
My fingers played the keys on the piano, making sure I hit every note right, making sure I made no mistakes. My palms were sweaty, but I had to get through this selection. I had to. It was the only way to get the music scholarship so that I can join Evergarden Music Academy - the finest school to learn music in this country. However, only the best three performances were to get the scholarships after being judged by the musicians who taught in the school.

As I carefully played Beethoven's Fur Elise, I was trying my best to not feel intimidated by the three judges who were listening to my performance - Adam Young, a lead guitarist and music producer; Cassidy Foster, lead vocalist of the famous band The Paradox and a violinist and William Davidson, a famous pianist and someone I look up to. They graduated from Evergarden eight years ago and have progressed grandly in the music industry. I couldn't actually believe they were going to judge me.

I played the final notes from Fur Elise and when my performance ended, I stood up and took a bow. Adam clapped his hand while Cassidy nodded and wrote something on the papers. However when I glanced at William, he didn't have any expression on his face. He only wrote my score or feedback. I felt deflated, perhaps I didn't manage to play very well after all. I felt my heart sink as I realized perhaps I wouldn't get the scholarship after all.

"Now that was really good," Adam said, smiling. He had a cheerful attitude, I saw on TV how smoothly he managed to talk during interviews or with his fellow workers. "Have you been learning to play by yourself?"

"Yes, sir," I said, nodding slightly. "It's mostly from YouTube and finding notes on the internet."

"That's good, that's good," Adam said, smiling. "You remind me of the time when I first began playing the guitar." He turned to Cassidy and William and asked, "Well? What are your opinions? One of the best performances we've had today, don't you think?"

"Yes, I would agree," Cassidy said, nodding. "Every note was perfect, the timing was perfect, you didn't manage to slip even a single bit. Just fantastic. It was enjoyable."

"Will? What about you?" Adam asked.

William looked at me carefully. He was the contrast of Adam, serious and straightforward by nature. I've heard many controversial topics about him like how fame has made him pretty stuck-up in nature and doesn't really appreciate his fans. However, his piano skills are amazing.

"That was quite a performance. Alexander, was it?" he asked me.

"Yes sir," I said, nodding.

"Well Alexander, we'll give you the results in an hour after the other three performances are complete," William said. "You may proceed outside."

"Okay, sir, thank you," I said, politely and walked outside. It was colder as I left the auditorium and after I walked out, another guy who was slightly shorter than me walked in. He was probably a pianist like me.

I sat down on the bench and took off my coat, feeling hot. I'm pretty sure my performance was good. Adam and Cassidy said so. Then why do I feel so disappointed? It was William's not-so-satisfied feedback, wasn't it?

"Had a tough time in there?" A girl sat next to me then, smiling at me brightly. As I looked at her, she considered her question and said next, "How stupid of me to ask you something like that. Of course it might've been tough, getting judged by professional artists is quite tough after all."

"Have you finished performing?" I asked her.

"No, not yet," she replied, leaning against the wall. "I'm second last to perform. I can't wait to show them my original talent!"

I looked at the worn out guitar case next to her and asked, "So you're a guitarist?"

"Yup and a vocalist, I've been singing all my life," she replied. "And just two years ago, I began writing my own songs. I'm going to perform the first ever song I wrote that I'm really proud of. I hope they like it too."

I smiled at her and said, "Well good luck with that. I think most of the vocalists I've seen today were cover singers, I don't think any of them sung their original songs."

"How do you know that?" she asked, curiously.

"Saw them listening to songs and when I caught a glimpse of the lyrics, most of them were songs by other singers," I replied, shrugging.

"Oh, I see...Then perhaps I have a chance of outshining the rest," she said, confidently. "Famous artists love an original work! God, I can't wait to know what they think about my song."

I looked at her, secretly surprised. Everyone I've seen today as I waited for my turn to audition practically looked anxious or nauseated. They kept pacing right to left, clutching their respective instruments tightly, their knuckles white. Basically everyone was panicked, including myself.

And right next to me was a girl who seemed so confident. Plus, she was performing one of her own songs. Did she only look confident on the outside? Could she be secretly panicking?

She was humming a soft tune under her breath, a smile on her face, her guitar right next to her. No, she isn't panicking, I thought. In fact, she seems happy to be playing on stage.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she asked, looking my way. "Is there something on my face?"

"What-No, no," I said, blushing furiously feeling embarrassed. I looked anywhere but at her. She only laughed.

"What's wrong? You can tell me," she said next.

"How can you be so...casual about this?" I asked, not knowing what word to use exactly. "We're in a competition, we all need that scholarship and you seem to be so..."

"Chill?" she suggested, wonderingly.

"Yes, exactly so," I responded.

"Well you see, that's where everyone is wrong," she said, thoughtfully. "Everyone here wants to become a musician. That's the purpose of being here right now. Being a musician has always been my dream. My main goal isn't to just get this scholarship just to enter a well-known school. My goal is to become a musician no matter what and share my music to new people. Which is why I'm excited to sing in front of professionals, I won't get such an opportunity everyday."

I scrunched up my eyebrows and said, confused, "I don't...really understand what you mean."

"Huh, perhaps not," she said, sighing as the guy walked out, looking way too nervous than when he walked in. The girl sitting next to me stood up and said, "My turn at last!" She looked at me and said, "Wish me luck!"

I blinked as she walked in and the door shut closed. She seemed a lot like Adam, cheerful, bubbly, hyper. I wonder how her music skills are. They must be good if she has such confidence. As I sat down, I wondered what she meant. Of course all of us wanted to become musicians but she was way too laid-back then the rest of us.

The time ticked by. William's lack of feedback was honestly killing me. Cassidy and Adam appreciated my performance, but William? He didn't seem satisfied, as if I made a mistake and he expected me to know what it was. Considering he's a fine pianist, I wondered what I did wrong.

The door opened after five minutes and she walked out, cheeks flushed pink with a bright smile on her face. She sat next to me again and said, "That was epic. I need to tick off 'performing in front of great musicians' off my bucket list."

"So I guess that went well?" I asked, feeling a knot in my chest.

"I believe so, they loved my song," she replied.

"Do you think you'll get the scholarship?"

"I already told you," she said, sighing. "What truly matters to me is being able to share the music I created. Being a great musician, making my life something worthwhile."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Never mind," she said, patting her guitar case. "I can't really explain."


"All thirty participants! Head to the auditorium immediately!" a voice boomed through the speaker at last. Waiting for this moment had made me extremely anxious, my palms were sweating already. All of us walked in and formed two lines on the stage. "Good luck!" the girl whispered loudly to me.

"You too," I said, managing to smile.

Adam stood up then and said, "Now all of you performed really well today. If we could, we would give all of you scholarships to enter Evergarden Academy. However, rules are rules, but let us tell you that all of you would manage to become fine musicians in the future. So be proud of yourselves, alright? Don't quit music just because you couldn't get into Evergarden Academy, all of you are simply fantastic."

All of us clapped at his words, possibly feeling a bit better for ourselves. "So the names I will call out, please step forward," Cassidy said, looking down at her paper. "The first person who would step forward is..."

I felt hopeful. My performance was certainly liked by Adam and Cassidy, they could pick me.

"Harry Andersen," Cassidy called out. My stomach dropped as a tall, handsome guy with dark hair walked forward. "Congratulations, the way you played River Flows In You on the piano was absolutely wonderful."

"Thank you," Harry said, smiling broadly.

I breathed in deeply and let it out. Don't panic, don't panic, they will call out your name. Don't panic.

"The second person to step forward is..." Cassidy continued on.

I pressed my lips together, in a silent prayer. Please...please...

"Hey, it'll be alright," the girl next to me said, smiling kindly.

"Kyle Walters," Cassidy said. I sighed and watched as a blond skinny guy stepped forward, his hands clasping behind his back. "Your guitar solo of Smoke on the Water was very well done. Keep it up."

"Thanks," Kyle said, grinning, looking proud.

"The last person I would like to call up front is..." Cassidy continued.

I closed my eyes, praying. However, I had a feeling it was not going to be me. But I still hoped it would be.

"Melody Lancaster," Cassidy called out and the girl next to me, covered her mouth and walked up front shocked. So her name was Melody. How ironic, I thought as I watched her walk on in front of the rest of us and stand next to Kyle. "Congratulations Melody," Cassidy said, smiling. "Your guitar skills and vocals were excellent. Your original song, What Matters, really impressed all three of us."

"Thank you so much," Melody said, wiping her eyes. She was actually crying, I didn't even know what to think. I looked away, feeling envious. I myself, felt upset due to the fact that I was not selected. I had practiced so much, every day, staying late into the night, my fingers cramping. And I didn't get selected? What was all the hard work for then, if I was only bound to fail?

Harry, Kyle and Melody received the scholarships and the rest of us walked out, some in tears, most annoyed and hurt. Melody tapped my shoulder as I walked down the stairs. "I can't believe I got in!" she said. "I'm so glad they enjoyed my song."

"I hope you're satisfied," I said, walking away.

"Hey, what's up with you?" she asked, sighing. "Your performance was great, so don't let it hurt you just because of some stupid scholarship."

"Stupid scholarship?" I asked, surprised. "You actually think this is stupid? You're going to Evergarden! What more could you want?"

"To become a singer worldwide," she responded. "Evergarden isn't my dream, it's just the journey. My journey ends when I leave an imprint on everyone's heart to be one of the best musicians of all time."

I looked at her, letting her words sink in.

"I'm sorry, you didn't get the scholarship," she said, actually looking genuinely sad. "But please don't stop playing. The way you played Fur Elise was great, just like Beethoven."

I raised my eyebrows. "You're not allowed to listen to other people's auditions."

"It should be allowed," Melody said. "That way, the person performing would feel so much more appreciated with many people to cheer them on, don't you think?"

I didn't know what to say.

"I hope to see you around someday in the future," Melody said and she turned to leave. I didn't stop her. She was right though, her thoughts were enlightening. I didn't only come here to get the scholarship or join Evergarden Academy. I came here because I wanted to begin my journey to become a well-known pianist. Joining Evergarden wasn't my goal, being a pianist was.

I went back inside the building and saw Adam and Cassidy walking alongside each other as William trailed behind them, looking through some papers. "Mr. Davidson sir," I said, after reaching him.

"Alexander? Is there something you want?" he asked, looking at me carefully.

"I..." I began slowly. I sighed and said, "I know I didn't impress you today and your opinions valued to me a lot more considering you're a pianist yourself, so I was wondering if you could personally train me to become a great pianist like you."

"I see," he said, thoughtfully. He smiled slightly and said, "You played well today, however to me, it just seemed like you were playing the piano as Beethoven's shadow." I looked at him and he smiled, "As a musician, being yourself is essential and I didn't get to see that when you performed. I hope I get to hear the real Alexander while I train you, you better not disappoint me."

My face split into a grin as I said, "Yes sir!"

"Good," William replied. "Now come see me at my place on Sunday. We'll start from then."

Feeling much better, I sat in the car. William Davidson was going to train me. This was great.

Then a thought struck me as I thought of Melody. I realized that I knew her name, but she didn't know mine.

July 09, 2020 19:24

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Crystal Lewis
16:04 Jul 14, 2020

I liked the lesson in this one. The journey is more important than the end and you have to learn who you are and be yourself. Good story. :)


16:48 Jul 14, 2020

Thank you :)


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