Nonso is King's Note - Isaac's First Proposals.

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt



It's 5am, this isn't really the most terrifying time for Dr. Isaac McDaniel but a time of achievement. He just completed his first project since he inherited his father's company. He has always focused on increasing the value of the drugs that have always been manufactured in the company. He sees that as a legacy. As one of the biggest pharmaceutical company, he decided to manufacture a very new drug that cures cancer. Before his wife was assassinated, she was suffering from breast cancer and was to survive for a specific period of time with the little treatment that she got from their family doctor. His father, Chief Dr. Gabriel Odogwu McDaniel also died from prostrate cancer. He has felt deep lost from cancer and vowed to end it. McDaniel Pharmaceutical has to spread the news of their achievement and there's alot that need to be done. Dr. Isaac sat down quietly in his office in deep thought. Thinking of ways to tell the government about his company's achievement but it was five minutes behind his closing hour. He was living his office and met his secetary very idle and looking nonchalant. "I should be on my way home, lock the office," he said. Looking at him with full attention. "Yes Doctor," she replied. Mrs. Theresa Benjamin is an elderly white woman that became the new secretary a month ago. So, she's still getting to understand her job. Dr. Isaac has been very gentle and kind to her but this days, he gets more busy than usual while she get less busy than usual. "Have a nice day Doctor," the receptionist said as Dr. Isaac smiled and waved at her. The Chauffeur, Mustapha has been waiting outside for more than five minutes now. As Dr. Isaac entered the car, Mustapha didn't hesitate to drive off as he enjoys driving and hates waiting in the car for too long. It was 11pm, Dr. Came out of the vehicle and to hid house to grab a nap before then he got a call. He checked his phone and it was Anthony Diaz, the CEO of McDaniel Pharmaceutical and a very close friend. He's just the chairman and his family has high stake in the company. He picked up the call. "What's good Anthony, he said. "I'm fine Isaac," he replied. "Quick one, I got contacts of notable people that we can contacts for quick authorisation and recommendations of the drug, anyways, I contacted them and they said we have to come to their office for registration," Anthony said. "That's good news," Isaac replied. Dr. Isaac sitting on the sofa while he put the phone on loudspeaker. "I really want you to check for how we can reach the director of PAHO. I want this achievement to be spread out to the public to save life," Isaac said. "Wow! No problem, I would get back to work," Anthony said. "Thanks," Isaac replied. The conversation was ended. Isaac was going upstairs then saw his daughter, Jessica. He hugged her and they went upstairs together. He was very fond of Jessica. It seems she chose to be close to him. Of all his children, she suffered less from the death their mother. Thinking about his wife death makes Isaac more determined to do anything possible to be able to sell out the new anticancer medicine. Three of Dr. Isaac children has started living on their own. He is left to live with Jessica and his unborn child from his new wife, Anita. She was his long time girlfriend when his ex wife was alive. His only son works as the SVP of McDaniel pharmaceutical. while his twin daughters work in the Accounting and marketing department respectively. Dr. Isaac opened the door and saw his pregnant wife sleeping. He just changed his corporate wear to a casual one and was about taking a nap then Peggy entered. "Sir, your lunch is ready, she said. "thanks," he said. He woke Anita up as Peggy was living. "Hey sleeping angel, he said. She woke up smiling at him and kissed him very light. Dr. Isaac was enjoying his live life better than before. He was deeply in love again. They both went downstairs but gently because of pregnant Anita. Jessica joined them as she was called by Peggy too. Peggy is an elderly white woman that works for the McDaniels. She has been working since Elias, the eldest child was born. It was potatoes with tomato soup with grilled beef. The food was served by Peggy and the began to eat. "How was work today?" Anita asked. "Fine," he replied looking down on his plate with his mouth filled with potato. Jessica was eating very slowly. Looking at everyone. "Jessica how was school today?" she asked. "Fine, I appreciate," she replied. "The project was a success and I am trying to get authorization to sell the drugs," he said. "Wow!" They both exclaimed. "I pray that becomes a success," Anita said. "Me too," Jessica said. They ate in silence and after lunch Isaac went straight for his nap.

It's 5am, Dr. Isaac's alarm was ringing. He walked gently to take his bathe and after five minutes he was dressing. Dr. Isaac walked out of his room ready for work. He goes to the office very early. He meet Peggy on his way out of the room. "Good morning Sir," she said. "Morning," he replied. "Why wasn't I waked last night for dinner?" he asked. "I did sir but you didn't come downstairs," she said. He left without saying anything and entered the car waiting for him outside. Mustapha was driving when Dr. Isaac said " today, we would be going to fda's office but that's until I have taken the necessary document in my office". "Okay," he replied. In a twinkle of an eye, Dr. Isaac found himself at the front of McDaniel Pharmaceutical building. He went out of the vehicle to his office. His receptionist wasn't around as he comes very early before any employees apart from the receptionist. He checked for the needed document and take a nap as usual. Anthony has sent to him the address of the office he should go to while he was deeply asleep. He was woken by the knock on the door, he checked outside and found it was his secretary, Mrs. Theresa. "it's 7am, you are living with me very soon," he said. "Okay doctor, she replied. He spent time with a business proposal for the PAHA. When he was going he took some other documents and a specimen of the product to be verified by the fda. Dr. Isaac and Mrs. Theresa went downstairs together and entered the car waiting at the front of the building. He accidentally saw the address sent by Anthony and he told the driver their destination. As an experience chauffeur that Mustapha is they arrived there in no time. Dr. Isaac was very excited to be almost achieving the most crucial part of the project. He walked into the building with a rush of happiness flowing through his blood. "Good morning," He said. "Good morning Sir, how may I help you," the receptionist said. "I'm scheduled to have an appointment with the director," he said. "oh! Yes, follow me," the receptionist said. She led them to an underground floor were the director office is located. "is this for security reasons to stay underground," Dr. Isaac thought. The receptionist knocked and opened the door. "Good day sir, you have an appointment," she said as Dr. Isaac and Mrs. Theresa step in the office. The director stood up to greet them and they shook his hands Individually. They sat down. "I'm Dr. Isaac McDaniel. The chairman of McDaniel pharmaceutical," he said. "I know exactly who you are I have seen it on file I was given earlier, I am Mr. Edward Emerson," he said. "I have a new drug that cures cancer, it is very effective and it would be good if this agency gives us an authorization to sell out this particular drug to the public," he said. "as a big company that McDaniel Pharmaceutical is I assure that this drug is proven and tested," he added. "I see Dr. Isaac but still it has to go through due process I would get back to you via email," he said. "thank you sir, Theresa said. Dr. Isaac gave the drugs he brought as a specimen to the director and left. Dr. Isaac was on his way back to his office when Anthony called him. "Yes Anthony, he said. "Good news we were able to get their attention but they need a proposal, he said. "Okay, I would get that down," he said. Dr. Isaac ended the phone call and pictured how the proposal would look like when he closed his eyes. He soon reached the office and he got down to business. He soon started with the proposal, his very first proposal. He was done with it in hours and gave it to his secretary to give Anthony for it to be published. It was his closing hour an left for his house. Dr. Isaac was about to take a nap before he received a call, he picked his phone and it was Edward Emerson. "Good day sir, I just want to say that the drugs has been approved, I will send you the PDF of the document," he said to Dr. Isaac. "thanks, I appreciate," Dr. Isaac said. The conversation was ended. Anita entered looking at her husband with anger. "why didn't you eat breakfast?" she asked. "I didn't feel like, he said. "have you eaten now?" she asked. "No, I would take dinner," he replied. It was 5PM, Peggy called Isaac for dinner. He meet Jessica and Anita downstairs. Peggy served as usual and they began eating. They ate in silence and went to bed. Dr. Isaac received a phone call from Anthony telling him that he has published the proposal and he would send it to PAHO by tommorow. Isaac told Anthony the good news. They both agreed to travel to Washington DC by tommorow. Dr. Isaac slept after the conversation. It was 5am, he went to get ready as usual but today he would be taking a different route and the last step to the project. He was ready on time and went downstairs to the car waiting at the front of the building. Mustapha drove him to the airport were he stopped at the front of his private jet. The flight has been registered yesterday for this morning. Dr. Isaac's pilot knows him as an early bird so he woke up earlier than him. The engine of the plane was on and the light was on brightly. "Good morning Sir," said the air hostess. "morning," he replied as he takes seat at the first table seat of the plane. He sat there waiting patiently for Anthony. Few minutes later, Anthony joined him in the jet and the pilot was ready to take off. They reached Washington DC in no time and took a vehicle from the airport to their destination. He arrived in the building an asked to see the director. The receptionist took them to the office of the director. "Good day madam you have visitors," she said and left. The two gentlemen greeted the woman and was given a seat. "My name is Dr. Isaac and my colleague here is Anthony, he said. "Nice to meet you," she said. "We came all the way from California with the good news that anticancer medicine has been discovered and it is already authorised by the fda. This the proposal that was asked from us," Dr. Isaac said. "Well, I'm very glad we would help you announce in every conference," she said. "Thanks," Anthony said. "We've to start going I hate night flight," Anthony said. They all laughed at what he said. "I hate night flight too it's very much scary," the director added. "Can we know you personally," Dr. Isaac said. "Well, I'm," she said. They soon ended the conversation and Dr. Isaac and Anthony were driven back to the airport were they took the jet back to California. Before they reached California, the company has sold five hundred cartons of the anti malaria medicine of which five is in one carton. They received the news as the were landing in Los Angeles airport. Dr. Isaac felt relived. This is his first proposal and it's a success.

July 16, 2020 10:17

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Zyönnah Isiguzo
15:44 Jul 23, 2020

Thank you so much fro using African names Nonso. It is quite relieving to see them. Well done! Say, do you mind checking out my story? It's called "Her Dark Brow Eyes". Thanks


Nonso Otada
12:26 Jul 26, 2020

What do you expect? Chinua Achebe is my mentor, I wish to write better than him.


Zyönnah Isiguzo
12:46 Jul 26, 2020

Well, Good Luck! 👍


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