
January 12, 2016. E: Sariti! S: hi guys. E: who looked after your boys when you went to the wedding? S: mom. E: it rained here today. S: oh it rained? You became like Haile Selassie. E: hilarious.S: did you see the pictures I sent you? S: I did but you were not in it. S: but I am in the first picture. E: are you sure? S: ok wait. E: am kidding. You looked somethigelse! S: oh you guys are playing with me. I knew it. E: I gained a lot. I hate it. E: what are you saying? S: I am going back to the gym. E: I wasn't talking about your weight. S: oh my rented hair then. S: stop it! We are admiring your look. You are spoiling it for us. S: sorry. Bad habit. E: thank God it wasn't raining when we shopped in the neighborhood. S: did you go to Corniche Beach? E: no not yet. S: what are you guys doing now? E: Pom is looking at classroom situation on her laptop. Am reading your responses to her. S: really? They can do that? E: yes. You should bring your sons here. S: right. E: I would like to participate in Dubai for the upcoming marathon. Pom and I take long walks. I should start running though. S: make sure your body withstand the heat. You will perish under the sun if you don't watch it. E: how positive you are Pom is saying to you. S: I mean it. Watch it. E: okay, coach. S: what do you guys do the whole day? E: take and bring back the boys from school, do some housework, make traditional coffee everyday, take long walks, shop, watch movie and eat. S: no wonder you looked stout, both of you. E: I listed tons of things. You had to pick food! S: am envious. E: come join us then. S: with or without my boys? E: let their dad take care of them for a month or two. S: you don' t mean it. E: ough yes I do! Time to eat now. Pom just finished checking the classroom situation. S: enjoy then. Bye. E: bye. January 14, 2016. E: Sariti! What's wrong with ma's phone today? We wanted to say happy birthday. S: she accidentally drop it in the water. E: oh no, mom! She can't do without her phone! S: I know. Use Biruk's number. E: okay. Where exactly are you? S: in a cafe around Nat's school. I don't have a car today. Sammy dropped me. We will get a ride home. E: good good. Pom is laying out the coffee things. We are going to celebrate mom's birthday. S: I hope you will send pictures. E: sure. Right away. S: you're still wearing the extension? E: you too? Pom hates it so! Guess what? I washed it today. It was a tiring job! My head is dizzy. S: won't it take days to dry? E: stop it! Listen to this. A lady summoned us as we passed by her car. She owns a saloon. She gave us her card. What pleased me most was unlike my sisters, a stranger liked my long extension. S: what is Pom doing now? E: talking to ma. Did you go home to wish her happy birthday? S: I called her in the morning. I told you I don't have a car today. E: what kind of excuse is this? S: the kind ma understands. E: ya right. January 16, 2016. E: Sariti! I just wanted to let you know this. Pom's washing machine is seriously freaking me out. It is like an oven. It takes forever to do the job making such terrible noise. S: what's with you and noise? Pom made me laugh when she told me how you react to the ac in the house. E: do you blame me? I am used to open windows letting in fresh air. S: you should thank God you went there this time of the year. The weather is good as Pom put it. E: she's a fine one to talk. The rain is frightening even for them. What's worse, you aren't allowed to go out when it rained. S: you will be fine don't worry about it. Where is Pom anyway? E: getting her boys ready to go to an indoor swimming. S: oh great! Would you join them? E: yes but not in the water. S: try it. It will be an experience. E: no thank you. I can do without such experience. S: okay then. E: talk to you tomorrow. January 18, 2016. E: Sariti! Pom and I just came back from an hour's walk. S: good for you, girls! E: I am reading a book by Paul McKenna. How to Change your life in Seven Days. S: change is in the air. E: ough ya. I decided to deactivate my facefook account. S: what? Already? E: Pom wouldn't stop laughing when I told her. She even said that I would get back to it within a month. S: she said that? E: I am going to remove my extension. S: now you're talking. E: you guys are annoying! S: I like this Paul McKenna. E: how was your weekend? S: interesting. Namo was on Maffy's bike. He wouldn't give a chance to his brother. Not once. What a selfish little boy I have! E: dear dear. January 20,2016. E: Happy Epiphany! Are you guys going out to celebrate? S: ough yes! E: I do miss the holiday. S: let Pom do something about it. E: Abelo is talking about school in a disheartening way. " School doesn't make you grow but food. Why should I go just to listen to a teacher?" S: sweet Abelo. E: you saw the pictures. No response? S: thank God you got rid of your hair! E: excuse you? I still have my natural hair. S: I meant the extension. E: we will go to hair salon one of these days. S: do that.

March 20, 2020 18:44

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