Drama Fiction Suspense

It was the beginning of December, and Heather was so confused. She was secretly dating five people and was so scared that they would find out about each other and hate her. Heather had many friends, but deep down, she wondered if they were really her friends or if they pretended to be because she came from wealth. She never felt like she could talk to any of them about her problems or what she was thinking. She always felt so alone, except when she was with Janet.

Heather’s mother was a lawyer and her father a doctor. They lived in Los Altos, California and her parents were very well known. What ever Heather wanted, Heather got. She discovered at a very young age, that her parents were way to busy to see that she needed them. She also discovered that they had an open marriage. Many times she discovered, secretly, her parents in bed with someone else or talking very softly and sexually on the phone. Heather grew up thinking this was how marriage was, even though her friends’ parents did not live this way.

Heather met Janet with she was seven. They became instant best friends. She envied Janet because her family was so close. Janet had two brothers, Jake and Michael, and parents that were involved in everything the kids would do. They were such a close family that many times Heather wished her parents were like Janet’s.

One day, Heather confided in Janet about the open marriage her parents had. They were eighteen at the time, and Janet was a little upset that she did not know this before now. Heather tried to explain that she was embarrassed and confused. What is marriage all about? Is the way her parents live the right way, or the way Janet’s parents live, correct?

Janet and Heather talked about this for months and some how it helped them to become closer. Janet felt like she knew everything about Heather now and why she acted the way she did. Little did she know, Heather still had a very big secret?

Heather had been dating five people for a year now. Each person had traits she liked. Somehow, she was able to keep them from knowing about the other. Heather would make sure that they would stay in or go to places that she knew the others would not be. She was very careful and very good at it. She supposed she learnt it from her parents.

It was almost Christmas and she realized that each person she was dating, started to make her feel uncomfortable. They were getting tired of the secrecy and wanted everyone to know that they were in love with the most beautiful women in LA.

Heather’s 21st birthday was on December 24th and she wanted nothing more than to celebrate with everyone she knew. How could she possibly pull this off? She was a Yoga Instructor at Fitness Is It and decided that she was going to invite everyone from her workplace and all her “friends.”  

During the next couple days, she contacted everyone she could. She would end up with about a hundred people.

The days before her birthday went by quick. She had everything planned from what to do, what to eat and how to entertain. The only thing she could not figure out was how she was going to keep her “special five” from knowing about the other. She went to her mom for advice.

“Mom, got a second?”

“Not really, honey, I have to meet a client soon.” Heather knew what this meant. She was going to meet someone for sex.

“Please mom, this is important. I will only take a couple minutes of your time.”

“Ok, what is so pressing?”

“Well, I want to thank you for letting me have a party for my 21st birthday. It means so much, I can hardly explain it.”

“No need to thank me, you deserve it and we can afford it.”

“Mom, it is not about the money, that is not what I want to talk about. You see, I have been dating five people for about a year now, they are all coming to the party. How do I possibly keep them from knowing about each other?”

“Oh, Heather that is not right. You should not be dating more than one person at a time. “

“But mom, you and dad have been doing it for years? Why is it right for you two but not for me?” This put things in perspective for Heather’s mother. Her heart ached and she bowed her head low. She had know idea that Heather knew her parents had an open marriage. She decided that it was time to stop and have a real marriage.

“Honey, let me make a quick call, cancel my meeting and we will talk.”

Heather knew that she had ruined what her parents called a marriage. They never even suspected that she knew what they did. She was suddenly proud of herself, even though she did not mean to say what she did. A few minutes later, her mom returned with two cups of coffee.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I should not have accused you and daddy like that. It was unfair.”

“No honey, you are right. Your dad and I have had an open marriage for many years. We both have very demanding jobs, and some how during the years, we lost what marriage is all about. We lost each other and turned to others for comfort. That is not how marriage should be and you have made me realize that. I will be talking to your dad when he comes home and we will make our lives right again. We do still love each other very much.

This made Heather very happy and she wished she had said something many years ago.

“So, honey, what are you going to do about all your boyfriends coming?”

“I don’t know. I was hoping you could tell me.”

“I feel like this is your dad’s and my fault, living the lives that we do.” I wish I had an answer for you, but I just don’t. Maybe it is time that you let them all know and then let them all go.”

“You’re right, but there is one that I do truly love. I guess it is time that they know, even though I will be hurting them all. Thanks mom, I love you very much.”

She walked away with a heavy heart, but also a smile on her face, as she knew she would finally have the parents that she has wanted all her life.

The party started at 1:00 pm sharp. Her yard was full of rowdy people, jumping in the pool and dancing on the lawn. Heather looked over by the gazebo and noticed that all five of her lovers where gathered together chatting and laughing. What was she going to do? She strolled over with a smile on her face and nerves at full tilt. “Lunch is being served by the pool if anyone is interested.”

Joe, Heather’s boss, grabbed her hand and told her he had something for her. Trevor, her co-worker, Janet, her best friend and Michael and Jake, Janet’s brothers stopped in total shock, what were they about to witness? Joe got down on one knee and Heather froze. The worst moment in her life was about to come to fusion.

“Heather, we have known each other for over a year now and have come close the past eight months. I love you so very much and cannot imagine my life without you by my side. It is time to let everyone know that we are a couple. Will you do me the honor of being my bride?”

You could hear a pin drop, but only for a second. Suddenly, there was a lot of screaming and cursing. Jake, Michael, Trevor and even Janet were all yelling at the same time. The only thing that could be made out was, “What the HELL, you have been dating Joe all this time too?” The worst part was that all four of them said it at once.

Silence again, and then the boys realized that Janet was saying it too. They all looked at Heather and waiting for answers. Yep, she was dating all four guys as well as her best friend, Janet.

After the talk with her mom, she realized that Janet was the one she wanted to spend her life with. How on earth was she going to let Jake, Michael, Trevor and Joe know that Janet was the most important one and that she loved her with her entire being.

Well, the gig was up, her worst nightmare. How would she smooth things over? Heather looked at her feet and then up at all five of them. She had tears in her eyes and just wanted to run away. Suddenly, her mom showed up at her side and held her hand.

“Maybe it would be best if we bring this indoors.” They all went to the den and sat far apart from each other, staring at Heather with daggers in their eyes.

“I am so sorry. I care for each of you very much and did not know what to do so that I did not hurt anyone.”

“Well, that did not work out as planned, did it?” Joe said with so much anger that everyone jumped a bit.

Heather’s mom stepped in, “Look, this is mine and Heather’s father’s fault. We have been living an open marriage for many years. We did not know until a couple days ago that Heather knew. We thought we were so careful. Heather came to me and told me about the five of you, although, she did not reveal names. I told her that she needed to confront all of you and explain. She called me out on what we have been doing and made me realize that it was wrong as well. It is not an excuse, but it is truly our fault. She never grew up knowing what relationships and marriages were really about.”

“That is no reason for her to date all of us at one time and think it is all right. I cannot believe that you are, were dating my two brothers at the same time as me. What the hell!!”

This broke Heather’s heart more than anything in the world. She knew that Janet would never forgive her.

“Look, I am truly sorry for what I have done. Joe, I am resigning from Fitness Is It, as of right now. That will stop you and Trevor from having to see me. As for Michael and Jake, I love your sister very much and hope that she and I can patch things up. I understand that it will be very awkward for a long time, but I hope that we can get pass this and you can accept Janet and I being together.”

“What? You really think that I can be with you after what you have done to me, my brothers and Joe and Trevor? Never will I forgive you. We talked many times about how our parents lived their lives. You knew that it was wrong what they do but you did the same thing. We are done.”

“Heather, you know what is the worst?” Trevor said, “I was going to propose to you tonight as well.” At that moment, they all pulled out engagement rings. Heather fell in her chair and cried.

The party was over and so was her life. She did not know how she would ever go on, knowing what she had done to five people she cared about so much.


Tina Rosekrans

December 21, 2020 00:26

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