The hills near the playground

Written in response to: Write a story about someone who wishes they could turn back time.... view prompt


Fiction Sad Adventure

Every kid loves to play on the playground. My favorite playground is Clover Valley Park. Dad would take me every week. He would pack some watermelon so we could enjoy ourselves. I would bring my stuffed animal Buttermilk with us. Buttermilk is a sweet bunny who loves to hop around. That's what most bunnies do. I love Buttermilk.

It was a hot day. It was a Sunday morning. Dad woke me up with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Kit, would you like to go to the playground?" he asked.

I was really happy when he told me that. I took Buttermilk by the arm as I led him into the kitchen. 

Dad was behind me. He was going to cut watermelon for us. The juice runs down our mouths as we sit on that huge hill. I forgot to mention that. The hills are the best part of the playground. Dad and I would roll around in the hills. When the sun sets, we look at the city view of Cloverville. My Dad would hold me in his arms as we talk about everything from the stars, the moon, the new building that is being built.

Dad fixed me some eggs and link sausage. He knows I hate eggs without cheese. If the eggs don't have any cheese I'm not going to eat it. I looked over at Dad who was still cutting watermelon.

"Dad, you know I want cheese with my eggs." I told him.

He looks over at me. "I'll put some up there."

I finished my link sausage as Dad put the cheese up there. The eggs were already hot so the cheese melted.

"Thank you." I told him as I took a bite from the eggs.

After I finished my eggs, I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I put on my clothes. Dad warms up the car for us. Dad sits down with me. " Are you ready for the park?"

I nod my head. We headed into the car and went to Clover Valley Park. It was just a couple of miles away. I looked over to the right where I saw those hills. He parked the car in a parking spot. It was time for another adventure.

Dad unbuckled my seat belt and took me by the hand. I had Buttermilk holding my other hand. I saw the other kids playing on the slides and the swings. I was focused on the hills. Dad grabbed me by the hand and took me to the hills. We sat down as we looked at the beautiful city. Dad gave me a slice of watermelon.

"We should talk like we used to." He said.

I placed Buttermilk beside me and took a bite from the juicy watermelon.

"I would love that."

He took a watermelon for himself and took a bite from it.

"One day, the people you love most will hurt you."

I was confused. What does he mean by that?

"Dad, what do you mean?"

He puts his dirty hands on my cheeks. "You'll see."

I didn't pay him any attention. But one day, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Dad wraps his arms around me. "You will understand later, Kit."

I wiped my hands on a napkin and took Buttermilk by the hand. I still wonder what he was thinking about. I was just 6 years old at the time. Like any normal 6 year old, I let that go.

The sky was bright and there were no clouds. I was getting bored of just sitting here. I looked at Dad.

"Can we go for a walk?"

He let go of my cheek. "We can't sit here forever," He was thinking. "Maybe we should go for a little walk. We might get some ice cream."

We got up from the soft grass and went on the trail. Parents were laughing and talking with their kids. It's like a festival. There were kids who also had stuffed animals. The ice cream shop was over in the corner. "Dad, there's a ice cream store over there."

Luckily, the store was open from 4 pm to 9 pm. Dad went up to a young man who was working there. He looks at me with a smile.

"What flavor would you like?" the kind man asked.

I looked at the menu:

Birthday cake, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and so much more.

The birthday cake seems like a cool flavor so, maybe I should give it a try.

"I'll take a strawberry ice cream and my son will take birthday cake."

The young man nodded his head and fixed our ice cream. He hands it to us.

"Thank you."

The flavor tasted just like a birthday cake! I didn't want to spill any on Buttermilk. I looked around and saw everyone having fun. It brings me back to that thing Dad warned me about.

"One day, the people you love will hurt you."

What if those kids betray their parents one day for their friends?

What if the parents meets someone else and abandon their kids?

I should enjoy my Dad while I still can. Cloverville is full of surprises and secrets. You can't change the past, even though we want to but there's nothing we can do about it. We have to face it and make up for our mistakes. We have to do better. Maybe that's what Dad is talking about. I'll find out one day but for right now, I will enjoy my Dad. I want to know more about him.

We went back to the hills. The sun was setting down. Those people were still fixing the building. People were starting to leave the park. It was time for us to go too. I am getting sleepy. I let go of Buttermilk since I was too tired to hold him. When I woke up, I was in my bedroom with Buttermilk. Dad was laying down with me. He was watching his favorite show, "The Noggin show."

He wraps his arms around me. "Good night, Kit."

"Good night, Dad."

All of this was 20 years ago. I found out something about my Dad. Before I was born, he was charged with murdering and raping 3 kids and 4 women. He killed 6 men and children. He also killed mom when I was just a baby. The police found him after 20 years and will be placed in prison for his crimes.

I can't believe he will do stuff like that after all those years together.

Sometimes, you can't trust anybody; not even your own family. I wish I could turn back the time where we were happy and peaceful. Where I didn't know any of this could happen. I feel like my whole world is crashing down and now he wants me to forgive him.

I won't forgive him for what he did. Like I said earlier, this world is full of secrets and surprises. Everyday is a mystery.

Note: This took me some time to write and think so please be nice to me. I've been doing exams and school work. I hope you like the story. =3

January 22, 2024 22:41

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