Drama Funny Romance



LAYLA, 18:07 PM

     I hastily put on my once favorite pastel pink dress, which is hugging me tighter than I remembered, and put on my brand-new heels. I can already feel the pain stabbing my feet as I got up, almost tripping. ‘’Now this is definitely a recipe for disaster.’’, I mumbled while looking at my reflection in the mirror. It’s been a long time since I dated anyone, let alone a complete stranger. Just the thought of that gives me the chills, and not the good kind. I don’t know if a blind date is really the way to go about it, but I guess it’s worth a shot. My phone buzzes and I flinch, catching a glimpse of the time. ‘’Great, I’m already late to this thing, good job Layla.’’, I say as I grab my phone and slowly make my way downstairs. Those heels make me really uncomfortable, at least this will be over soon. I don’t know if this is normal, to want to be so isolated, to crave the loneliness. The more I disconnect from the outside world, the worse it’s going to get. My sadness. My pain. He would hate to see me like this, I can already hear him scold me about canceling my plans with Shirley to hang out. Bugging me to check the program at the movie theatre and urging me to see a stupid rom-com which we would ditch after the first thirty minutes. Why? To go re-watch some series for the fifth time, because it was more fun. 

-I just don’t want to share you with rest of them, he always said softly.

-So, we are going to watch the same thing over and over again? , I replied raising my eyebrow slightly.

-Yeah, like you actually wanted to watch the movie, he replied laughing.

He was right. I didn’t want to watch the movie.


KYLE, 18:04 PM

    I could feel the cool wind brushing against my face while I was running along the almost empty streets. My legs felt unsteady and my heart was beating so hard, at one point I thought my chest was going to explode. When I finally reached the little coffee shop, I rested my hands on my knees, trying to control my breathing. In. Out. In. Out. My shirt is a little wrinkly and now I come to regret wearing this pair of jeans. Even though I can now stand and breath properly my lungs are on fire and my heartbeat seems to have become faster, somehow. Is it because I was running? Honestly, no, I don’t think so. I’m just nervous, that’s all. I look around, in hopes of seeing her. I check the time on my phone, 18:21. I just hope I won’t get stood up again. Then, I spot her. It has to be her. She approaches me slowly, softly, carefully. Everything from the way her outfit looks to the way she puts random strands of hair behind her ear screams careful. I like that.

-Hi, you must be Kyle, right? I’m Layla, nice to meet you., she said as she extended her hand.

-Likewise., I said in a firm voice while giving her a handshake. Her hands were soft and warm unlike mine. Shall we? , I say showing the entrance of the tiny café smiling. She giggles a bit at my gesture, slightly covering her mouth while doing so and my smile grows a bit wider.

-Sure, she says as she makes her way to the entrance, I don’t see any harm in that. 


LAYLA, 18:36 PM

-I will be back with your order shortly., says the waitress still writing down on her tiny notepad happily and then she walks away.

Now that we are left by ourselves, I can really examine him. He is scanning the room intensely, searching for our waitress. I can’t help but notice his messy dark hair, his set of dimples that are more visible when he smiles and the drops of sweat on his forehead. Is he nervous? No, that can’t be it. He is such a smooth talker, I got that from the way he talked to me. His body language is really confusing me. He has adapted a really open and confident stance but his hands are tapping the table surface anxiously. He really is good looking, now that I think about it. ‘’Yeah, he is. You should go for it.’’ I can hear Adam say happily. They really don’t look alike, at all. I know I have to stop thinking about him, but I just can’t do it. I miss him daily, even though it’s already been a year. Every single thing I do, I see, I feel reminds me of Adam. Except for him. He doesn’t look or talk like Adam and weirdly enough I like that. He is one of the little things I haven’t ruined, a hidden escape. That idea excites me so much, something new. I have missed feeling like this. Our waitress finally comes with our order but I keep staring at him. He suddenly turns towards me, handing me my cup of tea and when our eyes finally meet, my heart skips a beat. I really have missed this feeling.


KYLE, 18:45 PM

   As she takes a sip of her warm tea, I can’t help but wonder if she also felt it. The electricity. It might just be me, desperately looking for that connection with somebody. I’ve done it before so why not now. I take a big sip of my coffee feeling a different kind of warmth overcome me and spread across my body. Then I look at her and unintentionally smile. How can I not? Her rosy blushed cheeks, big captivating eyes and welcoming smile lit up the whole room. 

-So how do you like your tea? , I ask pointing at her cup.

-It’s great, how is your coffee?, she asks stuttering a bit while doing so.

-It’s good, I say trying to come up with a better question, so what do you do? 

-I am an event planner, I used to plan weddings, now I do other events such as charity fund raisers, galas, that kind of stuff. What about you?

-I am a compensation and benefits manager. I promise it’s not as boring as it sounds.

She lets out a tiny giggle and the conversation takes a different turn as we touch on so many subjects. Politics, interests, international problems and then stupid little disagreements. 

-I’m sorry but I just don’t agree, she states as she crosses her hands and turns to look at me, pandas are way cuter than koalas and that is that.

-Technically you can’t even compare them since pandas are bears and koalas are marsupials, so don’t even start with that, I say while I raise my eyebrow in disbelief.

-Oh yeah, now you are just looking for ridiculous reasons to make koalas look better, she says laughing.

And so on, we just keep talking and talking. About world hunger and conspiracy theories and even though they have nothing in common, she somehow makes them all seem connected. I like how easy it is for us to communicate. While she is making a speech on how the best musical is The Phantom of The Opera, I get the urge to take her hand into mine. And I do it. 


LAYLA, 20:58 PM

-I mean apart from the incredible songs that it offers, the acting is great and the storyline is so deep that, I say but my sentence is cut short from the warm sensation of a hand on mine. 

I flinch and pull my hand away in a split second. Sometimes I just hate my reflexes. I look up at Kyle who is obviously very embarrassed, his hands in an unnatural position trying to cover what he did. Before I get a chance to say anything he gets up.

-I should, I mean I’ll go pay. Sorry about that, it’s kind of late.

Once he says that in an unsure voice he goes to register. ‘’Didn’t he pay already?’’ I wonder to myself as I vividly remember him giving the money to the waitress and jokingly telling me the phrase ‘’On the house’’. I really messed up this time, didn’t I? I make my way outside and wait for him to finish up. The sky was clear, full of stars and a cool almost non-existent breeze reminded me to breath. I hear the mellow ring of the bell as he comes outside. He looks at me with the same flustered look he had some minutes ago before he looks away.

-I’m sorry about that, I just didn’t know that… You just took me by surprise that’s all. I really am sorry.

He doesn’t say anything but I can tell he is just trying to find the right words. 

-I get it, he says finally, let’s go for a walk. 

-That sounds perfect, how better can this night get?, I say hoping to get him to smile.

And he does just that. My heart skips another beat and can’t feel the cold anymore. I look at his hand and I just take it, without a second thought. He doesn’t respond in the same way I did, thankfully, but it just makes me feel guiltier. He just slightly tightens his grip, giving me, a genuine smile and we start making our way to the park. I think he is trying to tell me it’s okay if I don’t want to hold his hand, but I do. Or maybe he is trying to thank me? I wish I knew; it would be easier that way. But it would also be less fun. 


KYLE, 21:23 PM

    We settle down on the soft grass and look up at the starry sky. 

-I like it here, she says and her eyes examine the area. 

Her hand doesn’t leave mine as we observe the stars and I suddenly remember. I hand her the cautiously wrapped package and wait for her reaction.

-What is it? , she says tilting her head in confusion.

-Open it, I just respond.

When she does, she laughs and hands me one of the buttercream cupcakes.

-You didn’t think I’d let me or you starve right?

She just laughs again and takes a bite out of the cupcake. And so did I. They tasted sweet with a tiny hint of lemon and they smelled even better. Once we ate them, we went back to silently stargazing. We spent some time on trying find different constellations, like Cassiopeia or Draco with not much luck. 

-I’m not sure if it’s right to ask nut I am just wondering, she says in uncertainty, but how long have you been single for?

-Around one and a half year I think, I say as I take pauses to supposedly count. I know how long I have been single for; I just want to make it seem like I don’t count the days.

How will she react when she finds out it’s difficult for me to trust people, because in my last relationship I got cheated on? How will she react when she finds out I usually don’t go on second dates because I want something serious and they don’t? I can’t tell her yet, not when this is going so well. Or she might run off like the others. My heart aches even at the thought of her leaving me.

-It’s getting late, how about I walk you home?

-That sounds lovely, she says as I help her get up.


LAYLA, 21:49 PM

The walk home isn’t the best. I just realize that the date is coming to an end. I sigh and keep walking. I didn’t notice how silent it really was until Kyle finally spoke.

-So, you didn’t tell me, how long have you been single for?

His voice was playful and he turned to face me.

-Well for about a year now, this is actually my first date since then so you should feel really lucky, I said and forced myself to laugh.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

-Yeah that’s exactly how I feel, but you should also feel that way. I mean if I didn’t mess up my other dates you wouldn’t have met me., he says as he nudges me with his elbow.

-I am so glad you are terrible at dating; I finally say and we both burst into laughter.

The only difference is that mine was forced. What is going to happen when I tell him about how my last relationship ended? How my ex fiancé died in a car crash and since then everything has been ruined for me. Would he still want me if he knew I was damaged goods? I guess I’ll find out. Not now, I can’t tell him. But eventually I’ll tell him. 

-Why are you pouting?, he asks and takes my face into his hands.

-I just don’t want the date to end so soon, I say quickly putting my hands on his. While it’s true, it’s just a random excuse. 

-Well, I was just going to ask for your number so maybe we can schedule another date, if of course I can put it in my busy schedule as you know, he says pretending to think.

I just laugh and give him my number quickly.

-Here you go ‘busy guy’, I say ironically.

-Thank you.

His voice sounds serious. Then, he leans in and gives me a peck on the cheek, which leaves me felling giddy and excited. Just like that he leaves and I head upstairs, a smirk stuck on my face.  


KYLE, 00:02 AM

      I can’t text her now, that’s ridiculous. She will think I am pathetic. Will she? I mean I can’t stop thinking about her and I feel like she should know how I feel about her. I just don’t want to scare her off. But until I do it, I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep. This crazy habit of mine is what all the other girls couldn’t stand. And here I am, contemplating whether I should do it or not. Should I?


LAYLA, 22:24 PM

          I walked in the house eager to take off my heels and go to sleep in my mess of a room. I just didn’t care about it; I was happy in a long time and I wasn’t going to let anything ruin my mood. Or so I thought. As I walked in my bedroom, there it was. My wedding dress hung out of my closet, like I always had it. It was an ivory long simple dress, with long sleeves and an open back. I used to like simple stuff like this. So simple it didn’t really look like a wedding dress if you looked at it hard enough. I just sat on the bed, staring at it, every bit of joy I was feeling slowly fading away. But then it hit me. I grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting and sewing. Cutting and sewing. Cutting and sewing. Until now, late into the night, when I decided I had done enough. I don’t see a wedding dress anymore, only an elegant but simple dress. It’s still the same dress, but better. And that makes me happy. The sound of my phone buzzing wakes me up from my daydream. It’s Kyle.

-Hey, I know it’s late but I just wanted to see if you maybe want to go on a date next week?

He sounds nervous and perhaps some time ago I would have said no to someone who calls so quickly, but not now. Not anymore.

-Sure, I’d love to. I already have a vague idea of what my outfit will look like, I say and smile to myself, eyeing the dress I made.

August 27, 2020 12:15

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23:12 Sep 02, 2020

Interesting way you chose to format the two character versions of your story. I like the hopeful ending. Keep writing.


Iliana Katsiri
06:15 Sep 03, 2020

Thank you so much! I'm new at this and it means a lot to me!


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