Fantasy Happy Mystery

Darkness, which makes things scarier and haunt us every night. As all the lights of orphanage turned off, I immediately closed my eyes tightly still the only thing I could see was darkness, my heart pounds fast and I fell into deep sleep.

That day I didn't fall asleep my eyes were closed tightly and after lying on bed for hours my eyes flew open, I scared but the scene I saw wasn't scarier. A ray of hope directly coming out of that old dusty window striking on my face, I followed its path It was a big shiny bulb spreading its lights everywhere the city was shining. That midnight looking out of window staring at that white bulb I found darkness have its own beauty too and I and darkness became Friends forever.

7 years later, it was time to leave orphanage to enter in the beautiful world out of those walls to follow those rays and I knew I will find a new self so colourful so beautiful and my eyes could tell I was ready to shine to create my new micro cosmos. As I took my first step everything fell apart. I neither had shelter nor food. I felt they threw me with some money in account I even didn't know how to get that. I was walking on the streets here and there. After walking many kilometres, I squat down roadside I was looking at that evening sky and calling moon, I was calling it I was telling him “I need you’’ with this I passed out right there. I was broken I was losing. I slightly open my eyes it was warm, wow! It was so relaxing wait! What's wrong and I wide opened my eyes with shook. I looked around it was a small old wooden house and an old grandma was cooking in a corner. I could see the rays of moon striking again, I was happy seeing those rays of hopes and realize moon wanted me to stay strong. I stood up and before I could say something that grandma turned and said,'' You passed out there near my house you had fever too I made soup for you eat this before you go." I told her I didn't need it but my stomach started to make noise. That old grandma warmly smiled, '' You can lie but your stomach can't''. I awkwardly smiled and sat down again. I drank up whole soup, it was the best thing I had ever eaten. Grandma asked me to stay there until morning, I was tired too and I agreed.

00:00 Midnight, the grandma had slept I was staring at the moon through that old window, I found myself at the same place like 7 years ago. I believe I am gonna happy someday. I just have to believe myself and my friend moonie.

Next morning, I opened my eyes and found myself roadside at the same place I passed out yesterday, I looked here and there but that house had disappeared. ''Was it a dream?'', '' If it was how could I get the taste of soup yet''. My head shook with lots of thoughts.

I stood up carried my bags and moved on. My mind was still confused, I couldn’t understand anything. Finally, after working all day hard, I got a room on rent. It was a very small room with a small bed and table. As soon I put down my bags as I threw myself on the bed. The bed was rough still I was happy. My whole body aching and I was about to sleep, my stomach started to make noise, “Oh! These butterflies.’’ I cried. I stood up and moved out to get some food. I left with few bucks in my pocket, and all streets full of expensive food. After losing I was returning to room with sulky face. Suddenly I saw a ray of moon passing before my eyes and striking on the same old house. “How this old house suddenly appeared at different location and how it was disappeared last time.’’ I was stood still in shook for a moment; it was seemed all butterflies had died in my stomach. I was sweating in cold winters. I entered the house; nothing was different except that time the grandma was cooking something different and its aroma made my mouth watery. The grandma turned with delicious food in her hands and served to me. She was smiling and I was shocked. I took the food. Grandma was going out, before she could leave, I shouted, “Who are you?”. The grandma smiled to me and said, “I am moonie.” I just blinked and she disappeared and house disappeared too. I left with the bowl which was look alike moon too. “So was it moon who was helping me or was it a Hallucination.” I puzzled with many questions but nobody there to answer. In the end my moonie turned out to be old grandma.

Time passed I got a well-paid job; I donated the money I received from orphanage and within few years I bought my own home. It wasn’t a big house but it was mine own. My life was pleasant but I couldn’t control myself thinking about the moon and that old lady and the secret behind those mysterious nights. I still talk to the moon or moonie grandma. Every night when it gets darker, I love it more, not only its peaceful but also the moon light and star light make it beautiful. Years passed I almost forgot about those incidents and they became just beautiful dreams for me.

One day I was in a book shop I sat down and there was a book right before me. Its title amazed me, “Grandma on the moon” It was written by Tara Nigam. A short story how an old grandmother reached to moon and the story end with she is still there. I was amazed after completing the story it was like waking dream wish fulfilment. Finally, nobody knows the truth but I believe the moon is still there for me when I need it and I talk to it every night. When its full it smiled at me and the day when it disappear darkness embrace me.

June 10, 2021 03:08

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