Unconventional Unconditional Love

Submitted into Contest #28 in response to: Write about a time when a broken heart led to something you’d never have expected.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction

      My life started the same way as so many others… Full of hopes and dreams, of love.

           Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to go? Dreaming of the day when your person finally arrives… Just wanting to feel alive? Is today the day… No, all the pieces aren’t in place yet. You keep hoping, wishing for the right one to find you. So you keep living in the mundane, sometimes trying to catch anyone’s attention. Is anyone looking at me? Do they see me as I am, or what they would like me to be?

           I’m a little scared, that’s normal right? The thought of the future can be daunting at times.

           The one day, suddenly there she is. A beautiful girl, so sweet, so full of love, it takes your breath away.

           My life truly begins, and I’m so happy!

           She tells me about herself, how she’s been looking and dreaming also. She asks me if I’d like to come and see her some. Oh yes, I want us to get to know each other very well.

           It’s a little frightening at first. But she has a beautiful home, such a beautiful spirit, and I agree to live with her.

           We’re getting to know each other, little by little. We fall in love more each day. I’m so excited that my life has truly begun because I have so much love to give.

           Our days are spent peacefully, just enjoying our time together, happy that we found each other.

           We take walks, appreciating each other’s company. I love listening to her stories (her voice is so calming) of all that she’s been through, and I just want to help.

           Then one day she tells me she has to go away for a while. I think to myself, that’s okay, we love each other and sometimes we need alone time. It’ll be fine.

           But the time passes so slowly, each second feels like an eternity. I have another friend who tries to help me pass the time. I’m grateful for her, but I really miss my beautiful girl, and I start falling into depression.

           My friend is starting to worry about me, and I’m trying, but I’m falling deeper and deeper into what’s quickly becoming a downward spiral. I can’t eat, I just lay on the floor, letting my sorrow wash over me. At times, I feel like I’m drowning. I’m so lonely despite my friend trying so desperately to help me. The pain is unbearable… I can feel my friend’s pain also, making me feel even worse. Then I start wondering, how can I go on? I don’t know what to do. In desperation my friend calls my girl and tells her she has to talk to me.

           She explains how I’m feeling, that my girl has to talk to me. It doesn’t matter how much she’s hurting also for having to leave me.

           So she holds the phone to my ear, so I can hear my girl talking to me, saying how much she loves me. How sorry she is for causing me so much pain. Eventually, after some time has passed, I start really absorbing everything she has told me, I get up. I start feeling hopeful again. I decide I want to keep going, I can see her again. I start eating, and I try to participate with my friend, talking comfort in friendship. My girl continues to talk to me every day, reassuring me that she loves me and will be home with me soon.

           Everyday she talks about what she’s doing, hearing her voice gives me so much pleasure. I can’t wait till we’re together again. Thankful for each new day knowing the wait is soon ending. I picture her in my mind, missing her so much, can I make time speed up? I start getting anxious again. Why does the time go so slowly? I keep trying to focus, remembering our happy time together, trying to be patient.

           I’m not alone, yet I feel so lonely.

           I look around at our home, reminiscing about watching tv together, and how you laughed sometimes. I loved to hear your laughter, it made me happy. Remembering the food you prepared for me, how good it tasted because I knew it was made with love. The times that you were sad so I’d snuggle closer to you, reassuring you that you’re loved.

           Recalling all the moments when our hearts became more and more entwined. Our home seemed so empty without you.

           Then, all of a sudden you were there. You had come back to me and my heart felt like it was going to burst. I had waited so long, and it was finally over. We were together again. Ready to make new memories.

           My world was complete once again. I couldn’t stop looking at you, my beautiful girl, my beautiful, wonderful girl.

           I could feel the love emanating from you too, and it felt complete.

           We went for a walk, and the sky seemed so much bluer, the ait so much sweeter. Your step is also so much lighter because you’re happy to be home with me.

           We come home again and you make us something to eat, the food is so much better. With full bellies and full hearts, we go sit on the couch, and cuddle for hours. You keep talking to me, reassuring me that you are truly here.

           My friend is so happy that you are finally home too. She was so worried about me. I didn’t mean to make her so worried, but I know she understands. She felt lonely too without her.

           I want you to know that I forgive you for leaving me. All of the hurt and confusion I felt has disappeared.

           Nighttime has fallen, it’s dark, so our friend turns on a light. We are all content, but getting sleepy, it has been a wonderful day.

           So we kiss each other good night, and my girl puts me back in my cage.

           My name is Templeton. I’m a white rat with a heart as big as the moon. 

February 14, 2020 05:29

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