Horror Thriller Suspense

Her heart hammered deep in her chest, the sound reaching her ears in milliseconds. Breaths left her lips in a shallow staggering pattern, the heat of the moment causing her panic to rise. The sounds of her friend's whimpers and breaths echoed around her, only inciting her distress. They couldn't be found. If their hiding place was discovered it would be the end of everything. Silent tears escaped Lorelai as she glanced around at her friends. She felt her heart tense at the thought of witnessing them die, the dread of the situation finally sinking fully in.

All we have to do is make it through the night. When it gets light out we can find our way out of the tunnels and run for safety, Lorelai thought to herself. The cold dampness of the concrete tunnels surrounding her had already chilled her to the bone. They needed to keep winding their way through the tunnels. Sitting here just made it easier for them to find the group of friends. 

"Lucas, we really need to get moving. We can't just sit here, they'll find us," Lorelai whispered distraughtly. 

Lucas looked over at her with wide, tear-filled eyes and nodded. He grabbed Charlotte's hand before nodding at Noah to take Annalise's. Lorelai took one more deep breath before peeking around the corner of the tunnel intersection to check for any people. Upon seeing the lack thereof, she took a few staggering steps out into the tunnel, the group on her heels. 


The group wound their way through the tunnel for, what felt like, hours. Noah glanced down at his watch, acknowledging the 45 minutes that had passed since the group had started moving again. 

He groaned softly before whispering, "Anyone else feel like we've been walking for forever?"

The group all nodded, before he began again, "It's only been 45 minutes. It's pitch black in these tunnels. How are we ever going to find our way out? We have to get help before they track us down."

Charlotte sighed before speaking softly, "Noah, calm down, it's gonna be okay. We'll get out, we just have to keep going. Eventually, we'll find our way."

"Plus, once the sun starts to rise, it will start shining in the tunnels. That'll make it way easier," Anna reminded them. 

The group all shared a fear-filled look as a distant screech rang through the tunnels. Noah nodded at Lorelai and the group started walking faster. As they trekked, the dank smell around them coating their noses and throats with a feeling of dirtiness. Lorelai led the group, trying to use her compass and the light from her watch to navigate the labyrinth of concrete corridors. 

She sighed as they reached another dead end, the queasy feeling in her stomach reaching an all-time high for the night. Lorelai wanted nothing more than for the morning to come. She was losing all hope in herself. How was she going to lead her friends out of here? 

Guilt consumed Lorelai as she relived the fact that it was her fault they were in this position in the first place. Spring break weekend was the time for fun, for spending time with friends, and no worries. She inhaled deeply as they took another left turn, what seemed to be the thousandth so far. 

A low cackling broke her from her thoughts, her eyes shooting up to the source. Before her, stood the very thing they had been running from. The smell of rot and decay wafted to their noses as the man stumbled towards them, the barrel of his gun focused on the group. 

His yellow and crooked smile appeared as he began to talk, "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Anna jumped as a lighter ignited, illuminating the face of another man. The potbelly on the first one jiggled as he let out a throaty laugh. 

"Well Clayton, I'm hungry. Are you," The smaller one brayed like a donkey.

"Sure am, Ranger. Let's fucking eat."

Lorelai screamed as a shot rang through the night, hitting Lucas straight in the forehead. His body slumped forward, sliding down the concrete walls. The lanky one, Ranger, charged at Anna, shoving a knife into her eye socket. He twisted the knife before ripping it out of her skull and kicking her to the ground. Annalise screamed out in pain as Ranger slid her eyeball off with his teeth and spit it at her.

Clayton's sickly grin overtook his face as he fired another shot, narrowly missing Lorelai. Noah ran towards her, holding the hand of Charlotte, before grabbing her hand and pulling her around another corner. The three kept running, not even turning back to see their friends one last time.

"Clay, shouldn't we chase after them," Ranger drawled, his breaths coming out in short huffs.

"Naw, buddy, we got two perfectly good ones right here." 

The two shared a look before Ranger began to saw off Anna's arm, ripping a bite out of the flesh.


Lorelai, Charlotte, and Noah finally halted to a stop minutes later. Charlotte looked deep into Lorelai's eyes before letting out a quiet sob. The group formed into a hug, the three's bodies shuddering with soft cries. After they had finally calmed down, they began walking again.

They silently maneuvered the tunnels for hours and hours, waiting for the sun to rise. Finally, in what seemed like safety from the cannibals, Lorelai suggested they stopped and sat for a moment to rest.

The teens sat in a small circle, taking deep breaths in silence before finally, Lorelai spoke, "I'm sorry guys. I really am."

"We're past that Lore, I promise. There's no point in being mad or saying I told you so," Charlotte responded.

Noah nodded, "Exactly. Lucas and Anna are dead. There's no point in apologies."

Lorelai nodded to herself, her thoughts still consuming her with feelings of guilt. The few rested for another hour or so before standing again and sharing one last look at each other. Noah glanced down at his watch.

"Okay, so it's 6:12 am. The sun should hopefully be shining now. Let's go look for some light."

They ventured on, making guesses on turns as a group. Lorelai forced out another yawn when out of the corner of her eye she saw a small shimmer of light. She snapped her mouth shut quickly and turned towards the source. 

"Guys… Am I crazy, or is that light?" 

Charlotte turned towards her and looked towards where her finger was pointing. She let out a squeal and hugged Lorelai quickly.

"We did it, oh my god. We did it. Let's go. Let's follow the light," She spoke excitedly.

Noah grabbed the girls' hands and they wound their way around corners, tracking the light. When they finally reached one of the entrances, Lorelai felt tears escaping the corner of her eyes. About sixty yards in the distance, she could see a little farmhouse. She hugged her friends and sighed deeply.

They had made it out of the dark and into the light. 

May 05, 2021 21:53

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