Adventure Drama Science Fiction

My leg wouldn’t leave me alone. 

I could feel a slight tension over my thigh, like someone was touching my skin. The pants had now two small cuts over the bite, they wouldn’t catch attention, they were casual. I didn’t know what to do, what would have happened after. Would I transform myself? How long would it take for that to happen? I wasn’t feeling any different, I could only sense the physical pain. 

I tightened my belt over my hips, rotating it to partially cover my thigh with one of the small bags.  

Could I tell someone? My gaze fell on the boy’s nape in front of me. I couldn’t tell Edgar, I knew he would feel responsible for leaving me wandering around alone. I had to find a way to hide it. But how, if I was to transform myself anyway? Everyone would see me. I was a threat to the village, I would kill and infect more innocent people. I had to leave before any of this could happen, there wasn’t another way. The only thing I knew was that once you’re infected you would transform. I didn’t know how, or how long it would take. But I knew it would happen, better later than sooner. I had to leave without worrying anyone, even if I knew that would never happen. I would make my team worry, Edgar wouldn’t leave me alone, even when it was about risking his own life. But I couldn’t hurt him. No one. He had to understand that this time he wouldn’t be able to save me, I had to do this alone. 

We were getting closer to the village and I found myself breathing slowly, wondering if I was already in the process of transforming. I tried to keep my heart beat steady, tried to calm down. 

I had to talk to Marl, I was sure it wasn’t the first time someone got bitten in his village, he would know what to do, better than me. Maybe he had something that could help me, maybe he could delay the bite effects. I had to act fast. My brain was collecting ideas on how to explain the fact I was infected without alarming everyone and cause panic, but none seemed to work. We stepped under a bridge and I could see the village entrance. I felt my eyelids heavier. No. I needed to stay awake. Now more than ever.  

 “Dylan?” I stopped walking, nearly bumping into Edgar. 

 “What’s wrong?“ I asked immediately, trying to not sound suspicious. 

 “You’ve been quiet since we left. Are you okay?“ I moved one hand to the back of my neck, stretching my head to the sides, quickly giving a look to the other members of the team. 

 “Yes, yes. I was just thinking that we didn’t find anything useful. You know... It looked like a good place.“ I left my words quiet in the air, trying to keep my thought as simple as possible. Edgar sighed, slowly nodding. 

 “Well, it’s not our fault. We were unlucky, it feels like a waste of time and resources sometimes.“ He closed the space between us, grabbing my hand and shaking it slightly, trying to comfort me. It did work, in a way. I felt less alone and having a bit of human heat when I decided I would leave them made me feel good, but guilty mostly. 

“It’s late. I want to lay down and sleep.“ I tried to smile, setting my weight on the healthy leg. I felt bad for lying to my best friend, but I didn’t know what else to do. 

For how much I desired to go to sleep, I knew I couldn’t, not yet. I first had to pack and leave. 

“You’re telling me. After a warm shower and food you’ll feel better.” He knew he was right, but not for me. I’d have to ignore the wound on my leg to enjoy moments like those, but how could I even do that? 

At the sight of the village’s gate I sighed, I was still myself, I could resist until I spoke to Marl. Once left my gear in the shack I paced fast to the manor’s house, knocking urgently. I tried to sneak out from Edgar with the simple excuse of toilet, I wonder if he suspected anything. 

“Marl?” I was breathless, my voice not too loud. The old man crossed the kitchen’s threshold, a towel in his hands, his glance worried. 

“Dylan? What’s wrong? Didn’t you guys just come back? Did something happen?” I quickly moved towards him, scared by all his questions. I tried to explain everything as fast as possible, without going around it. 

“What happens if someone gets bitten in the village?” 

His glance darkened, the black irises showing no more reflections. 

“Banishment. We can’t risk other people’s life. We sent them north, the only place we don’t hunt. We know there are more Reborn on that side, where the river is and it’s colder. No one ever survived the infection; we can’t risk once. Who was bitten?” 

I sighed, I expected that, there was no other way and I knew it. 

“Me.” I was relieved by his choice, always better than instant dead. Even if, maybe becoming a Reborn was worse than dying. But I wasn’t ready to give up, as long as I was alive. 

“Exile is immediate. It doesn’t take long for the virus to transform your body; we might be too late already. You don’t know understand how it hurts me every time to do so, but there is no other way. I don’t want to kill my own people. I want them to live until their last, not becoming a murdered. Grab your things and come at the north gate, no one is patrolling at evening.” 

I didn’t have any personal effects, but I wanted to be ready in case I had to fight and survive, at least until my body would give up on the infection. I rushed back at the barracks, the rest of the team having dinner at the canteen. I grabbed my only change of clothes and the old Azazel suit still wrecked in different points. A water container, a couple of grain and protein rations, my flashlight and my handgun with my two knifes. 

Marl was opening the gate silently as I was approaching. I didn’t feel any changes in me yet, but I felt warmer and shakier since I got bit. My heartbeat was faster from the fear of being find out. 

“North it is then. Thank you for everything you did for us, I would have never expected to find other people here on Earth, and being able to live with them, even if for a small period of time. Please take care of my team. Just, please say it was my choice alone to do this. I have no idea what would Edgar do, please keep an eye on him, don’t let him run after me. Make him think straight, I’m sure Chris will be able to do it.” I said my last words to him as my eyes became watery, finally realising I was abandoning everything: my team, the village, Edgar. And I wouldn’t be able to see them ever again. It was the end for me. But I was happy of all the discoveries I did with my time on this planet, and I would never want to go back on Azazel, for how easy life was there compared to here. 

“Dylan… I wish you the best. But this is everything I can do for you, the lives of my people come first, in any case. Now it’s your personal race towards time. Did you get everything in order to survive... before it happens?” 

I shed one single tear, nodding. It was time. Marl was right, there was no cure, no trick, no way to come back. No way to evade it. But what was the point in surviving if that was the one ending I would get? Being a Reborn. What was the point in fighting? I was tired, my body aching and my head hammering. 

“Yes. Marl, thank you.” I found myself wrapped in his fragile arms. One last goodbye. 

“Now, go. There is still light, and I wouldn’t want to find you around here when we go out tomorrow.” He said leaving me alone. Here we go, Dylan. It’s all up to you now. I nodded at myself, rush and fear dripping from my veins. I had to do this for the village, not me. I had to get as far as possible to help them survive. It was for them. 

I stepped over the gate, walking faster than expected. Adrenaline was fed by my feelings. I would never experience any calmer days or hunting for people, doing the laundry with the women, playing with the small children even if I knew I wasn’t good with them. I had to cherish them, until my last moment. I remembered everything, and I would remember everything even as a Reborn, that was my last promise. I missed Edgar already. His big laugh and warm eyes as he accompanied me through this huge and upsetting journey. It was my best friend, and I was abandoning him. I’m sorry, Edgar. I hope you find happiness without me around. I know it is selfish for me to say. But please. I remembered his hand grabbing my cheek, his kind voice spelling “You’re beautiful.” the other night, at the festival. My mind slipped further, after he fell asleep on my lap, that night, remembering the legend Marl was talking about. The mountain. Lucifer. 

The legend said he was immortal, and no Reborn could kill him. 

And there I realised, maybe he had the answer I was looking for. And I had to hurry, before I would crumble over myself. 

September 22, 2020 15:27

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