American Historical Fiction Sad

The white-haired Cardinal made his way to the woman's cell to escort her to the gallows. The stone walls were damp with moisture as he proceeded down the stairwell, edging ever closer to Abigail. The young woman paced back and forth with desperate anxiety. The babe in her belly had been growing ever bigger. With a clank of keys, she heard her abuser coming towards her. Her heart froze in her chest as she realized that, his abuse would never be known to the world. The Cardinal stood before her, holding out his deep garnet ring for her to kiss. The young woman shivered as the spirits of her ancestors let her know they were there. The guard shoved her down upon her knees and placed heavy iron shackles about her wrists. He said in a darkened, evil tone," Abigail Morgan, I'm here for your confession and last rites." Abigail looked up at him while holding her belly and said," How about your confession Father? I have done nothing wrong but buy land you wanted for the church." The guard gasped and stepped back slightly. Abigail continued," You are killing your own child Father. There is sure to be a nice place in Hell for you." She hissed. The priest grabbed her by her hair and yanked her to her feet, screaming," You are a witch! Guard! Grab the rope so we can hang her. The bible says thou shalt not suffer a witch to live! No one will ever believe you anyway. I'm a man of God! I win. You lose." He shoved her forward and through the stone doorway into the light. She held her shackled hands up to guard her face from the light. The two kept pushing her to the gallows. There before her stood the whole village. Her husband and three of her children, all standing with ropes on their necks. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled the lever as her husband dropped. His neck broke, killing him instantly. Then they put a black sack over her head, then she could feel the weight of the noose around her neck. Abigail lost all composure and screamed so the loud the world could hear her." I curse you and the Catholic Church for seven eternities! You have harmed my blood for the last time! My children, I love you." Then there was black. She floated softly on the ether for a moment when suddenly she wooshed back to when it all began, one year earlier.

Abigail and Andrew Morgan disembarked the boat in Massachusetts. Their two daughters and young son followed them to the buggy that awaited them there. A tall man came out and shook Andrew's hand.  Everyone got into the beautiful black buggy and made themselves comfortable. They began to drive out into the country along the coast until the land opened up onto a beautiful piece of land that housed cliffs that warded off the angry ocean. The stark beauty of the spot entranced them, and they paid the real estate agent for the most beautiful two-hundred-acre plot of land they had ever seen. They got to work right away, setting up the wall tent and the potbelly stove. Andrew and Mason brought in the beds and furniture. Sarah and Mina brought in the kitchen wares and began setting up a kitchen area. 

Two days late,r they had a functioning home. Then the men went to build the fence for the animals and gardens to grow food. A few days later, They went into town to introduce themselves to the town priest. Abigail and Andrew stepped into the sanctuary. They saw a Cardinal standing at the front near the candles who appeared to be praying. They walked forward, holding each other's hand, approaching the priest. Both of them smiled as they drew near the priest and introduced themselves. 

He turned and placed his hand out for them to kiss his ring and stood. Andrew took a breath and said," Father, we just wanted to introduce ourselves. We just moved here from Ireland." He replied in a thick french accent. " Oh Bonjour, welcome to our parish. Where are you coming from?" Andrew smiled broadly and responded," I bought the acreage up by the bluffs." The priest's eyes squinted slightly, but he did not say a word. He took a deep breath, and he looked up and said," Mass is every day from 10 am to noon. You must attend confession at least twice a week in addition to Sunday."

Andrew said," Isn't that a bit much? I thought this was the new world where we could worship as we wished. I have a farm to build and live quite a ways from town." The man before him turned stern and said." In this village, this is how we have done things. You will abide by our rules, or there will be consequences." The couple nodded and bid farewell, leaving quickly through the side door.

Two weeks later, there was a disturbance outside, and Abigail went to see what was going on. When she exited the house, there was a carriage with the cardinal. He sat stiffly on the cushion inside. Looking over her shoulder, she called to her husband, and he came to the door. the guards helped the Priest from his carriage and led him to the door. " It has come to my attention that this property would give greater access for Rome. you will need to move in one month." 

The evil priest said. His duplicitous guard handed Andrew a sack of gold. Andrew looked at the priest and said," No. I love my land. My wife has patients who come here weekly for her services as a midwife. There is another piece abutting our land. Why don't you inquire about that?" The Father, Francois Bernini looked at him and said, " No, this plot of land is the only one with the sea access I want. Guards! Seize them! Gather everyone." The guard looked at him and said," For what? They have done nothing wrong." The old man looked at them with a sneer and responded," Witchcraft!" 

Abigail Gasped as they grabbed ahold of her. They violently drug her to the wagon and tied her down to the seat. Meanwhile, her family was gathered quickly and bound. One of the guards stashed them in the wagon. The guards let loose all their animals and set the tent ablaze along with the barn.

Cardinal Bernini tortured Abigail and her family for almost a year. Abigail and her daughters endured rape after rape from the cardinal. So, to hide his sins, he sentenced the family to die before Abigail, and her daughters gave birth to their respective babies.

April 11, 2021 05:09

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