Drama Mystery Romance

Let me tell you about a small town outside of Ohio, where everyone lives there is sunshine and rainbows. Nothing ever happens in Brightsville always nice , and sunny , block parties, and pie eating contest. Sunday dinner every Sunday evening after Sunday church service. I never seen it rain until the night the dark and twisted twins came into town. I think time froze when they drove into town. Everyone stopped eating their Sunday dinner , when the dark and twisted twins drove by in their black Corvette. Julie and Judi the dark and twisted twins. They call them that because every where they go it turns dark ,and everything gets twisted. Not even five minutes into town it started pouring the rain 🌧️ so we wonder what would happen if they stayed in town? I think the town's people of Brightsville is about to find out. They checked in the Joy Motel for the night, and a murder happened that night. The Brightsville people didn't want the dark and twisted twins to stay but everyone was to polite to ask them to leave. This town was like a musical until the twins came to town. I am one of those town people Frankie the town's Mayor. I am the brightest , happiest , always in a good mood person. I got elected Mayor just based on my personality it's self. I am the most up beat women in this town. I have to say I wasn't happy the first time in my life. I don't like this new feeling I have I don't I'm so confused right now. I don't know what I am feeling sad, mad , ferrous , all mixed feelings. Then again how would you feel if your town changed in one night? The only thing you have known your whole life was happiness everyone around you was joyful. No one ever seen rain I can't explain it but it always sunny not sure why or how it was always sunny in our town but it was. The dark and twisted twins made it rain the moment they hit the town boarder line. I never knew how to deal with rain let alone a murder. I can't believe my eyes a dead body , 🤔 I have never seen anyone raise their voice at each other, let alone want to murder anyone. The only time a person died in this town was natural death so you have to understand why I'm confused right now. You think it's a coincidence it just happened to rain the first time in this town the moment the twins arrived, and someone got murder. I don't think it is I think they have something to do with both and I'm going to prove it. You can imagine when I got the phone call first thing Monday morning by the sheriff , Olyvia telling I should come down to the lake and have a look. There it was the body placed on the hill by the lake. The body they found is my husband's body so you better believe I definitely wanted to get to the bottom of this. Where to start Blake had no feud with anyone the nicest guy I knew. I don't know who would want him dead?🤔 The last person see him alive was my son Maddox I know he didn't do it he had a loving relationship with his dad. I don't think I ever see then fight. They was fishing Sunday night like they always did. Maddox went home before Blake did , Blake wanted to stay out longer but ,Maddox said he had homework so he walked home and left his dad behind. He blames himself said if I just stayed dad would still be alive. I looked in my son's eye and said Maddox you don't know that you could been killed too. You can't blame yourself. I said he could stay home if you like but he went to school. Heath , and Harley decided to stay home they both couldn't concentrate on school work knowing their Dad just died. Harley just stayed in her room laying in bed all day she couldn't do anything she felt numb. Heath he asked to tag along with Olyvia I usually don't let him but it's his father so I know he wasn't going to take no for an answer. I know he wants to be a cop ,he asked before I'm always telling him no but this time I said yes. I don't know why I never let him until now it's not like nothing bad ever happened in this town. I think the worst thing someone done in this town is littered so not like I had to worry about any danger. I was told by Olyvia that they found blood on the door of the twisted twins motel door. I asked to have it tested right away turns out it was Blake's like I thought. They was questioned right away but it was a dead end. The next day I helped Olyvia scan through the twins room and found a picture of my husband in their stuff. I confronted Julie's about it she confessed that they was having an affair, and she is pregnant with his baby. She said he stopped by the motel room he was already bleeding when he came in. So once again back to square one still have no idea. I didn't tell my kids they don't need to know it will devastat them. I don't think they need to know their dad as a bad guy. I just found out he cheated on me and I don't think he's a bad guy just did a bad thing. Olyvia told me she said Julie was no longer a suspect but her sister was not. Joy the owner of the Motel said she said she seen Judi leave around the time of Blake's death. Joy said she also seen them arguing in the parking lot 🤔. She said they been arguing about what he should do with Julie and her baby? He said was none of her business and got and then she got angry. Joy said was after that she had him in a choke hold with out touching him like magic.😱 Joy said she couldn't believe her eyes what she saw. Turns out the twisted twins are witches and Jodi choke Blake and slung him against the car. She left as soon as it happened so we have no idea where she is. Some how he made it to the motel room and spoke his peace ✌️ to Julie, and left and only made it back to the bank of the lake. Know one knows where Jodi is haven't seen her since last night. The town done a search and nothing. Julie left to try to find her sister she never returned. A year went by and the town went back to normal the town went to bright again. I still won't give up on the search with Jodi. How does one just vanish in thin air? The mystery of the twisted twins I don't think no one ever will get them.

September 16, 2020 05:53

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