Fiction Funny Middle School

He was sitting at a coffee table in a restaurant talking to someone on a call.

Yeah Yeah, but I was actually planning not to come tomorrow, he said to his assistant.

Why? Is everything ok? asked the assistant.

Oh yeah, everything's fine. It's just that I am not feeling very well, he replied.

I need to go now. Bye, he ended the call.

It was chilly outside when he got out of the restaurant. Streets were empty and quiet as it was late at night. Snow was the only thing that could be seen on the road. It felt peaceful. So peaceful that he decided to close his eyes and stand there for a while.

His eyes were opened by the notification ring.

He took his phone out and started walking.

Hey Liam! the message was from his girlfriend.

You busy tomorrow? there came another message.

He thought for a while.

Yeah sorry babe. I am a little busy tomorrow, he replied and turned off his phone.

He turned on his phone when he got home. There were 2 messages from Sarah. He ignored them and started typing, "Hey actually... I can't come to the party tomorrow", sent it to his brother and turned off his phone again.

Ok, so I am not gonna step out of the house for the whole day tomorrow.

I don't get it why people even like April Fools so much?!

Liam always got annoyed, thinking about all the times people have pranked him on April Fools. 

"I hate April Fools", he said to himself and then went to sleep.

It was 8:00 in the morning when he woke up. He got out of the bed, took a shower and decided to turn on his phone.

There were 15 unseen messages.

Oh God! What is wrong with people? he thought.

He opened his girlfriend Sarah's message first. It was a just an Okay with a kiss emoji.

There were 12 messages from his brother in which he was angry on Liam for not coming to the party, so Liam didn't read any of his messages except the first one.

He spent all his day in his home. Watching movies, painting, and doing some house chores, as he lived alone.

The doorbell rang more than once, but he decided to ignore it. So many people called him, but he didn't pick them up except once when it was his head's call.

Hello, Liam said.

Hello Liam, it's me Jack, said the person.

Ian told me you weren't feeling well. Is everything alright?, the Head asked.

Yeah I am fine now. It was just cold, Liam replied.

Is that the reason you didn't come at work today?, he asked.

Yes Mr. Jack, that's the only reason.

Ok Liam, I'll talk to you later. Look's like I have some work to do.

Yeah yeah sure, the call was ended.

Liam sighed;

Thank god, he didn't ask the details!

It was 6:00 when he decided to order a pizza for himself. 

It feels good to have a day by myself, he thought while eating the dinner.

He was just getting out of the shower when he heard his phone ringing. Hello, he said.

No one replied and the call ended. He then saw a notification of "17 missed calls from Sarah".

Oh my God!, he was shocked.

He tried calling her but no one received it. He thought about going to her house but every time he thought about it, he was afraid that she might be playing a prank on him.

He didn't know what to do when his phone again rung.

But this time, it was his mother. He didn't want to talk to her, incase she insists him to come to the party. So he declined her call and went to sleep, putting his phone on silent.

His alarm rang. He woke up delightedly. Thank God, April fools is over. I should wish Mom on her birthday! he sounded happy.

He was just about to call her when another alarm rang with the label "Meeting with Client". He stared at it, puzzled.

But the Meeting was on 3rd of April, he was thinking, just when he checked the date.

"April 3rd 2021" 

He stared in disbelief. W-What? This cannot be true!

He started calling his assistant.

Hello, the person on the call said.

What date is today?, asked Liam.

Sorry? the person said again.

I said, What date is today?, replied Liam in a loud voice.

Sir, It's- It's 3rd April. The call was ended then.

What the hell? How is it possible? How could I do that? he was thinking in shock.

It was Mom's Birthday Party that I refused to come to! he realized.

He opened his phone and started reading all of his brother's messages.

"How can you do that?

You are the one who planned it and now you're refusing yourself?

You know Mom will not cut her cake if you'll not be there!

Come on Liam! It's her birthday."

 And so on...

He lied down on his bed again and just thought about every cruel thing he did yesterday.

He at last decided to get up and go to Sarah's place as there were still two hours left in the meeting.

Sarah opened the door. 

Oh! look who's here! she said sarcastically.

I know you are mad at me but I want to tell you something, Liam said.

Good for you, but I didn't say that I'd like to hear it.

She was just about to shut the door when Liam said, 

It was a mistake. Let me explain it to you. 

He looked so sad that Sarah felt sorry for him.

Okay, come in!, she said.

Can you call my mom and tell her to come here? asked Liam.

Why are you calling your mom?, she asked.

Just pleases call her. I need to fix so many things, Liam said

Yeah okay, I'll call her, replied Sarah.

No one said anything until his mom came .

March 30, 2021 11:39

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