
"Fine, I'll try. But it won't be good," I mutter. "It doesn't matter you need to get back on track to becoming a famous artist, Luke," Abby exclaims. I sigh I've finally gotten into her begging me to paint again. I'm actually nervous to start painting or even sketching since the crash. 

It was late at night around 2:00 or 3:00 and I was driving home from a small study session for an upcoming exam at Abby's house. Maybe that's why she wants me to paint again, she feels guilty for taking away my ability to express myself. On the way back to my apartment I stop at a red light at an intersection. I waited for the light to turn green, a few minutes later it turned green and continued to drive. All of a sudden a girl in a red truck runs a red light and hits my car.  Darkness washes over me. The next thing I can remember is being rolled into an ambulance on a stretcher and hearing sirens. My head starts to hurt, I close my eyes. I wake up in the hospital I look to my right and see my mom is sleeping in a chair next to me. I try to reach over to get her but I can't because my arms were being suspended above me. I open my mouth to wake her but I only cough. She awoke with with a started jump. "Water," my voice croaks. She nods "I'll go fast you some, and the nurse" then she adds ," I'm so glad your awake". She comes back with a nurse, doctor and  two styrofoam cups, one with water for me, and one with coffee for her. The doctor tells me that I tore a ligiment in my left arm, broke my right arm, and had stiches in my left. "You should be all healed up in eight to ten weeks," the doctor said. I stayed in the hospital in for two more days to be monitored. Some  people visited me through out my stay. Abby visited me. So did my other best friend, Daniel, and my roommate, Jackson who picked me up to take me back to our apartment. " For real bro, I'm glad your okay or else I would have to find another roommate," he chuckled while unlocking our door. since my arms were pretty much useless. Once I inside I saw my most recent painting, it was a tree in a medow. It was pretty good, and almost done, but after seven weeks I thought my paints were terrible. 

Abby and Daniel are sitting on either side of me. We each have a canvas and a palatte and are wearing aprons. My hands are shaking even though I've been cleared for three weeks. Daniel notices and says it's okay if you're not ready," "he needs to practice to get good and finish that tree painting. Then he could hang it up this apartment is bor-ing,"she says. "At least it's not tacky like some people's houses, he laughs. Before Abby can shoot back I intervene and say, "let's just paint," I try to steady my hands as I sketch a city skyline. I glance over to see that Daniel jumped straight to painting a lopsided house in a green blob. Once I finish my sketch I look to see how Abby's painting is going. She's painting a sunset. A little while later Abby breaks the silence,"it looks pretty good, Luke" "thanks," I mutter then add," not to bad yourself" I nod at her sunset. It's a little basic but way better than Daniel's messy painting. "What about mine," Daniel asks. "Umm it pretty," Abby pauses,"bad," she adds. "Well good thing I wasn't asking you, what do you think, Luke," "umm, it's, I plead the fifth," I say. Daniel asks "Is it really that bad?" "Yes," me and Abby say at the same time. "Jinks" then Abby, Daniel, and I burst out laughing. Then I look back at my own painting, and sigh. It's not good, not compared to my other paintings. The lines are wobbly and I know I should go easy on my self, since it's been awhile but I can't help but criticizing my paintings. It's like that say you are you worst critic. 

Once we clean up, Abby and Daniel gush over the pantings, mostly mine. I can't tell if they're being honest or trying to cheer me up. Just then Jackson comes in and says "I see y'all have been painting, I bet 5 dollars from each of you of I can match painting to painter" we all agree. "Let's see the trashy one is obviously Danny-boy" Daniel interject,"hey! It's abstract" "anyway," Jackson says ingnoring Daniels comment,"the sunset is nice, but it's not really likes still so Abby, right" "yep,"Abby beams. "So the best is for last, Luke yours is the strong city sky," "It's an okay painting but your right,"I say. "Well it's a little messy but soon you'll be back to creating show stopping art," Jackson adds. "Yeah, yeah, whatever,"I say, but I still don't believe it. Daniel and Abby leave and promise to come back next week to painting some more next time they want to try oil painting but I that requires more patience and time than what they're willing to spend with a canvas. But that do come back next week and we all paint again. This continues for four more weeks they even get Jackson, who hates to paint to join. As well as some of our other mutual friends. Eventually my skills improve every past my skills before they crash and even Daniel's painting skills have improved some. Then at the end our school year my college art

professor has his annual art show and asks me if I want some of my paintings in it. I'm ecstatic and of course agree. I invite Abby, Jackson, and Daniel. To thank them and show them my appreciation of their encouragement.

June 20, 2020 03:39

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01:37 Jun 25, 2020

Hello from the Critique Circle! I liked the focus on friendship in this one! The story could be made a bit more readable if you split into smaller paragraphs (usually whenever another character starts speaking) so that it's easier to keep track of who's speaking when. Also, awesome pen name (I'm assuming that's what Ebony Rose is)


Ebony Rose
01:44 Jun 26, 2020

Thanks so much! this was my first entry so I love getting feedback so I can improve cuz it definitely was not perfect. And yes Ebony rose is a pen name.


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Elle Clark
17:58 Jun 24, 2020

Aw, this is such a lovely tale! You’ve got some grammatical mistakes that you need to clear up to help this read better but your storyline is really nice. I like the banter between friends and the thread of hope that runs through it. A really nice story about supportive friends and recovery!


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