Ballads Of The Beasts

Written in response to: Write a story that starts and ends in the same place.... view prompt


Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

        "You know... I get that it's a hard pill to swallow... But honey, at least you did something." Kintur grinned, and looked over at Dusk. "You know what else I could do?" "What? Kill me? I'm a god, and last I checked, gods don't die to little brats." Dusk looked back at the door, and fiddled around with her bracelet, "Nope!" Kintur said like a child, and slid her dagger across Dusk's wrist. "I don't think I want you to do that." "Where is he?" Dusk asked calmly, looking down at the slit on her wrist and trying not to think about how deep the blade went. "Oh, he's right there" she nodded her head to Ryder, who was standing in the corner, his eyes hollow and his face splattered with blood. "Did you mind control him or something?" "Nope, I just simply told him the truth..." She smiled. 

               Ryder glared at Dusk, his fist lighting on fire as he lifted it up to hit her. She closed her eyes and stood up, swinging herself and the chair to hit Kintur in the face. Ryder's hand grabbed Dusk's face and threw her into a wall, the red and orange tendrils climbed onto her face. She yelled at him and held her eye. He just grabbed her arm and pinned her there, punching her repeatedly. She tried to move and escape, but Kintur got up and held her there. 

               She felt the stinging pain as the knife was thrown into her shoulder. Dusk looked up at Ryder, her breath quickening, fire, a fist, his hollow eyes. Chris standing there instead of him, his hollow and drunken eyes boring into hers. She stared, and heard his voice, "Shut up you little bitch." Before she grabbed his fist and hair and yanked it out, shoving him against a table, as Ren climbed out of her pocket and grew to his normal size, throwing Kintur. Dusk grabbed Ryder's sword and pressed it against his neck until he wasn't breathing. 

               She stepped back and realized it was Ryder, before she stumbled back and held her shoulder. "Shit, shit, shit." she murmured, and looked over at Kintur. "Feel better now?" the blonde asked. "Fuck you and your puny little mind! You're a fucking whore and don't know how the fuck to understand people!" "Oh I understand people, how do you think I convinced Ryder that you killed Valadin." She smiled, "I also got him to use fire, I don't know why but you sure are scared of fire. Now with Olive's mind reading, I know why." She grabbed Dusk's shoulder and leaned in. "How bad did it hurt?" she asked, it could have been about the burns she had from Ryder. But she already knew what she was talking about. "I don't know, I blocked it out." "You seem to do that an awful lot Dusk."

               Dusk looked after, and Kintur grabbed her chin. "Aren't you tired of trying? We both know how this started. You could have just helped me. We could have stayed friends, even maybe lovers, but you just had to keep trying to 'save' me." She sighed, and pushed Dusk against a wall. "Yeah, one, you're too ugly for my taste. Also, your name sucks." she said, shrugging. Kintur reached up and grabbed her cheek. "Sad... You know, we'd be a good Bonnie and Clyde." she laughed softly. Dusk glared and tried to snatch Kintur's dagger. "No," Kintur said softly and grabbed her hand. "Why do you never actually hurt me?" she asked. "Because we were friends once and I wouldn't be surprised if someone was mind controlling you." Dusk said, and Kintur smiled. "Come on Kimberly, we can just go home, it's okay if someone's controlling you- I'll figure it out-" Dusk was stopped when Kintur's claw dug into her back. 

               "Do you know what happens when a god doesn't have limits?" Kintur asked, trailing her claw down Dusk's back. "You get me." She answered herself as Dusk's eyes closed and she stopped talking. "Good, now... You're gonna help me with something." she smiled, and took Dusk's phone. "You're going to call up all your little friends and get them over here. I think it's time to freshen up this old thing, don't you think?" she asked, as black veins crawled up her skin. She held up her claw to her face and sighed, "You know, that shred of skin you gave me back in the last dimension really helped..." She smiled, and grabbed Ryder's corpse. "He'll come back in a moment" she shrugged and cleaned up the place. "No- he relives his life-" Dusk murmured. "If I wanted your opinion I would ask for it." Kintur said, still smiling as she walked out, leaving Dusk there.

               She woke up and clutched her ring, turning it into a sickle. Riya reached over and gently took the blade. "Lets not" she sighed, and looked around the room. Dusk checked the window and saw the destroyed building. It had been set on fire. "Is she okay?" Ryder asked, standing up from a chair, she was in a hospital room. The beeping clued her in on that fun note. "Where the fuck am I?" she asked. "You got quite the hit on the head." Alex said from the door, they were holding a balloon and James was behind them with his helmet still on from driving there on his motorcycle most likely. 

               "I didn't hit my head- She was there-" Dusk stuttered and stood up, grabbing her glasses, wait, when had she gotten those? She put them on and looked at everyone, they were less blurry. Ryder had a beard and a fade. Riya had longer hair again and was wearing a Korn t-shirt. That wasn't normal... James took his helmet off, his scar had faded to a dull pinkish color. Alex had their black hair back, with green highlights. "Hannah, that was 5 years ago, it's okay..." Riya promised. "My name isn't Hannah." Dusk said, and looked out the window. The image of the collapsed building flickered, appearing to be up in flames. 

"She's not here-" Riya said again, tacking Dusk's hand and pecking her head. "It's not safe... We have to go" she murmured, and saw herself in the mirror, she looked just like herself, but older, and the burn marks had faded, she had just felt them a few moments ago. "Hannah, calm down..." "My name isn't fucking Hannah!" she shouted, and the image flickered. The floor cracked slightly and Riya fell in. She yelped and Dusk grabbed her hand. "I have you- It's fine!" she swore, and Riya's face melted into a zombie's face, then Ren's, Pliji's, James', Gabe's... Riya let go and fell in, Dusk jumping in after.

Kintur grabbed her from the abyss of the dimension switch and smiled. "Wow, that's your hope for the future? That everyone will magically forgive you? That's so Disney like." She laughed and grabbed her dagger, the table was still there, the chair knocked over, Ryder's corpse on the floor. The only thing different was the wall, it was fading into monsters, and turning more futuristic. "Looks like it's time for the next dimension! See you there Hannah!" she said, and slit Dusk's throat.

December 21, 2024 19:54

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