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The hot, fiery, humid summer breeze blew onto my face, sweat rained down my cheeks. I felt as if I was a tree with sap all over it. All I wanted to do was take a bath filled with ice cubes. The days kept growing closer and closer and hotter and hotter until I'd have to leave my beloved home.

My nerves were on a maniacal roller coaster, It was just the thought and idea that I might not blend in, that I might end up failing epically, or I might just start getting homesick. But it could just be those hot, humid, scorchy, irritating summer California days gradually affecting my body.

As the days went passing by, I was contented to hear that it wasn't just me experiencing these highly strung feelings about this dramatic, prodigious change. To calm down all of our nerves, my friends and I decided to throw an unforgettable party before all of our flights, just to let loose, one last time. 

As we planned the biggest party of the summer, these thoughts kept spiraling and spiraling all over my mind...

I have ve been waiting for this day from years before. Finally a chance to be able to get away from my current life, to get a fresh start, a new place, a new experience, a new me. Now I've always heard that college is where you "find the real you," and now was finally a chance to put that theory on the stand. In other words, this party would be my last chance to be me, soon to be my old self.

It was the day of the party. Bright and early I had to wake up. We worked and worked; we got food; drinks; color-changing lights, speakers, and made long playlists of songs and even more drinks.

The party was here. As everyone came to my house. My heart pumped with the music. 

Then I got another stressing idea in my head. This would be my last party, last time with friends, last time wearing this outfit, las time dancing, probably even the last time listening to this song, and next time I would probably just be another person. My nerves started to thrive back. All the thoughts from before.

To resume what happened next drinks, music, drinks, party, drinks, and I can't seem to remember what happened next.

Pain, Lazyness, Fatigue, Confused. Last night was all a blur. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. As I looked into the mirror, I could see that the clock strikes 12. Later I went to the kitchen to get myself some coffee and aspirin.

All of a sudden I hit my small toe on something I left nearby. It was one of my suitcases. And that is when it hit me, I had missed my plane. I had to be at the airport at 11:30. All of what I was stressing about might not even happen.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to throw a tantrum as if I were a 5-year-old. But, instead, I decided to act like an adult. I started looking for the next flight while having a killer headache.

Luckily, the next flight was at 2 and would still have enough time to catch the next flight.

I quickly raced to the door. And as I looked around the house, I was so thankful that my parents were out because if they would've seen their beloved home, they would've been scared half through death. Thank god my sister would clean it all up for me.

I quickly went through all the paperwork and security when I got to the airport. 

When I was boarding the plane and reaching for my ticket, my bag seemed kind of empty. And that's when it hit me: I forgot my passport! I do know I wouldn't need it for this plane, since I will be traveling within the country, however, my next flight would be to Canada.

A specific quote I heard came to mind: "Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today." Particularly because I had forgotten my passport and I was definitely NOT prepared for today.

In the end, I lost the plane yet again. This time I wouldn't make it to the next flight, so I decided to head home and fly out tomorrow.

I got this dreadful, horrendous feeling in my throat as if it soared and kept tightening more and more by the second. I recognized this particular feeling. It was what I'd always feel when I was disappointed in myself, which made sense due to the fact had made a mistake, and yet I made another one not so far after. It was a petrifying feeling that had no solution to it.

My head was soo round up in what had just happened, I completely forgot about the whole mess I made at home and how my sister was going to clean it all up. Nevertheless, when my sister saw me enter the door, she refused to continue cleaning, since I was already home. But obviously, I didn't want to clean after the day I had, I still had a terrible headache, and due to the fact that I had really destroyed that house and it would take me hours.

This was officially the worst day of my life. It was just the "perfect" way to start my new life.  

I suddenly woke up, my head hurt from the party. I was in distress from the terrible dream I had about losing my plane and forgetting my passport. I quickly rushed to see my letters and yes, they still said that I was waitlisted.

I sighed at release. Not because I still hadn't been accepted to a school, just that what I had dreamed about wasn't my reality, as it would've been a terrible way to begin my new journey.

August 08, 2020 01:44

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This is my first time participating in these weekly prompt competitions. I would be very grateful if you guys can give me feedback whether it's positive or negative to see what I can work on. I hope you guys enjoy my story!


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