Crime Fiction Horror

"I am pressed against the shelves in my house trying to hide as much as I can,my eyes were shut tight I tried to open them but I just could not everything that had happened in my life had led me up to this moment I felt light headed and thoughts were infiltrating my mind I needed to calm down and escape this situation so I finally managed to open my eyes and looked as much as I could i was unable to comprehend what had happened my chest was tight I was paralyzed in this uncomfortable position inside a cabinet hiding was my last hope as I looked around in restricted views I saw my couch with blood all over it I saw an arm lying close " Heidi" I remembered and pulled at it and it came right at me just then i realized it was just a bloody arm with no body lying close to it, just then i heard heavy footsteps i held Heidi's arm close to my body and prayed that no one would see me my brain was at high alert mode and i could hear every footsteps in the house i feel her arm against my chest it is warm and the blood is dripping all over me we have a crawlspace in the house but it is located in the basement and the killers are still in the house any wrong movement would result in my life i try to remember i ended up here, I am that person that always took everything too seriously never enjoyed moments in life and stayed in denial for every choice i made and today none of it matters, Death is something we all know but never truly acknowledge at that moment i knew what i had to do i tried to get up and felt the blood rushing to my numb legs i tried to get up and failed i kept falling just as i had collected enough strength to get up i felt a sense of pain that took over my right arm i looked down and saw a river of blood, a sharp pain starting from my arm kept my head occupied and i looked around giving up and everything started to blur, my eyes started to get heavy the last thing i saw was a man in a black hoodie and a pair of denim jeans " Charles" i thought Charles was our neighbor of 3 years I had never really known him just 'nod your head but don't speak' type neighbor, the sense of death truly came over me this is how it felt like "nothing" just a sharp pain with the realization of understanding everything you did never really mattered to anyone, humanity had spent years pondering the feeling of death but it just feels unreal if you get what i mean just a unrealistic sense of satisfaction in knowing you'll be gone soon and no more problems but no more you all my thoughts were mixed the only thing i knew is that i had wasted a good chunk of life whether learning unnecessary formulas or spending time doing anything other than what she truly had to do but now it is gone ....

That's the last thing i remember as i woke up in a hospital dressed in those white gowns with red stains in my near stomach and arm a few cops told me that i had been shot in my stomach and my arms and that my body is recovering steadily they asked me a few questions and i answered as much as i could but my memory was just a blur apparently they had found me near the dining room lying in a pool of blood, my head felt light headed and i felt like throwing up but i wanted to know who had done this to me and why, a few hours later I found the energy and asked a few questions to the cop who were guarding me apparently 6 people had died Heidi, Evie ,Jacob and a few other acquaintances everything i had just got over in a hot moment,I just remembered the thing i had felt and all my thoughts about realization of how i had lived my life, an that is how i ended up starting survival camp where people who had survived different things shared their stories and helped others be more careful in different parts of the world to give back to the universe as i had survived and nobody should ever have to go through that and to be prepared "

Today i Danielle Burton stand as a representative for all people who have been through such incidents that changed them forever, many people are too afraid to talk about there life as they have seen the true face of the the world but they need to be heard so others can remain safe four years ago i lost my closest friends in a murderous rampage killing 6 people and i kept blaming myself for 2 years but then the idea came to me and i started to work on it by giving up all my life savings to the benefit of everyone not everyone wants to share most don't but providing a safe environment to let them know all their decisions will be heard and they are very brave, In a way i am not completely sad of everything that happened that afternoon how my neighbor decided that he wanted to kill a few people for unknown reasons as he shot himself after, maybe it taught me something i had to share with other people like any second anything unexpected could occur and change you perspective and your life forever so just preparing can't always work as you probably don't know when your neighbor might lose it but just staying protected can change a lot during times where your life flashes in your eyes, there are so many questions i have which will most likely remain unanswered.So just share your stories of near death experience with the thoughts because most realistic and saddest thoughts occur during this time

~love Danielle

May 09, 2021 13:42

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