The Proposal:Acapello Style

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



 On July 14,2019 at the Kings Domain Baptist Church a meeting was taking place with only 3 people. The purpose of the conference would change the trajectory of the life of Brach Musoleil,a 10 year member. What kind of situation would require the presence of the Pastor Ryan Clarkson and the Minister of Music Chris Tompkins? Mr. Musoleil's Childhood

Brach Musolei was the oldest of three children born to William& Angela. His younger brother was Bryan & Yolanda was the youngest sibling. Their father was a mechanic by trade,while their mother was a stay at home mom. The family's income was considered below the poverty level already. When William lost his job due to budget cuts the Musoleil's found themselves homeless with no place to live. For several years they lived in shelters. Due to Bryan's behavior issues,the family was asked to leave several shelters leaving the family living on the streets. One day while a drug dealer approached Brach and groomed him to become a dealer as well. The Family found another shelter to live in,but many of their belongings were stolen from the other residents. Brach continued to sell drugs after he got out of school and sometimes to other teens while he was in high school. He lied to his parents and told them that he had a job working at a legal business. The oldest sibling purchased a small home for his damily. Oh he could have bought a larger home but he had to keep up the facade of being legitimately employed.

A month later Brach Musoleil was in the Intensive Care Unit at Detroit Medical Center fighting for his life. He had been shot during a drug deal that went awry. It was then that his parents learned of their sons illegal lifestyle. William Musoleil then realized that he should have been more assertive at looking for work. While on his knees in the hospital's chapel praying for his son's life, he was approached by the custodian who had came in to clean the prayer room. The man helped the Patriarch of the family to get a job working at the very hospital where his son was fighting to survive. After much prayer Brach woke up while his mother was crying over him.

Brach graduated from high school with honors,went on to Moorhouse College where he graduated cuma com laude from the University. His sister attended the same University but his brother Bryan could not pull his life together and ended up in prison.

Remembering the trouble that he put his family through during his teen years, Brach was determined not to disappoint his parents. He worked his way up the corporate ladder,investing in profitable stocks and kept his nose clean. By the time,he turned 30 years old,Mr. M.,was one of a few black millionaires of his age and time.

Carmen's Story

After graduating from College with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice,Carmen Buford realized that she was not using her natural ability as a Case Manager in Corrections She did have a natural gift for writing and used her writing and critical thinking skills in her present job. She had to write many reports to the courts and recommendations for the juveniles that she worked with. She loved to help young people but many of her clients would end up in trouble again or killed due to their juvenile delinquent acts. Carmen decided to use her writing skills in another career. She met Brach Musoleil after she became an independent writer. She worked for a Publishing Company but they allowed her to work independently proofreading business proposals, essays for high schoolers and whatever clients she could find. After reading a business proposal for Brach Musolei he asked Carmen why she worked two jobs. She informed him that she was involved in her church's ministry for the homeless. She learned of a ministry in her hometown that helps those living on the street. She wanted to donate to them but not just through her church. Mr. Musoleil never told her that he grew up on the street,but her compassionate heart causes him to have feelings for her. He thought that it he inappropriate to ask her out for a date since he was her client. As the months passed by,Carmen was no longer Mr. M's employer. They lost touch with one another as time went on. He still would think of her every so often even though he dated when he wasn't working. Brach wanted a woman who would love him as a godly man. Most of the women he knew only wanted him as Brach the millionaire and not Brach the man of God. His ethics often were annoying to them. He also became frustrated and gave up on finding the right lady for him.

On a hot summer day while riding home in his limousine,Mr. M. saw a woman standing next to her car. She was waiting for the tow truck driver that her insurance company sent to help her. She thought that she had a flat tire and when she got out of her car to check,she accidentally locked herself out of her car,but had the unction to take her phone out when she got out to check her tire. It was Mr. Musoleil's former employee Carmen. He told his chaffeur to pull over and he let Carmen sit with him in the limo. While waiting for the two driver to come,the two exchanged numbers. Mr. M knew that he was given another chance with Carmen.

After they dated for 6 months,the millionaire and the former case manager decided to become a committed couple. Carmen started attending Brachs church. His Pastor Ryan Clarkson and the other members of the congregation grew to love Carmen. She loved to sing but was a little shy. After she joined the church Beach tried to encourage Carmen to join the Praise team. He knew she could sing because she would often minister to him with her soprano voice when his days at work were tough.

Brach wanted to marry Carmen. He came up with a way that he could provide to her and get her to join the Praise team. He enlisted the help of Pastor Ryan and Chris Tompkins. This was the purpose of the meeting that transpired in July 14,2019. The three men decided to ask Carmen if she could come to hear the praise team rehearse their songs on Wednesday that would be sung on Sunday. So Carmen thought that she was asked to attend inab attempt to get her to sing for the church. Mr. Museleil had anoer motive in mind.

Although Carmen was tired after leaving work on Wednesday,she drove to the Church. She thought that Pastor Ryan and Chris would be there along with the Praise team. She was asked to sit on the front pew by Chris. He informed her that he wanted her approval of the songs that they had chosen for Sunday services. Carmen wondered why would they need her approval since she had refused to join the team. They started singing and Carmen couldn't understand what they were singing at first. When they held up signs saying,Will You Marry Me,then she understood what they were singing. Beach was waiting in the Prayer Room which was located next to the Stage of the Church. He exited the room and had an engagement ring with him. He got on one knee and before the Church asked Carmen if he could make an honest woman of her. Instead of Just saying Yes,Carmen sang to Beach while the Pastor and Praise team applauded. There wasn't a dry eye in the sanctuary at the Kings Domain Baptist Church that afternoon.

July 15, 2020 19:05

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