Speculative Fiction


Zac Rhoades could see the future. This was not pie in the sky. This was not a silly hunch. This was not some intelligent guesswork.

This was not cryptic messages in the form of tea leaves and hidden symbols.

Zac Rhoades could see into the future.

As a teen, perhaps seventeen or eighteen (he couldn’t quite recall), sitting on his toilet seat he visualized he would witness an accident. A cyclist would hit a car, roll over the bonnet, get back on his feet and shout at the driver. He visualized the cyclist in every detail from his black track suit bottoms and a yellow t-shirt with a Nike swoosh on it’s front. In his mind’s eye he saw the situation unfold. The driver firstly apologetic then a little fearful as the cyclist raised his fist and became more animated. As the driver drove away Zac saw the cyclist pick up his bike, straighten the handlebars, realised there was something wrong with his front wheel and kick at it in anger.

For some inexplicable reason he finished his business, washed his hand and as he was playing a game on his PC anyway, probably Solitaire (there was a time he was slightly obsessed),


Two days later at the corner of Bambury Drive and Church Road, as he was standing waiting for his bus the accident occurred. It was exactly the way he had visualized it, even down to the damaged wheel.

When he was in his late twenties, he awoke one day from a dream that he would win the lotto. The numbers were 5, 23, 25, 27, 31 and 32. He remembered them after he woke. He remembered them after he showered and ate. Even on the bus to work he remembered them. So, once he got home after a grueling eight-hour shift shuffling trolleys and helping sometimes rude customers to find products that were in aisles they had forever been in, he typed them out on his laptop on a word document. He saved it on his desktop under the title WINNING LOTTERY NUMBERS. Within an hour he decided to get online and use these same numbers for the National Lottery.

Three days later, he checked the results.

Every number was chosen that week.

He was a millionaire.

Six months later, in his five-bedroom house (which he had purchased outright) in a quiet suburban area, he had another premonition. This time he wasn’t sleeping. It came to him in a flash. He would meet a tall blond woman called Catherine and he would marry her.

Not Caroline or Katie but Catherine.

He opened a document on his laptop and titled it FUTURE WIFE. He then typed Catherine. He deleted it and re-typed Blonde Catherine. He saved it on to his desktop and closed the lid and smiled to himself.

They met, of all places, in Waitrose supermarket and six months later they were engaged. She had dropped her bank card in the confectionery aisle. He watched it as it fell to the ground. Scanning the name as he retrieved it, he saw the name on the card - Catherine Sheen. A year later they were married in a castle in Wales. The guests loved it and everybody said the couple looked gorgeous.

The same sensation came to him when in the Duke’s Arms watching Everton versus Chelsea. The exact score flashed in his mind, with the exact minute the goal was scored. He retrieved his mobile phone, opened the calendar app and typed into it - GOAL IN 49th MINUTE – RAHEEM STERLING. Replacing his phone back into his pocket, he picked up his pint and watched confidently as the player scored a header the exact time he had foreseen.

So, this time - when sitting on his leather settee when the mind flash came again, he knew, one hundred percent it was a premonition that would come true.

He foresaw the end of the world.

He foresaw the bright light through his window and knew that within ten minutes the human population would all be extinct. Gone. Human beings would be wiped out in a flash, the planet would recover and another species would yet again dominate the world.

Seconds passed as he digested this awful disastrous news that he, for whatever reason, had become privy to.

He opened his phone, typed in his password and opened the calendar app and typed


What could he do, sitting here, alone in his home?

Thirty to forty seconds had passed and he realized prevention was not an option. Nothing in his power could be done to halt this scenario. He only had one choice.

Zak decided to use social media to message his loved ones. At least they would end their lives with a positive message of love.

Firstly, Zac decided that he would message his beautiful wife Catherine, then his brother, then his parents, then his friends. As many people as he could. Sending them one last message to show his love to them and ensure that last contact was one of positivity and love. Possibly leave their last thought on the planet with a kind of hope. ‘See you on the other-side’ or ‘You are beautiful and you have led a wonderful life’. Something like that.

He clicked off the calendar app and clicked on the internet.

Facebook showed Zac a reel with a song playing over a cat treading over a blanket. The song was something to do with biscuits. It was cute for sure. It was soon followed by a couple dogs who were wearing sweatshirts and looked like they were small people. They were running through a large kitchen. Zac laughed at this. After two more reels on cats treading and one dog whose bark sounded like he had a Liverpudlian accent, he remembered what he had initially gone onto Facebook to do.

He saw the light but never even heard the blast.

September 03, 2024 09:15

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Ana M
18:32 Sep 03, 2024

I didn't expect an ending like that. Interesting story. I like it.


Pete K Mally
21:32 Sep 03, 2024

Thank you :)


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Marty B
18:16 Sep 03, 2024

Scrolling through the rabbit hole of facebook gets everyone in the end! I liked the tone of the Zac's thoughts of his 'powers' and how it had proven his dreams came true. Maybe it is because of the specific dreams he had, but I got a tinge of selfishness from Zac. If he did have a dream that he could save the world, but only through some sacrifice of himself, his time, or his money- Im not sure he would do it! thanks!


Pete K Mally
21:33 Sep 03, 2024

Thank you. I agree. I feel Zac is a part of everyone but hopefully the majority are a better version of him.


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Alexis Araneta
11:17 Sep 03, 2024

Pete, this was very creative. The twist at the end. GAH ! Splendid work !


Pete K Mally
18:03 Sep 03, 2024

Aaah thank you. Great compliment coming from you :)


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Rozmarin Ideas
09:18 Sep 12, 2024

That was a funny one. Felt a bit like a stand-up bit! Definitely gave me a chuckle. XD


Pete K Mally
20:55 Sep 12, 2024

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed :)


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E. B. Bullet
22:13 Sep 11, 2024

LMAO THAT is not the ending I expected. What a fun little dark comedy moment. Despite cashing in on some pretty lucky moments, Zac seems like a genuinely nice person. You don't get much of his thought process; it's so strange to be privy to a story and not see any inner turmoil or external conflict and still enjoy it LOL A man just lives his odd, semi psychic life, and then everyone dies. You'd think a story such as this wouldn't work, but I guess short stories are perfect for this kind of experiment haha. A super fun read, thank you for ...


Pete K Mally
20:54 Sep 12, 2024

Thank you so so much. Very kind words. Thank you


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16:54 Sep 11, 2024

Nice! Love the last line and how you distract from the inevitable with the Facebook bit :) that's exactly what would happen. Oh yes what was I doing again....


Pete K Mally
20:55 Sep 12, 2024

Hahaha thank you :)


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Carol Stewart
02:37 Sep 10, 2024

Definitely didn't expect that ending and the thought of spending one's final moments watching cute cat and dog videos, oh jeez! Brilliant thinking though! Great read, thank you.


Pete K Mally
08:15 Sep 10, 2024

Aha thank you. I get caught up in it myself and it got me thinking. Thank you Carol.


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David Sweet
20:11 Sep 08, 2024

Nice story (with the exception of the ending, which is tragic), but I feel it lacks character development. I would like to see a little more internalizing like he is realizing he is gaining a super power, and what responsibilities comes with it? Should he tell his wife? What are those implications? Since he won the lottery should he place wagers on sporting events. Are these visions random or is there something more serious or even sinister about them? Just some things to think about. I'll try to cycle around and read more of your other work...


Pete K Mally
20:47 Sep 08, 2024

Thank you. Thats really interesting. And I jusr thought of an idea about my next prompt so will very much keep that in mind for that one


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