Which home is your true home

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a secret passageway in their house.... view prompt



Once upon a time,

There was a girl named Rossa. She just turned 16 years old and she was packing for a family trip in a few days. Which was also a way to celebrate her birthday that just past. So, as Rossa was getting her clothes from her closet for the trip. She pulled on a shirt and broke the hanger. She saw an old heart like symbol in the back of the closet. Rossa wondered what this symbol was for. So, she reached out her hand and touched the symbol. When she touched it the symbol moved in and opened up a secret passageway.

When Rossa walked through the secret passageway she came to a world that seemed like it was from a dream. As she walked farther away from the passageway, she thought that maybe she should turn around and go back. But when she saw all the lovely animals she made up her mind. Rossa continued to walk through the woods until she came to a river.

That's when she met her new friends. They all were shocked at first when they met but after that, they introduced themselves. First up was a boy named Rallies. He was 15 years old and had dark red hair with light tips. His eyes were a dark black with triangles in them and he could change into any shape he wants. Then there was a girl named Ami.she has rainbow hair and eyes. Ami had very long hair. She could change anything into a rainbow color and make rainbows. Last but not least was a boy named Raeny. Who had spiky hair and eyes that changed based on his mood.he could also change the weather however he wanted. For example, he can also change the weather to match his mood but to make it even cooler he can willingly change it as well. Just a little example of what he can do based on his mood if he is mad a storm will appear. Then if he wishes for it to snow in the summer he can willingly make it snow just like that. Rossa could already tell that they were going to be the best of friends.

While learning more about each other this prompted them to admire Rossa’s, big heart. They all thought that she could become queen if she wanted to. They were just about to tell Rossa that when she noticed that it was getting very late. Rossa then jumped up and yelled ” OH NO! I have to get back home before my family worries”. As Rossa was about to start to freak out Rallies said ” Don't worry all you need to do is go back the same way you came. Then when Rossa heard that she calmed right down. After she took a breath she remembered her way back to the secret passageway.

When they got there the passageway was gone. Rossa yelled ” OH NO!! It's gone!! Ami said,” don't worry I'm sure that it's around here somewhere”. Then Raeny said ” Yeah! I'm sure that we can find it if we tried”. At that moment they all yelled ” YEaH ” then started to look for the secret passageway.

Just then a scripture showed up right where they found the secret passageway closed. It said that the only way to open the passageway is to become the Queen of this world. The only way to become the true queen is to prove yourself to be worthy of this title, Rossa are you worthy? Then Rossa stood there and said stunningly ” how did it know my name”!? After they stood there stunned, they started talking about what to do next. At that moment, Ami remembered a legend about the ” Cave of Queens”. The legend goes that whoever can make it to the cave and pass the testes is the rightful queen. As soon as Rossa heard that she wanted to go there. But the journey would be long and hard. When the told Rossa this she said ” as long as we are together we can do anything. So what do you say”!? Her three new friends looked at each other than said ” Yeah!! We will always have your back”!!

Then let's start our journey to the legendary ” Cave of Queens”. Along the way, Rossa and her friends noticed that the land was falling into chaos. Fights were breaking out, wars were being started, the innocence was dying. There were so many ways and so many things that could go wrong at any moment. They had but Rossa kept her hopes up high and never let what was happening around her get her down. Rossa, Rallies, Ami, and Raeny were passing through many towns on the way to the legendary ” Cave of Queens”. As they were going through the towns they have met many people who needed help. Like if they were hungry, need money or even ending fighting in the area. Rossa would encourage everyone to do the right thing. Even though Rossa was in a rush to get to the ” Cave of Queens” to get home she still tried to help others.

Then after all of that, they made it to the cave and to her surprise everyone that she had helped was in the cave. It turned out that Rossa had already proven herself to be worthy of being a Queen. By helping all of these people when all she wanted to do was get back home. Just then the spirits of the past rulers came and told her that it was for told that she would discover the world within the walls of her home. She then would save it one day but she must choose to stay or leave this world. The catch is that she can't return to one of them for though she was born it the house of the world she is in now she had to choose where she belonged. So, she had to choose which is her true home.

She then decided that both this world and the home that this world was made in are one and the same. Because this world was what she loved within the place that she loved. Then the spirits said that she chose correctly, and then Rossa saw what was truly in the secret passageway and that was memories of the families of the past and along with their treasures.

When she got to the end she was in the family room in the house. What she thought was days in the passageway was actually a few minutes. When Rossa told her family about the secret passageway her brother and sister thought that it was a story but their parents knew what she was talking about. They were glad that she had got her spark back and decided that it was time to show the next generation when they need reinsurance of which is there true home along with what they treasure.

So, what would you choose? Which is your true home and what do you treasure the most?

March 27, 2020 23:57

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