Friendship Sad

Sebastian Maximilian the third, the future 24th Monarch of Elbarad, my best friend, my accomplice in mischief, my brother in all but blood, my king... the boy soon to be man I'm supposed to kill...

James was walking through the halls of old Seraf, the palace where all heirs were raised. It was quite away from the main palace so most people would be surprised, but it was supposed to teach the young crown prince how to rule and it worked , for the most part.

James was looking for Sebastian after all they had to prepare for the young lords seventeenth birthday, the coming of age ceremony that had become tradition for the heirs of the Maximilian line, when suddenly a hand grabbed him, a knife was being held at the back of his throat and so he was dragged through a door, as he ceased struggling his eyes fell on Lachlan the uncle of Sebastian.

"Lachlan what in Lords name has gotten into you " shouted James "release me". Lachlan only laughed at him, cold, sinister and cruel " Oh little doll, how amusing you are. I have no intention of doing that untill I'm done with you." He was holding a collar in his hand it gleamed emerald green in the light of the fading afternoon and it would have been beautiful if not for the sinster feel it had. "What are you doing Lachlan, cease your foolishness " The gray eyed man looked vaguely amused by James and as he un clasped the collar he spoke " I will enjoy breaking your spirit little doll. It's quite amazing what you can do with a few well placed runes." He stopped for a moment to clasp the collar on James then stepped back as if to admire his work. "That little beauty is going to be the key to my success. How? Well it's not quite a slavery collar those are hard to come by, it's more of a stong suggestion really, KNEEL!" Said Lachlan and to James' growing horror he did. And Lachlan stood there with a manic glint in his eyes. He felt ready to throw up as he listened to the man ramble and could only close his eyes as he was ordered to kill Sebastian, to kill his brother on the first chance he got. "Leave now dog" said Lachlan crackling ...

James made his way to his chambers, foregoing the thought of seeing Sebastian after that. As he sat on his bed fingers tracing the collar that adorned his throat silent hot tears made tracks across his cheeks and a sob tore through his throat and then another as he collapsed. 'Oh brother, Sebb how am I supposed to keep you safe when my own body is being used against me. God how am I supposed to face him knowing what I know' ...

James sat upon his bed for hours, in a war with himselfe trying to overcome the order that he was given. Maybe he could, yeah it would work it had to, so he grabbed a piece of parchment and a pen and started writing, an hour pased, his hands hat ink stains on them , the parchment had drops of tears on it and just as he was finishing there was a knock on the door. "James" camd the voice of the young prince "are you there my friend" he continued speaking James's breath got caught in his throat "yes, I am here my lord, but I beg of you please stop don't come in Sebastian please" he took a knife out of it's sheath " James, brother you have me worried, I'm coming in James". No please NO! Were James's thoughts but Sebastian aad already in the room eyeing the knife in James's hand with worry "James what madness is this. Put the knife down please" James shook his head "Stay away please, please Sebb" he could already feel the magic working , so he took the kniffe and plunged it in his chest before he coud do something he regreted " I'm sorry brother" were his last words before death took him.

Sebastian stood there in total shock as his best friend and brother fell dead to the ground ,Dead. "James! No!" Tears started leaking from his eyes as he spotted the parchment on the bed . He took it with shaky hands and started reading and became more and more enraged at what he read. His brother hat sacrificed his life for him "...I'm sorry my lord , my brother, my king I would rather die than betray you. I'm sorry" He could still hear James voice begging. Oh God! His poor James. He fell to his knees and cradled James cooling body close , His tears starded to mesh with those of James " Brother, Friend I'm sorry, so very sorry. I promise brother your death will not be in vain, even thought you left me with a hole in my heart" the future king closed his eyes took a deep breath and bellowed "GUARDS BRING ME LACHLAN THAT COWARD HERE". The guards rushed to follow the order after seeing the right hand of the king to be dead.

After a while the guards brought Lachlan before the king, who was still holding the corpse of his friend. When he saw them arrive he gently laid James body down and stood straight and regal, never had he looked more like a ruler then at that moment.

When Lachlan saw his nephew standing alive like nothing had hapend he opened his mouth to ask but then he saw the body of that dog and smirked "I see you outsmarted me then, doll how... bold I didn't think you were brave enough to do it".

Sebastian was enraged but didn't show it and spoke in a seemingly calm voice "for an attempt murder on the crown prince you are sentenced with treason and will be executed tomorrow morning". Lachlan looked at him "my plan failed yes but I took the most important thing from you, My King" he said with a mocking bow to the prince.

"Take him away" ordered the prince and was soon left alone. He sat on the ground once more and wept anew for the most loyal friend he had as he replayed the words on the letter in his head 'better me than you Seb,better me than you for I couldn't live with knowledge that my own hands killed you, don't forget me Seb please,and tell my father that I'm sorry I couldn't see him one last time...'

Oh James...thought the prince. Oh James, you won't be forgotten my brother..

A week later

the cremony had taken place as planned, the prince wore a black gown, a tribute to his dead brother, grim eyes watched the crowd as they mingled. The golden crown of the prince sat upon his head but the place on his right arm was empty still.

A void left behind James Mikail who refused to give in to betrayals touch...

November 13, 2020 23:30

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