

You are the only one in the supermarket during a blizzard

Once upon a time in January when I lived in Moscow, my mom sent me to the supermarket to buy medicines for her. It was very cold weather and there was a snowfall as well when I reached there I bought medicines I saw outside the storm got faster every one ran out and I was only one in the supermarket I was nervous when I went out I saw there was a baby on the street he was screaming I was afraid I went to this child And picked up the baby and took him to a shelter And waited for the blizzard to stop, but it was getting faster. That time I was very worried. The shelter was a bus station, as I was about to enter I saw huge footprints, It was bigger than polar bears footprint I went inside and close the door. I tried to calm down the baby. But he wasn't. Then suddenly I heard a huge scream. I was puzzled now what to do. I went outside to see what was going on I followed the footprints when I came back the baby was not there. The baby was being taken away by a bigfoot. I followed the bigfoot and the baby was crying. He was taking the baby in a Cave. I hid and saw him. When I saw there were so many yetis. I looked behind me the bigfoot was standing and unexpectedly he took me up and put me in his pocket. That time I was quiet and thinking now what to do. He was very dangerous having big and sharp teeth. He was very tall. I took my phone out and take his picture. Then he stopped and pulled me out. He went somewhere and I hid and waited. But I thought why I'm waiting for him. I started moving from there. Then I started looking for the baby. Then the blizzard subsided. I thought someone is scaring me. When I reached there were a lot of yetis in the cave. I was so scared they were so big and hairy. But they were sleeping. I went inside the cave. The baby was with big yatie. The baby was in the yeti's hand.

tried to pick up the baby. I Picked up the baby and started walking but suddenly yatie stood up and he didn't let go. He started making noise. Then all the yeti's stood up and suddenly I ran away. All those yeti's were coming after me. I was running down the mountains when the storm intensified and I slipped and I felt down. And then I woke up a few hours later and the baby was crying. And then I woke up a few hours later and was crying. I silenced the baby. Then I walked for a long time. I walked for a long time I don't know how many hours I walked. It was very cold and the snow was falling. There was no one. Suddenly I saw a snow leopard but he was sleeping. I was having no option. I can't go back. I hid there and waited. After a few minutes, 3 leopards were coming and their mouths were bloody. Suddenly I ran from there. One leopard was chasing me I was running I looked back he jumped on me, I stepped aside he attacked the leopard behind me. I ran from there and hid in the cave. I ran from there after a few hours I saw my self on the bus station. Then I went to the supermarket but no one was there. Then I went to the police he said to keep the baby with you keep the baby for a few months. I took him to my house but after a few months later the baby started growing hairy I was shocked what is this and after a few days his height got taller than me. Then I understood he was the baby of a yeti. Then I again went back to the mountains to his parents when I went back he was not letting me go. He was saying you are my father. I said no I'm not your father. They are your mother and father. I also gave him a chocolate and I waited for him to sleep. He was not sleeping he was playing. Then I came back to my home. I told everyone about it that what happened with me no one was believing in me. Then I told all my friends but they were also making fun they were also not believing in me they were saying you are going mad. Suddenly my door knocked when I opened the door a big yetie was standing he came inside the started destroying everything and started beating my family members then he also beat me. After a few hours when I opened my eyes I was in the cave It was freezing cold all the yetis were sitting together and eating something they were very big and dangerous also having sharp teeth I was crawling and going out from the cave when I came out I stood up and ran from there and went to my house. And called an ambulance and take my family to the hospital. That time I was also not fine I was injured and the doctor treated me. Then I met my family members and told them I was not joking and also told my friends about it than they agreed. We went back to the house and fixed everything. I went to my room and the animal started hitting me and suddenly felt down. Suddenly I fell out of my bed and my eyes opened. I went out of my room and I asked everyone what happened they said nothing. I told them about my dangerous dream. I looked out the window and everything was fine haha.

July 30, 2020 18:31

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