
Authors note:

hey I am not used to writing notes before the story but this one is my favorite one so far. And yes please don’t judge me by this story. And yeah I would love to know what you guys think of this story.

Hope you guys like this one.

16/ 12/ 20

Hey diary,

I am not at all in a good mood so please don’t expect any pleasant things from me. Yes, I am going to say a lot of shitty stuff and yeah, you have to deal with me.

Life is sometimes so so unfair. When all the troubles, woes, miseries, difficulties, problems, griefs find their way to you. And you have nowhere to go. You are stuck there surrounded by all the misfortunes making your life worse than hell. You are already broken from inside. And you just want a break from all this headache but life doesn’t want you to be happy. When everyone turns against you and you are standing amidst all this, helplessly, looking for a glint of hope but that is nowhere to be seen.

Do you get what I am trying to say? That is how I am feeling nowadays. A hopeless soul, who is in pursuit of happiness.

17/ 12/20

Hey, I am back again. Sorry that you have got such a depressed owner :(

I want to yell so so so loud, I want to wail at the top of my lungs. I want to scream until my voice dies out. I want to shriek so loud so that the whole world could hear it. Why don't they understand? I am done.I am totally fed up of this HECK life. I am fed up of E.V.E.R.Y S.I.N.G.L.E T.H.I.N.G. Every single thing that happens to me, that is part of me, that is related to me, that is connected to me, that associates with me. Everything.

18/ 12/ 20

My life is getting worse day by day, maybe depressed is a very small word for a person like me.

Seriously, I don’t have a single ounce strength left in me. I can’t bear this anymore. It’s all too much for me to endure. Why doesn’t anyone understand? Why do they just don't leave me alone? Why do they do this to me? Why can't they just stop messing up my life for once and for all? Why don’t their thick heads get this? WHY??? I AM DONE WITH! Please find someone else. Please. 

19/ 12/ 20

In the same mood or perhaps worse.

And yes, a thing i want to clear: I don’t want anyone’s sympathy. Nor anyone’s condolences, because that doesn’t mean anything to me, nothing at all. Those words do not decrease my sorrow but it increases it. So yeah I have a suggestion for those, save your breathe for others because I am not the one who would be flattered by your empty and meaningless words.


Badly frustrated.

One more thing, I just want to beat the hell out of that person who came rattling and then asks ‘what’s wrong?’ don’t you guys have your own problems to think about? And if you’re really concerned about us then don’t mind the rash response because that’s natural.

And if you don’t have the courage to bear that then please, a hearty request for you guys who doesn’t mind their own business: FOR GOD’S SAKE JUST LEAVE US ALONE! There are times when one needs time on their own. Ok?


No improvement.

I am sick of my life. Please just get over with this. And I can’t even do anything because when life gets cruel no one stands a chance.


About to burst.

You know when there are days you haven’t cried, you haven’t taken out your anger at anything and it starts bubbling inside your chest, just about to burst, it has no more capacity in it to take anything else, the box in your chest that gets heavier and heavier day by day, and makes you gloomier and gloomier, Making your

life forlorn. And at last when that overloaded box bursts, it is what I am feeling right now. The disastrous feelings, those hopeless thoughts are eating me from inside. One day I will be hollow from inside, emotionless.


Melancholic mood,

I always resisted myself from saying that why it is always me, but now really think WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME??? WHY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD? WHY?? I know there are people in this world who would be in a worse situation than me but I don’t think so that there will be a person who firstly, has to bear her mother’s loss yeah she was young at that time but what about her rest of her life? Huh? Then her father’s loss, and I know there’s no need of telling anyone their parents important and everyone knows this too that NO ONE can take the place of your parents. NO ONE. Not only this, she hasn’t even enjoyed her childhood, she doesn’t have happy memories but only dark ones, the ones where she only remember her own mothers pale and lifeless face, her thin body wrapped in white. She only remembers her father’s trembling body. And what more? I don’t want to rewind everything.

Anyway, last request to those who don’t know the value of parents, no not only parents but those who don’t know the value of the FAMILY. Believe me, without your family you are nothing. Nothing. So please try to put this in your mind that your parents, your siblings (doesn’t matter how much annoying they are) all your relations are a BLESSING to you. Realize this soon or it will be too late. This is the only thing that life has taught me.



I have completely lost hope. I am a miserable soul who’s in the search of light but is unsuccessful to find any. My life is like a deep dark well, where there is only pitch darkness, there is something haunting about that place and I am the victim. I am the one who is there, within it: lost, dejected, despondent and wretched. Nowhere to go. Getting drowned in the darkness and slowly being enveloped by the darkness in its murkiness and gloominess.



I really really think, no, this hellish life sometimes forces me to think “If death would be easier than this?”

December 27, 2020 11:49

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Aafia Hanya
18:53 Dec 28, 2020

🥺💜 lovely and deep. Loved it sooo much..❤️ Feelings are the best and worst things.. and the loses. <3


Amel Parvez
20:58 Dec 28, 2020

Thank u for giving your time to it.


Aafia Hanya
13:01 Dec 29, 2020

worth it. <3


Amel Parvez
13:27 Dec 29, 2020



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Writer Maniac
11:55 Dec 28, 2020

I would like to give some criticism and feedback on this story. Please don't take it the wrong way, rather use it to improve your future stories: 1. "Seriously, I don’t have a single ounce strength left in me. I can’t bear this anymore. It’s all too much for me to endure. Why doesn’t anyone understand? Why do they just don't leave me alone? Why do they do this to me? Why can't they just stop messing up my life for once and for all? Why don’t their thick heads get this? WHY??? I AM DONE WITH! Please find someone else. Please." - This passag...


Amel Parvez
12:50 Dec 28, 2020

woah! okay firstly than you for being honest. secondly thanks for giving your time, thirdly thnx for the mistakes i will look out for them in my next one. And I WANT this story to be a depressed one because that's how the writer is feeling so the reader should feel the same. and you are wrong at the point when u said that i want to end my story on a positive note, i dont want to end it on a positive note. and for details i could do more for that. and your 4 point like she is taking out her anger, it is just that like she doesn't like those ...


Writer Maniac
12:56 Dec 28, 2020

It's good that you're taking it positively, it's my pleasure, I just want others to improve. It very much looks like you want to end it on a positive note, when you talk about how we should appreciate the people we have and they are a blessing. That means that you want others to realise their family's worth, which is obviously a positive note. What is the point of taking out her anger on the other people in a diary? This diary is obviously private and no one but her is ever going to read it, so there really is no point in talking directly t...


Amel Parvez
14:02 Dec 28, 2020

i am answering your question : like it is her way of writing in a diary. she talks directly to those whom she is talking about. like if she talks about her parents then she will directly talk to them. get what i am trying to say? and to be honest i do the same. :)


Writer Maniac
14:29 Dec 28, 2020

Oh okay, then that makes sense :)


Amel Parvez
17:08 Dec 28, 2020

Yeah okay. Glad u understand. ❤


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Unknown User
16:35 Jan 18, 2021

<removed by user>


Amel Parvez
19:32 Jan 18, 2021

Firstly, again thnx for your time . Secondly, I am so happy that u liked my stories. Thirdly u r absolutely right cuz it was suppose to be a story and what I wrote was a type of journal. And yeah if I had put the events of those days, it would seem more like a story then. Anyways I just wrote it to lighten myself that's all. And thank u AGAIN. 💙


Unknown User
01:39 Jan 19, 2021

<removed by user>


Amel Parvez
01:43 Jan 19, 2021



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Bareera Samra
19:59 Jan 01, 2021

Aahh..... aww..... that's so... let me see first things first,Amel, your idea of writing it in a form of diary is a-mazing! literally! the other thing, it's lovely how you made the reader feel depressing but thankful for the family at the same time! way to go, GirL!!!


Amel Parvez
11:07 Jan 02, 2021

thank you so much!


Bareera Samra
13:05 Jan 02, 2021

My Pleasure!😃


Amel Parvez
11:27 Jan 03, 2021



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Wirda Bibi
17:32 Dec 27, 2020

hey amel i liked your story well diary a lot and hoping to see you a future writer. You come after a very long time but with the best ideas :) keep it up treat us more


Amel Parvez
17:34 Dec 27, 2020

Thank u sooo ooh much💜💙


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Amel Parvez
17:34 Dec 27, 2020

Thank u sooo ooh much💜💙


Wirda Bibi
18:16 Dec 27, 2020

anytime :)


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Wirda Bibi
18:16 Dec 27, 2020

anytime :)


Amel Parvez
18:51 Dec 27, 2020


Wirda Bibi
19:53 Dec 27, 2020



Amel Parvez
08:15 Dec 28, 2020



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Hoor Amin
03:25 Jun 04, 2021

I don't know what to say.........


Amel Parvez
03:37 Jun 04, 2021

...its okay. and i wasnt right at ny mind then.


Hoor Amin
03:43 Jun 04, 2021

I hope you are now ♡


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Hoor Amin
03:43 Jun 04, 2021

Or at least getting there ♡


Amel Parvez
03:44 Jun 04, 2021

yeah yeah. A lot better.


Hoor Amin
03:44 Jun 04, 2021

I'm so happy to hear that!


Amel Parvez
03:46 Jun 04, 2021

I love u too Hooriya.


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13:53 Mar 18, 2021

oh the feeling of it gliding towards the crescendo, and the abrupt writing style, was amazing


Amel Parvez
19:03 Mar 18, 2021

haha! thanks for your time and lovely comment:) 😄thnx!


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19:03 Feb 14, 2021

This is what my diary looks like, only less.


Amel Parvez
03:12 Feb 15, 2021

Ha! Thnx for your time:)


17:50 Feb 16, 2021

;) Could you check out my Bridgebrook Tales stories? basically anything with "a poetry-verse story" in the name is one. It starts at "chocolate kisses" and ends at "willow", going up from the bottom. I've been thinking about publishing a book of poetry-verse stories, and I might use those, so I want to know what people think of them.


Amel Parvez
17:57 Feb 16, 2021



19:49 Feb 16, 2021



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Ari Berri
19:14 Dec 29, 2020

This is a great story. Writing in a diary is a nice take on the prompt. Nice job!


Amel Parvez
08:07 Dec 30, 2020

Thank you sooo much for giving your time and for such great comment! I am so glad that u liked it:)


Ari Berri
15:12 Dec 30, 2020

No problem.


Amel Parvez
15:13 Dec 30, 2020

thanka again!


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