Enticed by the Light of a Will-o’-the-wisp

Submitted into Contest #275 in response to: Write a story from the point of view of a witch, spirit, or corpse.... view prompt

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Fantasy Fiction Horror

This story contains sensitive content

Story contains sensitive content such as drowning.

Where am I? Darkness surrounds me as the sounds of night fill the deafening silence. Sounds of frogs croaking, rodents shrieking, and splashes near and far threaten to overwhelm me.

I’m lost.



I strain to look around and see nothing and terrified to move out of fear of being prey to whatever is causing those animals to shriek. A chill runs through me as fear consumes me.

I cast my senses out, trying to listen and look for anything or anyone to help me, to find me. A murky shield peals away and a luminescence slowly grows around me as the moon reaches its peak. The subtle glow expands far enough to make out the swampy water, reeds and rotting trees surrounding me. I hear laughter on the wind, and I move to follow the sound.

The laughter grows louder as I slowly approach, careful not to spook whomever it’s coming from. I see a fire burning happily amongst the tall grasses with four people surrounding it, hands held out to the flames to keep warm. I stop out of sight, listening to their banter.

“We’re coming up on witching hour. Better get your bug spray out. The little devils are going to eat you alive.”

“Stop it Eric, you’re freaking me out,” a girl responds with a smack to Eric’s shoulder. He flinches away with a grin on his face, feigning injury.

“Hey! I’m just looking out for you,” Eric says with a chuckle and tosses her the bug spray. She snatches it out of the air with a frown of frustration.

“Speaking of witching hour, it’s time to call it a night. It’s nearly one in the morning,” another camper says with a yawn, standing and making their way to a tent on the other side of the fire.

“I’m calling it, too,” says the other and gets up, stretches and follows. Eric looks at the girl, eyebrows raised.

“I’m heading to bed too if you’re going to keep freaking me out with tales of will-o’-the-wisps and ghosts. It’s already spooky enough out here.” The girl gets up and heads into the other tent.

“Don’t follow the lights,” Eric calls after her. She turns and scowls at him and Eric’s laugh follows her all the way to her tent, his grin remaining even after she zips up the flap. Turning back to the fire, he pokes at it for a time until it burns down to smouldering embers.

With Eric alone, I glance at the moon to see it has begun its descent. I’m running out of time. Eric sits in the soft glow of the embers as I make my approach.

At first, I don’t think he sees me. I draw nearer, making myself comfortable by the side of the fire. He glances up and gapes, eyes wide. I see the light reflected in his eyes as he continues to stare, open-mouthed, in my direction.

“What are you?” he asks in a whisper. I continue to watch him as his gaze settles fully on me. I try to answer, but no words come. I try again. Nothing. Unable to speak or be heard, I must show him who I am. I beckon him to follow, back through the grasses where I had come.

He sluggishly gets to his feet as if in a trance and takes one step, then another, towards me. I watch as his eyes follow me as I coax him on.


Just a little farther.

That’s it, follow me.

Water squelches around his feet as he steps through the reeds and trips over fallen trees.

“Eric?” a voice calls in the distance and he pauses, tilting his head to listen. Panic fills me as he turns around. I catch his attention again, casting my will upon him, luring him back to me. He freezes in place, his gaze unfocused as he takes a step back towards me. I painstakingly continue in this way until we are back where I started.

I need him to see.

I need him to find me.

I need him to end my loneliness.

He stares into the water at his feet, a look of horror crossing his face. I look to what he sees beneath the murky water and a familiar face appears. The face of a young woman around his age, peaceful and serene. Her hair floats around her as it drifts in the water, her ragged clothes clinging to her pale body.

He sinks to his knees beside the girl, reaching out a hand uncertainly, but hesitates. I urge him on with just my will as I sink back into the water. I watch the reflection of my light in his eyes drift to the water as he follows me.

I submerge myself and the world goes dark again. With effort, I open my eyes and see him gazing down at me through the murky water, leaning in, my own eyes now reflected in his.

He leans in close, nose nearly touching the water, when I lunge, drawing him to me, arms clasping around his neck. He joins me willingly underwater, a smile on his face. His smile quickly turns to fear as he thrashes, a garbled scream escaping his lips as bubbles surround us.

“Eric! Where are you?” The voices are now screaming his name as they draw nearer, footsteps closing in.

“Don’t follow the lights, Eric!” another voice screams. I can hear their fear.

Eric stops struggling as the air leaves his lungs and his body settles in next to mine. I embrace him as he joins me quietly in death. I gaze at his peaceful face, no longer tormented by pain. Dawn breaks and the voices fade as their search draws them elsewhere.

I close my eyes as darkness and silence surround me again. Time passes and I awake to the same deafening sounds of the night, the moon bright and full above me. This time I am not alone, for looking at me through the murky water are two glowing eyes.

Eric, too, is now lost — but not alone.

November 05, 2024 03:01

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1 comment

Omar Scott
17:40 Nov 16, 2024

Nice story. Good job.


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