings in my ears as I turn around quickly at least trying to catch a glimpse of her face but I was too late. "I'm going crazy. I'm going crazy, hehe yeah this isn't real, I'm just crazy!" I laugh psychologically scratching the top of my head.

"HELP ME!" this was not my mother's voice. "HELP! I'M TRAPPED!" someone else cries out. "HELP ME PLEASE!"


the voice all drown out any thought I had, I didn't recognize anyone of those cries, none of them helped me feel better though. I was now crouched down on the ground rocking back and forth with my head hanging down to the ground trying to not lose any sanity I had left. a clock ticks in my head as the screams for help continue and the darkness of the well slowly eats away at the light I had inside of me. "Sebastian, I want you to let go, okay." My head shoots up at the sight of the grassy field and the hazy blur of mist covering the sky, I didn't leave, I didn't go into the Well. I'm still here.

That was the last thing I remember about the Well.

July 20, 2020 10:51

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NJ Van Vugt
05:11 Jul 26, 2020



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