Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Write about a summer vacation gone wrong.... view prompt


Friendship Funny Happy

I am in the breathtaking Makarska, Croatia, drenched in the sun's golden rays. The air is thick with the scent of salt and sunscreen, and the scenery is teeming with beautiful tourists flaunting extra-mini bikinis. Their laughter mingles with the soothing sound of waves lapping against the shore. The heat wraps around me like a warm embrace, searing my skin as I sit here, writing a book in the cool shade of my terrace, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Penny.

I've been in Makarska for four days, each hotter than the last. My closest encounter with the inviting, turquoise sea was dipping my index finger to test the temperature on the first day. The water was tantalizingly cool, starkly contrasting to the blazing sun above, which felt like it was trying to turn my skin into crackling.

On the second day, curiosity drove me to mingle with the locals. The first friendly Makaran I met was—unsurprisingly—a policeman! Amidst a bustling crowd on the waterfront, shimmering with heat and life, he singled me out for identification. Was it bad karma or the face of a thief? I don't think so.

With my scruffy face, long red hair, torn pants, and tattoos, even I might have stopped myself if I were in his shoes. But then again, we shouldn't judge a person by their appearance—or so I'd like to believe.

The days here are a mesmerizing blend of bright sunshine, lively beach scenes, and the gentle hum of conversations in various languages. Despite the picturesque surroundings, I feel utterly alone. The sea sparkles invitingly, but all the beauties around me mean nothing without someone to share them with. I spend my days writing a book, ironically something I could have done without coming to the coast. I could have stayed in Zagreb, where the heat is less intense, and there are fewer distractions.

Thankfully, Penny's decision to join me has transformed this trip from a potential bust to a thrilling adventure. Each day is filled with anticipation as I eagerly count down the minutes, hours, and days until she arrives in Makarska. Every moment in the sun feels like an eternity, but I know it will be worth it when she finally arrives.

When Penny finally arrived, her energy was infectious. That same evening, just before nightfall, we went swimming. The air was still warm, but the sky had begun to cool to a soft orange hue. Our reunion, though just as friends, was a moment of pure joy. We couldn't indulge in skinny-dipping, but the warmth of our friendship was enough to keep us afloat.

The beach was deserted and cloaked in semi-darkness as we entered the sea. Despite the chilly wind outside the water, the sea felt surprisingly warm, like a gentle caress against our sun-soaked skin. We frolicked like carefree fish, drawing the attention of other tourists with our laughter. It was fantastic while we were in the water. However, once we emerged, we froze. Well, let's avoid any inappropriate comparisons.

It took us about twenty minutes to warm up (each with our own towel, you perverts) before we returned to the apartment. It was a delightful experience, and we agreed to return the next day.

The following day was blistering hot, so we rushed to the beach, only to find it packed with people. The beach was a vibrant mosaic of colors, the sun bouncing off bronzed bodies, but my eyes only saw one—black. We scoured the entire beach for a spot to lay our towels, finally settling for a less-than-ideal location.

Despite our efforts to enjoy the water, it was a painful experience. Sharp boulders hidden beneath the waves caused injuries. I endured about fifteen minutes in the water before opting to sunbathe instead. Little did I know this would lead to a sunburn disaster.

If it weren't for you, Penny, I wouldn't be scratching like a madman all day (and not in the way you think).

My agony of scratching has persisted since yesterday, with my skin peeling off like a snake shedding its skin. Thanks, Penny. The sunburn from our beach day has become an incessant itch, leaving me in constant discomfort.

Penny left for home nicely tanned, leaving tons of skin scattered around the apartment. I cleaned up after her every now and then—thanks again, Penny.

Seeing her tan lines and the remnant of her stay constantly reminds me of our fun and the mess I need to tidy up. She also left an empty fridge that I now must refill. The once-stocked shelves are now barren, a testament to our beach snacks and midnight feasts. And she left me itching—not her fault directly, but if I hadn't been on the beach with her, I wouldn't resemble a barbecue sausage. Thanks, Penny.

I look like a zombie, with my face peeling, so I'm hiding in the apartment. My reflection is unrecognizable, and the mirror mocks my sunburned, peeling face. Thanks, Penny, for that too.

Two days have passed since Penny left, and I miss her. The silence in the apartment is deafening, and her laughter, which once filled the rooms, now echoes in my memory. I had gotten used to being alone while she was away, and it wasn't bad. But now that she's gone, I realize I had more fun with her around. The energy she brought to our days was contagious, and now the emptiness is a stark contrast. Thanks for that, Penny.

Having known each other for what feels like a century (figuratively speaking), I thought we'd celebrate. Our friendship has weathered time and distance, making our reunion an invaluable opportunity to rekindle that bond. When we finally got together again, it felt like no time had passed. We reconnected deeper, learning more about each other than ever and growing closer as friends. We shared countless stories, revealing secrets and confiding in our dreams, which deepened our connection. These shared experiences have added a new layer of depth to our relationship, and I'm truly grateful, Penny.

Knowing that someone as wonderful as Penny considers me her best friend leaves me at a loss for words. Reflecting on our time together, I realized that every moment of suffering I endured during my vacation in Makarska and its aftermath was worth it because of her companionship. Despite the sunburns, the itching, and the occasional empty fridge, her presence made everything worthwhile.

So, I want to take a moment to thank you, Penny. Thank you for the memories that will last a lifetime, for the laughter that echoed through our days, and yes, even for the sunburns. Your friendship means the world to me, and I cherish every moment we've spent together.

August 04, 2024 11:16

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Chris Sage
17:32 Aug 15, 2024

Despite all the discomfort that came your way, it still reads like a jolly holiday story, I expect entirely down to Penny? She seems to illuminate the whole story, but at the same time is quite mysterious, I find myself wanting to know more about her, what she does that uplifts you in the way she clearly does. A nice sense of the place, I've never been to Croatia or the Adriatic, but this makes me want to visit - perhaps not at the height of summer though!


Darvico Ulmeli
19:22 Aug 15, 2024

It would be vise to avoid trip to Croatia at summer (40°C) or winter (-15). Spring or early autumn is more proper. I knew Penny since she was born and we were inseparable.


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Mary Bendickson
16:39 Aug 07, 2024

Fun 😊 in the ☀️ sun.


Darvico Ulmeli
17:01 Aug 07, 2024

Glory days.


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Kristi Gott
18:10 Aug 04, 2024

What a beautiful visit to a lovely beach! I could see it and feel the sun and water. The special feelings of the friendship with Penny are shown, not just told. A lovely story. I enjoyed going to the beach with the narrator and Penny as if I was there too!


Darvico Ulmeli
19:18 Aug 04, 2024

Injuries aside, that was remarkable two weeks on beautiful beach of Croatian sea. I'm glad you like it.


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