This is the story of the great baking contest.It all begins on a quiet gentle autumn where world know chef Polo was in the kitchen making a 5 tier red velvet and German chocolate cake.When all of a sudden he heard a loud knock on the door.When he opened the door he was surprised to see is long time baking rival Mademoiselle Jessie Belle."Hello chef Polo or should I say chef loser."Mademoiselle Jessie Belle snickered."Hello Jessie."."I can't wait to see your face when I will the golden cake."said chef Polo confidently."Oh yeah well that is not going to happen so put your camera back on the shelf because,I was just here to see what ugly thing you call a cake."said Mademoiselle Jessie Belle back and walk out the door.Chef Polo then continued to work on his cake,but he was more stressed than ever.He just had to win Mademoiselle Jessie Belle has been beating his forever had he had to make sure to win and get the golden cake he just had to it was his life's dream.After his cake was done he started to work on the frosting.For his frosting he was making a deep strawberry frosting with a twist of lemon and lime.After two hours he had finally perfected his recipe and was starting to put on the frosting on the cake.He had to hurry because the last day of baking contest was today and tomorrow he would present his cake to the judges.He spent the rest of the day making the final preparations for his cake.The next day he was so nervous he felt like he could just die of fear.When it was his turn to present his cake to the judges there was a slight burning and cackling sound.When he turned around he saw one of the other chefs lighting a candle and then out of nowhere a Lab sprints through the doors and knocked the match right out of the chef's hand and a fire started to burn he tried to find a fire extinguisher but there were none in sight.By the time chef Polo decided there were none in the building the fire was half spread across the building and the building was starting to crash down.All of the chefs and the judges had evacuated the building but,Mademoiselle Jessie Belle was still in their and then a big chunk of wood came crashing down right on top of her.The building was not going to last much longer chef Polo came rushed as fast as he could to Mademoiselle Jessie Belle and he used all his muscles to lift the wood to buy just enough time to get Mademoiselle Jessie Belle out.After Mademoiselle Jessie Belle got out from under the wood they ran out the building and joined the others.After the fire stopped the fire fighters had come to the rescue Mademoiselle Jessie Belle blushed."Wow,that was very brave of you chef Polo."It was nothing really,I just don't like to leave any chef or Lady behind."chef Polo blushed."Well at least let me take you to dinner and go and dance in the ballroom."said Mademoiselle Jessie Belle twirling her hair and batting her eyes."That would be amazing."said chef Polo distracted by the twinkle in her deep blue eyes."Great I will pick you up at 8:00"said Jessie Belle and skipped off to her house."Wow,know that I think of it that girl is beautiful with a capital B."said chef Polo to himself.At 8:00 chef Polo was dressed and ready to go he was super nervous."What if she does not come."What if something goes wrong."chef Polo thought in his mind.By the time Jessie Belle came up to his driveway and had knocked on the door it had felt like chef Polo had been waiting a million billion year.When he finally opened the door grumbling he was stunned to see Jessie wearing a the most beautiful floral dress with a cute fluffy pink fur coat."So,how do I look is it to girly or what?"asked Mademoiselle Jessie Belle nervously."You look beyond amazing you just look so beautiful."gushed chef Polo."Thank you that us very sweet of you."blushed Mademoiselle Jessie Belle."Uh,you ready to go?""Oh,yeah sure!"said chef Polo.When they walked out the door chef Polo was shocked to see a sleek shiny candy apple red mustang on his driveway."Wow,that is one good looking car!"chef Polo shouted in amazement.When they entered the restaurant they were greeted by a friendly waiter."Hello,and welcome to Bone fish,how will I be serving you today."said the waiter in a polite manner."Table for two please."said Mademoiselle Jessie Belle.After they were done reading the menu they said there order."I will have the deep fried Lobster tail and the lady will have the sirloin steak and we will have coke to drink."said chef Polo.When the got there food and drinks they chatted for a while.They talked about their past and what they want to do in the future.After they finished their meals the had a delicious apple pie for dessert.After they finally finished their meals they walked down the aisle to the ballroom,then chef Polo suddenly felt this slight twitch in is stomach then it seemed that chef Polo and Jessie were getting closer and closer to each other until they were close enough to actually kiss and then boom!All of the sudden they had kissed there first kiss."Uh,we just kissed."said chef Polo."I know I guess that since we kissed we are meant for each other,I did always sort of like you maybe we could get married like in the fair tales.".said Jessie Belle"Would you like that?"asked Mademoiselle Jessie Belle."I would like that."After that night 3 years later they got married and they even competed together in the baking contests and then it became a tradition to win the baking contests through out all the next generations to come, and they even opened a bakery down the street from the restaurant to keep the memory of the night they had their first kiss and they had many children and they lived happily ever after.The end.
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Aw what a nice story! I like the dramatic nature of it and you weave humour into it well! You also use a lot of detail and a lot happens, which I like!
Some grammatical points for the critique circle: it would read much better if you broke it into paragraphs and also used some more punctuation, like commas, in the sentences. It can be quite difficult to take all of the information in without those breaks so it would be a lot easier for the reader.
Usually a new paragraph is started anytime there is dialogue or a change of speaker as well.
"where world know chef Polo"- I think this maybe a typo. Did you want to say world known chef? Also world renowned would read very well!
"All of the chefs and the judges had evacuated the building but,Mademoiselle" - you don't need a comma after the 'but'
"Hello,and welcome to Bone fish,how will I be serving you today."-this needs a ? not a .
"maybe we could get married like in the fair tales.".said Jessie Belle" - typo here, should be fairy tales. Also you don't need two full stops. You could put a comma at the end of tales and then the full stop after Belle.
I hope this is helpful! And well done!
Thank you I will try and remember your information to make my stories better once again thank you for the gesture.