Romance Drama Funny

The day seemed to go by too quickly, the wind blew against my dress as I walked into the chapel, wondering just how much more nervous I could be. My heart was racing, my feet aching, and I could have sworn I forgot to brush my teeth this morning while I rushed to get ready for the big day. I felt like an ultimate wreck, ready to throw up on cue as I held my bouquet tightly, walking to the altar my her father. Just ahead of us already standing there proudly, was Justin, in his slim black tuxedo, a gorgeous white rose in his pocket, and very slick hair, almost a polished look to the surface of it.

The smell of his old spice cologne filled my nose as well as my mouth, everyone was staring as I walked down the Aisle.`` Hold the wedding!” A female voice said with such power in her voice, I recognized her voice sadly.``Hello mother…what are you doing? Go back to your seat please!” I said, practically begging her not to ruin this moment, not to embarrass me in front of his parents, brother, two sisters, uncles, aunts, nieces, and nephews (along with some of my relatives of course…).”Honey, I forgot to tell you, the best man is late…he got stuck in traffic. “What do you mean he's late?! Get him down here, he has our rings!” is the sentence I wanted to say.

”That's ok, I understand…” is what I said instead, too frustrated to even think about calling off this wedding, then the worst thing that happened that moment in time.”Arph, Arph!” A sharp, exciting bark came from the side of the room.I look over, and I look over to see a huge Great Dane, with its head, STRAIGHT through my beautifully decorated wedding cake.”Why, you little shit!’ which wasn't incredibly accurate…but it fueled my anger as I said it. The dog turned its attention to me in my bright, white dress, with the embroidery flowers and streaks of the clear golden lining.It then viciously charged toward me, leaving its big cake-decorated mouth open, slobbering across the floor as I try to clear out of its path.

He then lunges at me, ripping my dress as he played tug-of-war with the back of it, slowly tearing it, leaving me in what was now a ragged, ripped, slobbery dress.My bun seemed to break look as I struggled to get a piece of my dress out of his mouth (horribly failing).”I'm here!” A male voice shouted from the front of the chapel, without hesitation, I immediately turned around, releasing the loosened piece of white fabric from my dress, giving it up to the damned dog.”Really?!” I shouted across the room, I was now sweating,and probably ruining my makeup as the Great Dane kept tugging on my dress. I just stood there while everyone that didn't leave their seats stared at me.” Why are you all just sitting there playing dumb?! Go home! I've had enough, go home, all of you!”.

The room fell into a dead silence, even the dog quit gnawing on her dress, he let go of the now tattered material, and retreated to the back corner, towards the altar where the preacher and my man still stood in shock. The best man stood clueless at the big double doors like he was in a haze as I shouted aggressively across the room. I turned my attention his directly, looking at the big open sky from outside the humongous double doors, speed walking while I held my tattered dress above the cake/slobber-covered floor.” Goodbye Justin, I've had it with your dog, and your ridiculously dumb relatives, I'm sorry but it's over”.

I stomped out the doors on the verge of tears as my heel broke, leaving me in sudden shock as I start to trip down the steps. A strong firm hand goes around my waist as I continue to stare at the concrete steps I thought I would hit.” Gotcha” His voice was calm and smooth, it rolled off his tongue like chocolate as I turned around to see the best man holding me by the waist to keep me from tripping.I break his steady grasp on my body and stand there to get a good look at the best man, memorizing his face. He had a darkened tan face, his touch was firm and gentle, and his eyes were a deep hazel color, leaving me mesmerized as I stare at his body.” I'm sorry I was late…” His voice was sincere, and lower than before as he spoke each word, he put his right hand over his head, saluting.

I didn't care, I didn't, I was too stressed, too angry, and too frustrated with how this day had gone, and all I wanted to do was go to sleep for the rest of the day. I quietly walked off, taking my time down each step.Finally, I reached my red little beetle, with the tanned seats and minty air freshener as well as air conditioning and heat.I was devastated to look down at my dress and find nothing but poofy material and very little fabric, like a ripped dress at a hip-hop party.I look up into my mirror to find mascara running as I cry milky tears.The man who had caught me and been waiting with The wedding bands had knocked on my car window and gestured with his finger downward, indicating “Please roll it down”.

His face seemed muscular as he grabbed the handle from inside, opened the car door, and climbed into my little red bug.” Real bad day ma’am?...” He seemed almost sorry to ask the question, I turned toward him, slowly nodding my head in shame as tears flowed down my face.” Permission to speak freely ma’am?” His tone was questionable and curious as he stared at my face casually.” Yeah,go ahead.” His face turned almost as red as a cherry when he spoke “I'm in love with you, you remember me? I'm Zack Stone, your husband, I was undercover for ten years…I'm so sorry I couldn't come back sooner…” I realized why that formal tone was familiar... crying into his arms

April 26, 2023 14:32

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