
My home when I say my home it makes me think of warm and cozy sofas . A friend to play have fun with and eat with . A mom who cares about me a dad who loves me siblings who are always ready to help me anytime . A home is not a building it is heaven where kindness love and peace starts from. In a home when you enter it the fresh smell of yummy food comes flying in your nose .At that moment all you wanna do is run to the living room in which your mom is distributing the food and your dad who sees you and says come join us and a mom who says ˝ Honey wash your hands and change in to your cloths and come join us ! 

A house is your territory Nobody could judge you about how You look what you are doing and so on . In your house u could do all that the flips and flops and rolling on the floor you want . There is No one to stop you from doing what you want in your home you are not suppose to act like guest you can do all You want rather than sitting and just working all day maybe make the work a little fun by doing some flips and flops !

Why does my home Mean heaven to me because it has all my needs loving people , yummy food and I could do all the flips and flops i want in it . And That’s Why My Home is Like my heaven ! 

Home is a safe haven and a comfort zone. A place to live with our families and pets and enjoy with friends. A place to build memories as well as a way to build future wealth. A place where we can truly just be ourselves.

The feeling of home is like a warm blanket after a cold day of playing outside. There is a huge difference between a house and a homeA house is just a place with a roof but a home is a place where you live, laugh and feel comfort. Home is where you sleep in peace and let dreams flow through your head.

Home is a place that feels familiar and feels good; it is a place that comes without question, a place that is waiting for you day in and day out, a place that is yours. Home is a place that just feels right. Deep inside of your heart, you will know when you have found it.

“I think that home is simply wherever you’re surrounded by people who love you.”

Home is the base where everything begins.

“Home is a place blessed, where you and your family can be secure, have all you need, and share your sadness and happiness. Where you can help each other as a family. It does not matter how big or small. I live in a small room with my two sons, and we share our thoughts.”

“Home means a future. Once we had a stable home, we could think beyond where we were going to live from week to week, and we could begin to look ahead to where we wanted to go. Home is the base where everything begins.”

A home is not just a shelter from the cold, wind and rain although it certainly helps. A home is a sacred place where people come together – a family unit to love and support each other through the good and bad times in life.

Having parents who love me for the person I am and who is always excepting of my flaws and encouraging of the goals and things of my life that interest me. Never showing any negativity makes me feel so positive in a way that I can do anything in life if I put my mind to it and try my best.

Ever since the time I can remember growing up, I have always been blessed and grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful and loving family. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

My Home

Home is where I like to play,

Home is where I like to stay.

Home is where the heart is,

Home is where I study for a quiz.

It makes me sad when people are on the street,

It makes me sad that they have no food to eat.

I feel bad that they don’t have a home,

And they have to sleep in a cardboard home.

Homeless people are very cold,

Some can be young and some can be old.

How young do they need to be before you care,

We need to help them and share!

We must raise money and unite,

To help the homeless for a shelter at night.

We will help them with hunger and thirst,

Because anyone going hungry- that’s the worst!

It’s not fair to be living on the streets,

Where you have no company and nothing to eat.

People walk by and are sometimes rude,

And most of the time they don’t give you money to buy food.

Home is the best,

It’s where I rest,

And I am very blessed,

To have a home that’s the best.

My home is a safe place to stay,

Where my family loves me in every way.

Playing games happily,

Bonding together with friends and family.

My home is my favourite place

Where I have my very own space

I am very grateful to have somewhere safe to stay,

Where I can rely on my family any day.

When I think of home,

I think of not being alone.

A place where I have grown

Where I have become the person I am today

A home is somewhere to stay

A place where you can eat yummy food your family makes every day

Bonding together with your family

Playing with my brother happily

Some people don’t have somewhere nice to stay,

Living in the hot and cold it’s sad to say.

They don’t have someone to rely on,

When it’s cold and they are alone.

Charities and foundations making a change,

By asking people to write words on a page.

When I write this poem for all to see,

I am helping someone make a house for people to live and somewhere to be.

We should all try to make a change

To help make a safe place for someone

By writing about what home means to you,

It can make you happy too.

When seeing the smile on their face,

A place/home where you belong no matter what race.

April 24, 2021 14:59

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