Contemporary Happy Inspirational

Jung Doseok

My New years Goal: Spend less time on work and more time with friends.

I spend too much time on my music producing and choreographies and other things. I want to spend time with friends but I'm always busy with work. Maybe I should try to balance out my work and home life a little more. I love sharing my music and other talents with other people! I love my job but, I do understand that I spend to much time on my work. I'll work on it. I've got a whole year!

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Min Yoonki

New Years Resolution: Waste more of my precious time with the human civilization and less time on where I get my income from.

It's not that I don't like my work. I do. And I don't want to hang around people more but, May wants me to. I really can't say no to her. I guess I wouldn't mind spending a little more time with friends anyway. I want May to be happy and if that means torturing myself with humanity, then so be it. I promised to make her the happiest woman in the galaxy and I plan on keeping that promise.

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Jung Doseok

Phase 1: Set schedule for how long I work and how long I have free time to be with friends.

I'll start work at seven-thirty and finish by four so that I have time to hang out with friends. I won't hang out with a ton of friends immediately. I'll just ... ease into it! I can totally do this! It's like the tortoise and the hare. Slow and steady wins the race! Not that I'm racing anyone. Well. I guess I could be racing time. Yeah! Time! I'll beat time!

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Min Yoonki

Phase 1: Stay up later and talk with May about having a party at our house.

My plan was to spend less time sleeping and more time partying. I might as well do something that my wife enjoys. I shouldn't hold her back any more than I already have. She's a big party person but I never go to parties. I usually don't feel bad about holding her back but, now that I think about it, I've been really mean to her about things like this.

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Jung Doseok

Phase 2: Ease into the schedule that I've made and get used to having time off of work.

It's been about a month now. I've gotten used to the schedule I've made. I've started to go out with just a few friends to fun places. I've even had time to go to other friends' parties. I'm really easing into all of this nicely so it's been easier to get used to! My friends even tease me all the time about finding a girl at one of these parties. Maybe, someday!

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Min Yoonki

Phase 2: Have a lot of parties and talk with people.

It's been two months and I hate it. It's always loud, stuffy and annoying. I really hate being around people and talking to them. May suggested that I try to start with less people. I don't know. Maybe I will. I just want it to be done. It's not working the way I thought it would.

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Jung Doseok

Phase 3: Invite a few friends to have coffee or go to an amusement park. Maybe do something else fun too!

It's April now. I've had a few small parties and, as it turns out, having time off work to hang out with friends is nice. I also have time for naps and breaks. I never really thought about how much I needed these breaks until now. It's really working out well for me! I think this years resolution will be a success!

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Min Yoonki

Phase 3: Take May's advice and slow down. Start from the beginning and take it slow this time.

It's July now. I'm just easing into inviting people over now. It's a lot better now that I've started to ease into it. I still prefer to be around no people (not counting my sweet little girl and beautiful wife). I probably should've started slow from the beginning. It's gone a lot better for me now!

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Jung Doseok

Phase 4: Have occasional parties with quite a few people but don't over-do it!

Life has been a lot better for me! It's less lonely and I've even found a girl that I really like. I met her at one of my friends parties. Even her name is pretty. Victoria. It fits her. In fact, she's much more beautiful than her name. Wow! I should've set a goal like this sooner!

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Min Yoonki

Phase 4: Slowly invite more people and try to just enjoy yourself like May said.

You know, I guess people aren't as bad as I thought. I still prefer to be alone but I don't mind that much any more. May was right, I should've listened to her earlier. If I had tried a little bit at a time and just spoken to a few people and gotten to know them, this probably would've been better for me from the beginning.

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Jung Doseok

Last phase: Make sure to stay in contact with people and regular hang out throughout the year.

This worked really well! I can't wait to try another New years resolution next year! Maybe I'll get a girlfriend or, get married! Who knows?! Maybe I'll even get to know more about Victoria. For now, all I know is that she and Jun are friends and that's how I got to meet her. I'm excited to figure out my life and future!

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Min Yoonki

Final phase: Make sure to make this a somewhat normal thing. Don't hang out too much or too little.

It's new years once again and, I made it through the year without dying. I guess I should listen to May more often. I don't think she's ever gotten anything wrong before. She's a literal goddess of all things great. I guess she's right about that then too. Her way's the right way. Happy new year.

January 03, 2021 20:46

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Winter Blizzard
18:08 Jan 16, 2021

Great story! Liked the formatting and structure! Plus, from your profile pic, I’m a true beauty fan as well!


Emma Harris
19:47 Jan 16, 2021

Thank you! (And it's cool that you like True Beauty too!)


Winter Blizzard
05:47 Jan 17, 2021

:) you’re very welcome!


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Daryl Oliver
15:03 Jan 14, 2021

I like the format and the flow of the story. Tried to make connections to my world. Overall, I liked the story.


Emma Harris
05:31 Jan 15, 2021

Thank you! I try to keep my stories (mostly) contemporary!


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10:00 Jan 14, 2021

A very unique story honestly. Loved it.


Emma Harris
05:32 Jan 15, 2021

I'm glad it was unique! That's what I try to go for when writing my stories! Something different that you won't have already read! Makes it more fun to see how diverse you can be with the same theme!


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