Contest #98 winner 🏆


Contemporary Fiction Science Fiction

I am spinning slowly in my tank, suspended in doped-up air, buoyant, bobbing. Piano music (Beethoven?) plays softly in the background. My eyes are closed, but if I opened them, I would see only pale yellow light enclosing me in a warm glow.

I like the piano music. It makes me feel calm. That, alongside the sedation. The Facility keeps mine light, because I prefer it that way, and because I am well-behaved. The Facility knows my ways, knows I don’t misbehave. I have been here for a long time now. It must be years, though there is no sense of time. No calendar, no clock. Only the pale light washing over me, keeping me warm. 

This morning, the Facility reminded me that my son will visit me today. He comes every week, at the same time. While the staff prepare me for his visit, they tell me he is good to me, compared to most of the others in here, at the Blessed Home facility, whose families have forgotten them. I nod and smile gently, murmuring the right response. They think my mind is feeble, like so many in here. I cannot see outside my tank, but the Facility can see inside, so I stay locked inside my mind. They cannot see inside my mind. In my mind, I am not suspended in a tank of gas and air. I go away, far from here.

Where do I go? I go home, to my sprawling house in the countryside, with a red-tiled roof and ivy-covered archway, the mishmash of furniture and ornaments, collected over a lifetime, heavy with memories. For sixty years, my wife and I lived there, raised our child and grew old. We had a black cat with a white tummy called Cat Stevens. But then my wife died and my only son accused me of going senile.

The bell that signals that my sedation has stopped chimes. Soon, they will come to collect me. I stop spinning as the air thins and I float to the bottom of the tank. I wait.

A pop of glass opening, bright light seeps inside. A gentle hand the length of my body picks me up from under my arms and seats me in a dollhouse armchair. I watch as the giant girl in the Facility's uniform scrubs her hands in a sink as large as a swimming pool. She is a kind of nurse, I think. My wife was a nurse, though in our day, the Facility didn’t exist. I am handed a pair of sunglasses while my eyes adjust to the natural light. 

“How are you feeling today, Mr Donnelly?” her voice booms.

I mumble something as she dresses me. When I first arrived, I was embarrassed by foreign hands touching my body, stripping me bare, clothing me in strange scratchy Facility clothes. But now, I am apathetic. Maybe it’s the drugs. 

When I am presentable, she brings me to the visiting area. I sit in an armchair, more comfortable than the last, watching vast visitors speak to their doll-sized relatives. I once heard a story about a family who brought home their shrunken grandma from the Facility, only to have her chewed up by her once beloved dog.

My son comes into view, striding towards me with confident steps. I used to walk like that too, before I came to the Facility. He plants himself squarely in the visitor’s chair, launching into a nervous segment on his drive here, and the audacity of other drivers, and how isn’t it ridiculous that with all the technological advancements in the world, we still don’t have cars that drive the middle class from A to B?

While he talks, I let my mind drift. I used to be angry at him for forcing me to come here. Of course, he needed consent, but the pressure, financial and emotional, forced my hand. He threw all kinds of arguments at me; overpopulation, nursing homes. I used to wonder if he wanted to punish me, if I was a bad father, if I shouted too much, if I pushed him too far, if he resented me. 

I don’t wonder anymore. I don’t do anything much. The end is coming soon; I can tell by the way my body submit to sedation. I asked them to lighten it, because I know I will sleep for a long time, soon. I want to comb over my memories of home, before I go on to whatever lies beyond. I wish I was going home. But I’ll never go home again. 


The thirty-minute drive to my father’s facility is the most inconvenient part of my week. I swear as I swerve around incompetent idiots, blaring the horn and flipping off scandalised old ladies who surely shouldn't have licenses anyway. It’s amazing with all the advancements in technology, I still have to drive myself to get where I need to go. I take my anger out on the road, so that by the time I get to Blessed Home, I am wrung dry of emotion.

I first heard about it when my father was getting too senile to live at home, and we were looking at nursing homes for him. But the demand is competitive, the prices obscene, the facilities bad. I didn’t want him to be abused and neglected, and he flat out refused to go to a nursing home. Pulled the “what would your mother think?” line too. 

Someone told me about this facility. They had seen it on the dark web. I brought my father here for a consultation. They welcomed us warmly, offered us coffee, spewed us with medical jargon. We toured the premises as they explained the basics of the technology, how it was possible to reduce the size of a person using extreme heat pressure to the size of a ragdoll, while preserving their body and mind. They showed us to a vault, where little old people bobbing in silver containers lined the walls, sleeping. They described the benefits - fewer drugs needed, less food, less waste, easier to manage large numbers of people, easy storage. They were sedated the majority of the time, woken at various intervals to eat, to exercise, to excrete.

He wasn’t convinced. But because the nursing home was a no-go, it was easier to convince him to try. That was all we needed. Left with no other option, he signed his life away. I promised to visit him every week. I have never broken that promise. 

The facility is spotlessly white. The receptionist flashes me an expensive smile.

“Welcome to Blessed Home, Mr Donnelly. Go right ahead.”

They always have him ready to see me as soon as I arrive. During his former life, he was a big man, looming, powerful. A blue-collar labourer who wanted a better life for his son. His presence, hell, his shadow, used to scare me. Now, as I walk towards him, he is miniscule, deflated. He looks tired. He always looks tired.

I tell him about my week. He listens, or doesn’t. I can’t tell, because he nods and murmurs at the right times, but never asks me questions. I never ask him how he is doing. I know he does nothing. He goes back into the vat of drugged up air and bobs around for hours, days, left with nothing but his own fading memories and medicated slumber. 

Do I feel ashamed? I don’t dwell on it for long enough to feel anything but relief. I don’t have to sacrifice my life to look after him, or remortgage my house to fund his last years. I don’t feel guilty, because I’m not alone. Thousands of families send their elderly, dying relatives to these facilities, which have sprung up all over the country. It’s normalised now. So it must be OK.

At the end of our hour together, I always turn away, so I won’t have to look at him being lifted like a baby back into the vault. I wonder if he ever misses his home, the old house with the rusty roof and overgrown garden, sold to pay the price to live in a tank. After drinking alone one evening, filled with morbid curiosity, I drove by. Bleary eyed, I noted a strange car in the driveway. The lawn was mowed, the roof replaced, the door painted a happy yellow. I wanted to stop and knock on the door. But I didn't. I looked away, eyes on the road, and kept driving. 

He must know that he will never see it again. He will die in this godforsaken place I put him in. The irony of naming this little piece of hell "Blessed Home" makes me shiver. I wonder if his mind is past the point of knowing, or if he knows more than he lets on. I could ruminate on whether I did the right thing, but what good would it do?

The Blessed Home facility grows smaller as I drive away, and I forget, for another week at least.

June 17, 2021 22:53

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Catherine Hill
16:22 Jun 25, 2021

I was so shocked by the twist! I thought it was all metaphorical from the father’s narrative. So creepy! I love this


Mary Sheehan
19:37 Jun 25, 2021

Thank you Catherine! I pushed myself to try out sci fi this week! Ordinarily I would have only used it as a metaphor, but I just finished Cloud Atlas and was impressed by how well Williams could make sci fi feel so real


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Amanda Fox
16:09 Jun 25, 2021

Absolutely haunting - it comes at such a poignant time as my family and I are considering how we will take care of my mother in a year or two. We'll not be taking her to Blessed Home, that's for sure. Congratulations on your win - a well-deserved accolade.


Mary Sheehan
19:38 Jun 25, 2021

Thank you Fawn!


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Michele Duess
16:09 Jun 25, 2021

What a creepy story but kind of realistic. One shrinks as they get older, your parents sometimes seem more fragile, especially in nursing homes. And there's always guilt, no matter what one does. Congrats on the win.


Mary Sheehan
20:52 Jun 25, 2021

Thank you Paula! Yes, questions about what is best for elderly relatives who can't look after themselves are so tough


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Tinu Baby
15:38 Jun 25, 2021

That was a great theme! Congrats on the win:)


Mary Sheehan
20:53 Jun 25, 2021

Thank you Tinu!


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Pippin Took
14:59 Jun 25, 2021

Lol how did I ready this earlier this week and not think it was gonna win?? Well done :D 👏


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Amaranthine Sky
14:52 Jun 25, 2021

Congratulations on your win! It's well deserved. The subject you bring up in your story is very interesting--and horrific. You addressed the cruelty of some nursing homes in real life through a science-fiction world, and you did it remarkably well. I loved how you depicted both the father and son's point of view and how you left it vague. Usually, stories with vague-ish plots can be confusing, but yours fell perfectly into place. Great job with this!


Mary Sheehan
20:54 Jun 25, 2021

Thank you Amaranthine! I prefer to leave it without inserting my opinion about who is right or wrong, since there is so much grey in these situations


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Michael Martin
14:46 Jun 25, 2021

Congrats on the win :) well done, great concept. Makes you think :)


Mary Sheehan
20:54 Jun 25, 2021

Thank you Michael!


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Anneliya Lydia
18:12 Jun 19, 2021

Hi, Mary! Wow, this story is heart breaking. And yet, it reflects a lot of truth: while they don't shrink people into doll-size, many nursing homes and mental health centers really don't provide the best care, so you did an amazing job using science fiction and creative writing to address real problem. Beautiful and meaningful writing!!!!


Mary Sheehan
14:48 Jun 25, 2021

Thank you Anneliya!


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Reese Blaise
11:51 Jun 19, 2021

This is such a fascinating idea. The two perspectives worked really well and I found myself sympathizing with both characters. I'm sure if the technology existed, something like this is not very far fetched. And I think it really captures what a lot of people go thru just with a sci-fi twist. Great idea and perfectly told. I really enjoyed this.


Mary Sheehan
13:28 Jun 19, 2021

Thank you so much for this perspective Reese, I'm so glad you see it exactly as I envisaged it :)


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Kendall Defoe
22:02 Jun 18, 2021

An interesting and moving story...I liked it a lot. Well done!


Mary Sheehan
23:36 Jun 18, 2021

Thank you! I appreciate your feedback :)


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20:42 Jun 18, 2021

Such an interesting concept! Can I ask how you came up with the idea for it? Great descriptions, great story :)


Mary Sheehan
21:06 Jun 18, 2021

Thank you Miya! I am currently reading Cloud Atlas and it's futuristic plot definitely gave me the inspiration. I am trying to step outside my comfort zone with this one, feel free to give any constructive criticism! :)


22:14 Jun 18, 2021



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11:20 Mar 13, 2022

I will have to sleep on this, before I can make a rational comment. Loved it but I am still getting over spending many weeks in hospital, brain surgery, then pneumonia. Now that will be one of my stories. I just noticed the date at the top of the page 60 years ago I married my wife....TBC


Mary Sheehan
18:09 Mar 13, 2022

Thank you Michael, wishing you a speedy recovery.


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Graham Kinross
23:49 Jan 03, 2022

This felt like if Alice in Wonderland’s distant future ran care homes. Trippy and grim. Also reminded me of Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro.


Mary Sheehan
23:04 Jan 05, 2022

Thanks Graham, I recently read Klara and the Sun and loved it, so I must try Ishiguro again


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Henry Cobbett
21:44 Jul 23, 2021

Beautifully written, powerful and very relevant to the current times. I like the first person perspectives you have created, because you made both characters so utterly honest, and believable. In the end we feel very sorry for both of them, and though the genre is science fiction, the subject matter is real life.


Mary Sheehan
22:11 Jul 25, 2021

Thank you Henry! This was my very first foray into sci-fi, so I wasn't experienced enough to write about something too far from what we might see today


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Fidel H Viegas
23:22 Jul 19, 2021

I had read this story before, but I forgot to comment. I like how you weave your stories. Very interesting approach, particularlly how you section them. I had difficulties understanding how to break your stories into sections, and through your stories I am beginning to understand it. Congratulations for the win and thank you for the inspiration!


Mary Sheehan
22:12 Jul 25, 2021

Thank you Fidel, I find myself struggling to read long paragraphs, so I tend to break mine up as much as I can, though that is just my personal taste :)


Fidel H Viegas
21:53 Oct 12, 2021

Hi, Mary! I also like short paragraphs and whenever I have long ones, I try to break them into shorter ones. My taste as well. :-D


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Fidel H Viegas
23:22 Jul 19, 2021

I had read this story before, but I forgot to comment. I like how you weave your stories. Very interesting approach, particularlly how you section them. I had difficulties understanding how to break your stories into sections, and through your stories I am beginning to understand it. Congratulations for the win and thank you for the inspiration!


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Fidel H Viegas
23:22 Jul 19, 2021

I had read this story before, but I forgot to comment. I like how you weave your stories. Very interesting approach, particularlly how you section them. I had difficulties understanding how to break your stories into sections, and through your stories I am beginning to understand it. Congratulations for the win and thank you for the inspiration!


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Swapnil Kamble
13:03 Jul 19, 2021

congratulations mary! have given the perfect title for your story "blessed home" it matched with the character .son and father you have characterized in.father has to go through the last stage of life in a facility home.its perfect example of modern life or digital life of present described by pouring your heart blood.


Mary Sheehan
22:12 Jul 25, 2021

Thank you Swapnil :)


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Zelda C. Thorne
16:00 Jul 08, 2021

I loved this! Allowing us to see both sides to the story was very clever. Great piece of sci-fi. Congrats!


Mary Sheehan
22:12 Jul 25, 2021

Thank you Rachel!


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Thuba Ndebele
09:45 Jul 08, 2021

Wow, this is good and interesting. I would love a back story on the facility too, i really love sci-fi. And this is very good.


Mary Sheehan
22:12 Jul 25, 2021

Thank you Thuba :)


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