Happy Teens & Young Adult

"Allen? Carol?" I shout as I walk around blindly in the busy festival crowded with people of all ages. Ugh. I'm lost. Again. I sigh as I look around at the various food stands and activities, searching for my friends that desperately wanted me to go with them to this festival.

I walk over to a cotton candy stand and order a bunny shaped one.

"That'll be 5 dollars." The vendor say to me, his eyes avoiding eye contact. I fumble around my purse and take out my wallet.

I hand him the 5 dollars and take the cotton candy from his hands.

"Thanks! Have a nice night." I tell him. No response. Well, that was awkward.

I walk around, humming to the song that was blasting from speakers near the heart of the festival.

I sit down near the Christmas tree that hadn't been taken down since last December.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, taking in the laughter of the little kids, the chatter of the adults, and the fresh air surrounding me.

I think about what I could be doing right now if Allen and Carol didn't drag me all the way to this festival, celebrating who knows what.

I could've been reading the book that I've put off for so long, or I could've been watching my favorite anime.

I'm somewhat glad that they forced me here. I finally understand all the stories that they used to tell me when I was little, when I refused to come outside, especially at night.

This festival was special. But it would've been more special if they could've just kept their eye on me...

But now that doesn't even matter anymore. I'm lost but I'm also enjoying this alone time.

I open my eyes and stand up. I finish my cotton candy and throw the paper stick into the trash.

I walk around some more, trying my best to avoid the running children that fall on the ground face first, crying. I hold back a laugh because the parents should really watch out for their kids. They might also get lost...like me. Except it would be worse for them since they were like 20 years younger than me.

I turn the corner to see a stage with people on it, dancing. I walk up to where the audience are sitting and find myself a place to sit.

The people who were dancing were amazing. Every movement. Every step. It was perfect. The coordination could not have been better.

I look in the corner of my eye to see a cute boy, sitting alone. From where I was sitting, I could see his eyes were glued to the dancers. I smile and look around me to see everyone's eyes never leaving the stage.

"Hey, can I sit with you?" A voice whispers. I look up to see the cute boy. The cute boy. He was asking to sit next to me. Oh my god.

I nod, smiling. He smiles back. I scoot over and he sits down, dangerously close to me. I could feel his shirt touching my skin, making every hair stand up.

"This performance is amazing isn't it?" He whispers softly into my ear.

"Yeah, I wish I was up there performing." I smile sadly.

He looks at me with curiosity. I shake my head, laughing quietly.

"It's nothing haha, just some high school memories."

He smiles again.

We continue to whisper quietly about our life. And soon enough, he asked for my number.

We exchanged numbers and he put in his name as, "My future boyfriend". Oh my god, this boy is a flirt.

I look over at him and raise an eyebrow.

"Hey, just shooting my shot with a cute girl like you." He says, winking.

I laugh and shake my head. He changed my contact name to, "My future girlfriend".

I roll my eyes, blushing. Good thing it was night time or else he'll see how red my face was.

This might be the best night of my life. I think.

Two hours pass and I start to feel sleepy. I turn on my phone to see the time was already 11pm. I say my goodbyes to the boy, whose name is Jacob. I walk towards the entrance and see two figures facing each other, talking with their hands.

I roll my eyes, knowing exactly who they were.

I run up to them and whisper "Boo" in Allen's ears. He jumps up like a scared cat. I see Carol next to him bent over trying to not cry from laughing. When Allen finally reaches the ground from his very high jump, he glares at me. I stick out my tongue back at him.

"Dude, where were you?" Allen asks.

"I was lost because you two ditched me to be a couple." I said, glaring at the couple.

They look at me and laugh nervously.

"Oops. Sorry about that. I guess I got distracted..." Allen replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I said, laughing because Carol was blushing like crazy while Allen was looking at her, very intensely.

"Well. I'm going to head back home now. I'm kind of tired since you two dragged me here, only to ditch me." I say, laughing again because the couple's faces were starting to turn a shade of tomato red. "Don't worry guys, I had fun. I hope you two had fun as well."

I wave goodbye and head to my car. I look over and still see the festival bustling with activity. I might come again next year...just not with them. I smile as I think of the dancers and the cute boy I saw whilst being lost in the huge festival.

I drive back home, shower, and jump on my bed, taking out the book that I wanted to read for so long.

Tonight was fun.

Carol and Allen may have ditched me...but I got something good out of that.

May 10, 2021 05:32

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