How it All Fanned Out

Submitted into Contest #190 in response to: Write a story about a fandom... view prompt



I really didn’t think it was possible to fall asleep with a phone to my ear, but I truly did.  Either that or I was in a constant state of daydreaming with elevator music playing.  

I had tried all week to obtain the prized and coveted back-stage pass and front row ticket to my favorite singer, Tanner Mitch.  Ooh he’s so dreamy!!

I AM his biggest fan.  I have ALL his music.   He just doesn’t know it, lol.  

Last dial for the day, then I’m going to get a life.  Yeah right.  I hear a click.  No more elevator music.  Could this be….

“Congratulations…. You’re caller number 25!  Who am I speaking with?”

Speak Kat…that’s what you should do.  

“Kat.  Katherine, I mean”.   Momentarily forgetting my name.   

“Well, you just got in the nick of time.  You have won our backstage pass and front row ticket to Tanner Mitch!”

“Thank you so much!  I’m dying…I can’t believe I won!  I never win anything!”

“Well, you can’t say that any longer!  You have until midnight tomorrow to pick up your passes and tickets at the ticket booth downtown at Central Hub.”

“I’ll be there!  Thanks again!”

How can I sleep now? My heart was beating out of my chest. I was so thrilled I couldn’t believe it! I’m actually going to meet Tanner!

Oh my bestie will be so jealous. I’ll have to call her tomorrow and break it to her gently. Or maybe better yet I’ll bring her coffee or lunch tomorrow and promise to get pics for her. She’s going to die!

Well the next day I truly had to win my bestie over…I arrived  with her favorite latte and let her borrow my favorite heeled pumps and offered to take her turn cleaning the workroom at work. She was then pacified…barely. But I promised I’d get pics of Tanner for her.

The night of the concert arrived. I carefully chose my outfit, washed and fluffed my hair letting the curls dry naturally then added sequined barrettes, applied makeup and donned my sexiest heeled boots. I didn’t look too bad. All those days at the gym and watching my diet are paying off. 

I wonder if Tanner will see me. I wondered as I drove to the concert. I selected his music on the way over. Man that guy can sing! And he’s easy on the eyes too. Does he know that he fills my dreams? Surely he’s as nice as he looks! I’m sure of it!

I parked my car. Waited in line at the door. Rushed into the lobby and was glad I could skip all the long lines to check tickets. I retrieved my lanyard and secured it around my neck as I showed the attendant my ticket and pass inside the lanyard. I went inside and made my way down to my seat. 

I was early but I didn’t care. I shot a selfie and sent it to my bestie. She responded that she wished she was there with me. Same I said. 

The venue started to fill up. 

A guy with the biggest tub of popcorn I’d ever seen sat down beside me. I didn’t even care that he smacked and spit kernels on the floor. Almost didn’t care. It was kinda gross. But I forgot all of that when the lights dimmed. 

The opening act came onto the stage. They were ok and I recognized some songs, but was anxious to meet my dream man and hear him sing live.

The lights started flashing and the announcer said…

“Are you ready ? Can we get Tanner Mitch out here?!”

The crowd went wild! Everyone was on their feet, me included. Although one heeled boot got covered in popcorn kernels when the popcorn tub guy jumped to his feet. It’s ok I was too excited.

Tanner came out. Dressed in torn jeans and a turquoise tight shirt. His signature wavy swoopy hair falling partly in his eyes. But I could see one eye. Those gorgeous blue eyes! Was he looking at me? Yes! I’m sure of it!

He rocked out and played and shimmied to all my favorites and some new songs too. He fake excited several times but came back for more each time. 

Finally the lights came on and I knew it was almost time for me to meet my dreamboat. 

I went with the crowd out the exit then went as I was instructed to the black door way behind the arena. Some folks begging to catch a glimpse of Tanner followed me but a cute muscular tattoo bodyguard or security guard was standing at the door. 

I was being shoved and heaved left and right with these crazy fans. I stumbled but before I could fall I was caught by the security guard and his arm of muscular hearts and thorns and crosses. Were  they alive? Or moving? I’m losing it. When I straightened up he winked at me and said be careful you have to watch out for these crazy fans. Job security for me but it looks like it’s a bit overwhelming to you. 

He ushered me in through the door all the while holding my elbow and making sure I was ok. What a gentleman! 

“Tanner will be coming in soon. Make yourself comfortable if you want.” He pointed to some chairs and a table with water and snacks. 

I noticed some reporters had been given access too and were there also.

I grabbed a water and drank not realizing how thirsty I was. 

Soon the left door opened up and Tanner arrived!

He was wearing the same clothes, carrying water which he stopped and finished. He was quite sweaty and as he got nearer the tan chiseled jaw I’d always admired looked somehow fake or sprayed on??  in the harsh lights of the backstage room. 

He growled at reporters and he clearly looked irritated. Where was this swoon worthy smooth man I’d always admired? 

One of the reporters said we have the winner of the front row ticket and backstage pass here waiting to meet you. They pointed at me. 

My heart was thumping in my throat. I'm sure everyone could see it. Tanner looked over at me. He stopped in front of me and instead of shaking my hand, or hugging me he merely said…

“Can we make this quick? I’d like to get in my jet and get out of here!”

No nice to meet you. No, I'm glad you’re a fan. No thank you for the support. No, I'm glad you love my music. Nothing but let’s hurry up.

Pictures were taken and I got a quick selfie of me and the clearly irritated Tanner. No heart fluttering. No music played for just me. Rude.

As I said goodbye and moved to head back to the back door, Tanner turned so quickly to head away that he knocked me off balance in my heeled boots. 

Once again, I didn’t fall as my hero with the hearts, crosses and thorns on that muscular bicep caught me. My heart fluttered and I looked up. My security bodyguard had wavy curls tied back in a band. He did have a chiseled face too  but his tan was very real. He also had a bit of a stubble beard. His eyes  however were gorgeous green with flecks of gold. 

“We’ve got to quit meeting like this. Why don’t we properly introduce ourselves and head out for coffee?”

Sounds great I said. 

Hours later or the next day I would tell my bestie of all the fun I had…how I was swooning… how I couldn’t stop looking at him. He’s such a gentleman I will say. I will tell her of this wonderful gentle giant that swept me off my feet with the polite manners tattooed arm and eyes of green and the music. Oh the music. The music I hear playing in my heart when I’m with the man of my dreams!

Tanner who?

March 25, 2023 03:29

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