Fantasy Fiction

A couple hundred years after the world was created, there was a war between Zeus and Poseidon over who should possess the heavens and seas. They had ruled in harmony until a secret document that promised their peace was stolen. It was a photo taken at the creation of the world. A photo that possessed immaculate power. No one had ever seen it but its existence was well known and required vicious protection. 

It was around then that Selena had been crowned Moon Goddess under Queen Nevaeh. She was well-known to excel in manipulation and lies. Sly, and deadly. No one ever knew when she would strike or who she would cheat. Even so, she had been crowned and the decision caused an uproar. People rioted and burned entire streets in protest. They threatened to kill whoever necessary to dethrone Selena. 

“This is a heresy!” Cried William Lanchester, a prominent  citizen. He clambered up onto a stone with a torch and a belt of knives around his waist.  A small crowd assembled around. It was usually only the troublesome ones who’d make such a stand. Yet William wasn’t trouble, but he had reached his wits end. Most of the townspeople considered Selena a suspicious character. It didn’t make sense to think the Queen would place her in such a position of power.

“We must dethrone that outlaw!” continued Willam, “Or else we will all be doomed!” He waved his torch above the crowd and eyed everyone with eyes that burned. A child quivered. Men roared and applauded. Here was a leader; someone who could help protect their wives, children, and homes. “Who’s with me!” 

Whistles, shouts, and cheers echoed across the square. “Destroy all royal memorials!” Someone shouted. “Release horses and burn chariots!” “FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS!” 

Chaos and destruction ensued. Law attorneys were threatened and hundreds were taken to trial and sentenced to detention in hopes to deter rioters and ensure peace. All the while Selena watched on in happy bliss. 

“Idiots.” She smirked, “little do they really know” 

It wasn’t until about two weeks later that the riots subsided. There was a brilliant aura display and a report that the ocean lit up when touched. Worry over Selena was replaced with panic that the world was about to end. But unbeknownst to them two incredible things had fallen in love. Our ocean and sky. Many don’t know this, but when the world was created they touched at the horizon in a place beyond what words can describe. It was somewhere where the sun slept and moon danced. A place of tranquil peace and beauty. Hercules ruled it, and under him was a youth named Atlas. Atlas was known to be a notorious adventurer and had come across a series of caves while on a hike. It was here he had been ambushed and then captured.

“You can’t pass.” Came a sudden deep voice. Atlas looked up to see a thick warrior in protective armor. He blocked the path in a power stance and clenched a pistol still in its holder. “Leave now or I will have to hold you hostage.”

Nervous but unfazed Altas looked him in the eye. “I suppose you don’t know who I am.”

“I don’t care who you are.”

“I think you do, let me ex—”

“No I don’t.” He grabbed Altas by the ear and drug him several feet away before shoving him into a man whose height alone was enough to make even the bravest person stutter. 

“A little boy who went astray!” Roared the man, “Too bad you ended up here. Think we should eat him, men?”

“Eat me!” Altas shrieked in terror. 

“He’s kidding you.” Someone mumbled. 

“Ha! Who says I am?” He shoved Alta’s against a wall and picked him up by the collar. His breath was hot and smelled of death. “You listen to me son. No one is allowed here. No one.  Understand?”

Altas nodded as much as he was able. The man dropped him and ordered that he be taken to detention. Several soldiers took hold of his arms and threw him into a covered, barred cart. And never was a ride so miserable. The road was bumpy and shook the cart without mercy and the heat pressed against him in smothering, thick blackness. Sweat dripped down his back and puddled around his body. It was nearly impossible to breathe, let alone think. Altas faded in and out of consciousness and was only partially aware when they reached the center late that night. He was led into what seemed to be a prison cell. Words were whispered between the soldiers and prison-keeper and then the doors were barred shut.

Selena soon heard about the incident and desired to know what happened. She had a suspicion it had to do with the photo and Atlas was the only answer. They had known each other since birth and Selena knew he’d trust her with whatever the secret was. Not many had ever succeeded in what she planned to do. A lot was at stake and the venture was incredibly risky. But she knew how to do it. And she knew where to find him. Once a month a day-pass was handed out under the condition of strict compliance to rules and Atlas received one every second Saturday. It was on this particular Saturday Selena made her appearance at the lake she had watched him visit on previous passes.

“Altas!” she called a sweet voice.

He looked up to see who it was and was met with the pretty smile of the new goddess. She had on a powder blue dress and a band of clouds braided throughout her deep, brown hair. He stood up and walked towards her with an outstretched hand. 

 “Selena,” he whispered.

Her eyes dropped at the whisper of her name, “I need your help.”

“With?” Atlas asked, paying more attention to her silver eyes than to her request.

I need to know what happened. You’re the only one who knows the truth.” She touched his arm and looked up sweetly, “You know where it is.”

Atlas looked somewhat sick and swallowed hard, “Why do you need to know, Selena?”

“To be queen and not a replaceable ‘Moon Goddess’. I can’t live forever, Atlas, not without it. This is the only chance I have to be a ruler who never dies. Someone will take my place one day and I’ll be powerless.”

“Well”, he hesitated, “sometimes I wonder if we were ever actually meant to live forever. And you’ll always be known as a ruler of the moon. What more can you possibly want?”

“Endymion.” She whispered. “It will break Zeus’s spell of eternal sleep and he’ll be like us. I need him, Atlas.”

“No. You can’t be with a mortal. We’re not mortals.”

“We’re still people.” 

 “We’re worshiped rulers of heaven, Selena.

That was true and she knew it. But she also knew why they were worshiped and it wasn’t because actual “Godship”. No human could ever be a ruler of heaven. And that was the point she desired to prove. “We’re on earth aren’t we?” she questioned, “Isn’t this dirt? And aren’t the stars and sun and heavenly bodies unobtainable to us?”

 “I mean—”

“We’re Titan's, Atlas. People. People with powers that will be taken away. And what will we be then? Nobodies?”

Unsure of how to respond, Atlas kicked a couple rocks around with the toe of his boot. He continued to study the matter for several minutes and then said uncertainty, “Sit down.”

Selena sat. Atlas kicked yet another rock and turned towards her, “Listen. I’ll tell you where I think the photo is, but it holds a curse.”

She nodded and watched while he paced and pulled at his hair. Suddenly he stooped and turned towards her, “It’s your choice what you decide to do with it. I will not be blamed.”

 “I promise,” she whispered. Atlas looked steadily at her, “If you touch it you will live until the end of time under a strict punishment worse than any prison. Neither of us will ever die and we will both be sentenced to unquenchable pain. I will have to hold back the sky and you will have to control the tides. There will be natural disasters that will destroy the world” He paused, “That picture is incredibly dangerous, Selena. Touch it and watch what happens. History will be altered. Forever.”

 “Will Endymion be released?”

Atlas relaxed, “I don’t know. I know it’ll break the spell but he is heir to a non-titan thorn so it doesn’t really matter.”

Selena stood up, eyes ablaze. “Watch me. Watch me, Atlas.” Her tone was low. Dark.

He stepped back to surrender but it was too late. Her body tensed and she seemed to breathe fire. The once clear day darkened with storm clouds. Wind swept across the lake and a sudden whirl of blue and silver light engulfed her. Transformed her. Her eyes burned electric blue, her hair turned silver, and the once innocent clouds became a black diamond crown. She looked at him, through him. The wicked desire to rule and hold abundant power possessed her soul.  He had given her the choice, she could either take it and become Queen or remain Moon Goddess until she was replaced. Selena walked in his direction, “I want that picture.” Her voice was sudden, deep, and powerful. Atlas stumbled back helplessly at each step she took. She had the ability to harness whatever power the moon possessed and direct it towards him in a deadly blow. He locked his eyes on the sphere of white energy already in her hands.

He had no choice but to hand it over. Hand over a photo that would destroy the world, break hearts, and sell his soul. 

  “Elbedon Cave.”

Not a word more needed to be said. Selena vanished. That night was the most terrible the world ever experienced. Mountains moaned, the ocean wailed, and the sky shattered. The entire earth was cloaked in blackness and above it all was wicked, mocking laugh. “You thought you could win,” it echoed. “But it’s mine now! Mine!” Fire was shot down at the words and entire cities burned. World leaders rushed to meet and wrote in minutes the only law that would create peace. A law that said the sky and ocean couldn’t be one. 

Atlas was soon arrested and told he’d have to hold the sky and ocean apart. They were allowed one last embrace and then were torn away. The sky was stretched across the heavens, and in unison two hearts broke. Every day they would reach for each other. Waves would bellow upward in hopes to see her smile and hear her voice once more. But natural disasters resulted at each attempt to overthrow the law. 

It wasn’t until years later that Selena realized what she had done and tried in vain to soothe the currants and control the tides. But a shattered heart can’t be healed by outside words and actions and the ocean hated her. Tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes made her punishment almost impossible to bear.  There was only one way to break the curse and release the law. Give up the photo that started it all.

Year by year, she showed the picture to the entire world... but no one ever saw it. They were blinded from the truth. But one day their eyes opened, and they saw it there in her hands. Selena knew it was over. She knew she would die. With one last look at what she had, she handed it over. Handed over the photo that had destroyed the world. 

It was as if a veil of darkness had been lifted. The earth instantly flooded with bright, golden light and people realized what it meant to love. The sky and ocean were reunited. Rainbows returned, and planets danced-all because a little picture that altered the world.

July 13, 2024 03:25

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Laura Lawson
23:51 Jul 17, 2024

What a creative and unique take on the prompt! I love the myth of holding the sky and the ocean apart. You have a very creative mind and the story had lots of complexity. If I could offer one note, I think with the complexity sometimes I was a bit lost, waiting to understand the significance of something brought up earlier in the story. I'm new to this myself but maybe some transitions between the scenes would have helped. It's just when I reflect back on the great parts of this piece, the uniqueness and meaning, I was a little confused a...


Leila Guerrios
00:49 Jul 18, 2024

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! I will definitely keep that in mind :)


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Amanda Stogsdill
21:58 Jul 17, 2024

Beautiful story. Mythology isn't my strong suit, however Ienjoyed this version of have the world was created. Your setting was darkly beautiful, Atlas and Selena were doomed lovers. Ocean and sky forced apart, nice concept.


Leila Guerrios
22:09 Jul 17, 2024

Thank you so much!


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