Teens & Young Adult Fiction Happy

Not too long ago, there was a little girl named Annie who is living with her grandmother. One day, a very busy day for Annie who is sitting comfortably in her chair with her phone on her hand, a knock on their wooden door vibrated the whole house but Annie just ignored it, but again, three consecutive knock was heard yet Annie planned to ignored it until, “Annie, could you please see who’s knocking?”, her grandmother shouted from the kitchen.

Annie stood up lazily and stomped her feet as she walks to the door. Upon opening the door, a woman in her 40’s welcomed the eyes of Annie. They both stood up there face-to-face with eye-to-eye contact but no one is speaking as if they were both frozen. The woman’s eyes began to get teary and was about to speak when Annie turns her back and walk her way inside-to her previous spot and that’s exactly when her grandmother came out from the kitchen and was surprised to see who was their visitor. In a swiftly moment Annie’s grandmother wraps the woman in a tight and warmhearted hug and after that they headed to the direction of Annie who is busy pretending to be busy on her phone when the truth is, she’s boiling inside, boiling with anger and madness. The two women sat in front of Annie. “Annie, won’t you welcome your mother?, her grandmother softly said. Annie look up with an emotionless eyes directly meeting with the woman’s soft eyes. “Do I ever have one, Lola?”, she coldly said and stood up saying “I’m going to my room”, and abruptly went to her room leaving the two women dumbfounded and later on burst into tears. They didn’t know that Annie’s room was filled with the little’s girl tears too. She cried her eyes out reminiscing how her mother left her behind and choosing to word overseas.

Time has passed by but Annie still could barely stand her mother’s presence in their house but the mother’s determination to reach out for her daughter could never be defeated by anyone or anything. One day, the mother approached Annie and ask her to go shopping and was ecstatic to hear that her daughter agreed. The mother planned to make the day unforgettable and make it special for Annie. In the mall, the mother bought everything that she thinks Annie would be happy with from clothes down to shoes and toys and also trying so hard to converse with her daughter to slowly get back her daughter’s sweetness and affection towards but Annie was consistently cold and her mother’s being persistent just made her annoyed and pissed off. In the middle of their shopping galore they passed by an ice cream stall, “do you want an ice cream?”, the mother asks Annie smilingly but Annie just nodded coldly. As they were eating in a corner, the mother continuously asks Annie questions and that made the little girl burst out. “could you please stop asking already or it would be better if you stop talking to me at all”, Annie blurted out that makes her mother in awe “but…”, her mother tried to speak but Annie is enraged. “what more do you want from me, huh? I already went here with you, now can you leave me alone? No, actually, leave us alone. Just go back abroad and don’t come back anymore. We lived for years without you and we are better off with it. So, just go back there and stay there forever!”, many eyes are staring on them and the people around are began talking and before Annie could realize what she has done she dropped the ice cream she is eating and turns her back. She run and run and run, her goal is to get outside the mall immediately so she run faster. Behind her is her mother running after her. “Annie! Wait!”, her mother is practically yelling for her but she’s determined not to face her mother at that moment. Finally, she’s out of the mall but her mother is approaching very near and she doesn’t want that therefore, without thinking she crossed the road. She’s very focused that she didn’t saw a car coming, she felt her butt touching the cold cement of the road but was taken aback when she heard someone screaming and the people started to gather in the middle of the road. With her curious mind, she stood up and walk towards the commotion. She makes her way into the crowd until she finally seen what was in the middle that caused the scene. It is a woman covered with blood, realizing who she is, Annie run towards the woman with tears continuously flowing down her eyes. “mama! Mama, no! Mama, please!”, she kept saying. “I’m sorry, mama. Please, don’t leave me”, she’s crying very heard as she held her mother in her arms. “ma-ma, please, don’t leave me. Forgive me, i’m sorry, mama.”, she kept sobbing. Her mother faintly smiles and slowly lift her hand to caress Annie’s face. “Annie, I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for leaving you, my sweet daughter. I love you. I love you very much and…always, please remember that”, her mother sweetly said that as she was running for her breath. “no, mama, no. Please, don’t leave me. Mama! No!” Annie kept on crying and crying until she felt someone touched her cheeks wiping the tears from it. She slowly opens her eyes and was greeted by a woman. “mama?!” “yes, sweetie”, her mother respond with a sweet smile. She immediately got up and hug her mother very tight. “mama!”, she said as she starts crying. “you had a dream, sweetie! Was it that bad?”, her mother asked as she stroking Annie’s back to comfort her. “yes, it was really, really bad.”, she answered. They broke apart from the hug but the mother held Annie’s shoulder with comfort, “it was just a dream, Annie. Don’t worry about it, okay?!”, her mother told her with reassuring smile. “yes, ma. I’m sorry. I’m sorry if I treated you so coldly and badly from the moment you get back. I’m so sorry! Please do not leave me ever again. I cannot bear to live without you again”, she shyly said but her mother just smiled. “it’s okay, sweetie. I understand! I won’t leave you and i would never will”, and that makes Annie’s heart free from burden. “thank you, ma. I love you!” “I love you too, my daughter!”, and they warp each other in a heart melting hug again and soon was joined by her grandmother’s. From that day on, life has been happier for Annie’s family and they lived everyday with love and happiness.

TDOA stands for the dream of Annie.

The End!

May 15, 2021 07:31

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