Speculative Fiction Fantasy

“Doctor, run! We know the universe needs you. As the stars twinkle and the moons shine above, let the night keep our secret safe. Goodbye, doctor, and all the best for your journey." And that was the last time we saw the lunatic-turned Brilliant Scientist Dr. Sim Phones.

Well, where are my storytelling manners?

The entire ruckus started on 1st Protochornia 1814 A.D. The first inter-galactic war that had started one light year back was causing much more damage to our planet Cellula than our enemy planet Ayrmia because they had developed a very efficient communication system and thus were able to inform their troops when and where to move far more efficiently than us. We would expect them at the eastern front and instead more bloodshed would occur at the western front (unfortunately the same happened with humans on Earth in their WWI) because they would all communicate and shift their troops swiftly. This was causing an unnecessary amount of casualties. Thus, it was the need of the hour to replicate such a system where communication could be done faster and all the soldiers could be tracked (conch shells didn’t work in space(Boomer: vacuum)).

So our planet’s brightest minds were called upon and gathered at the World Government Tower. They were asked to research a solution to this crisis we were facing. Together under the leadership of the most genius mind on the planet, Dr. Sim Phones, they worked day in and day out, and finally after that one final try (#343rd try), finally a solution was made. The first wireless communication device was built that could be given to each soldier. It was small, rectangular, and not larger than a palm’s size. It was named a Cell phone ( 'cell' from 'Cellula' and 'phone' from Dr. Sim Phones as he led the project) and it worked on this magical small disc called a ‘Sim’. It was a marvelous and life-saving invention for us. We won the war with our lightning-fast strategy communication technology. By the time the enemy figured out our troop’s locations we would have already surrounded them. Such was the greatness of the technology.

Dr. Sim Phones and his team became planetary heroes and were worshipped. Dr. Sim was the sort of man who was never happy with what he had and always wanted more. He found this invention of his the perfect opportunity to make a business and also benefit his people. With no resistance from the governments of the planet, he launched his new version of the ‘cell phone’, ‘the Smart Phone’. It was an instant hit. Not only could one call their friends and relatives with it but they could meet new people, find maps to navigate streets, cities, the entire planet, and even entire galaxies, and the most attention-grabbing of them all were online video games. It is a feature where people of different regions, planets, or galaxies could play with each other.

Initially, people were very happy with it but this happiness soon started fading away as now people spent most of their time on their phones. It was no more complementary to the daily life of the people but supplementary to the normal cellulite(people of Cellula: Cellulite)interaction. People started getting secluded in their houses and spent their time on their phones. Even the governments were advocating for the usage of phones for the betterment of lives and were completely ignorant of their adverse applications. Over time, the unavoidable consequences showed up and they were drastic and awful.

According to the Planetary Cellulite Development Report70% of the population suffered from eye-sight issues namely near-sightedness or hyperopia and presbyopia. 65% of the population suffered from minor insomnia symptoms and 10% suffered from acute insomnia. Almost 80% of the population suffered from neck and back pains at least twice a week due to prolonged screen sessions and there was a 15% increase in obesity rates among the people. And the most disturbing stats of all were the increased rates of depression and anxiety among the people that were majorly credited to the increased incidents of cyberbullying and online extortion. Seeing these overwhelmingly alarming statistics and the desperate need to control the ruckus they had caused, the governments decided to take the extreme step of shutting down the production of phones and banning the usage of phones for civilian purposes. This was a milestone decision not only for our planet but for the universe.

Dr. Sim was completely shocked and devastated by this decision. The ban indeed was something he was not looking forward to as a regulatory measure. He had thought of some monitory measures and not a direct ban. He was infuriated by the fact that despite being an integral board member of the government panel and the major phone manufacturer, why was not he consulted?

He protested against the government and tried to mobilize the crowds. Even those who had initially demanded help from the government to curb the rising phone addiction were now protesting these measures, as they would not help the people in the best sense but rather push their progress back by years. But, the resistance of the people just added to the chaos that was unfolding. Dr. Sim had lost everything and when one has nothing to lose, then they fears nothing and so Dr. Sim continued the production of phones secretively in his lab and used to smuggle these phones to the people. When the government got to know this, they burnt his lab and he lost all his work on the advanced features of his invention. An arrest warrant was sent for him. Seeing that his invention is not valued here, he planned to flee the planet and spread the technology he had created to other planets of the universe.

In the dark of the night, when all were asleep, he sneaked into the spaceship deck and powered it on. Quietly and quickly, he sat in it and was ready to run and that is when I and the other soldiers found him trying to flee away. We were aware of his goodwill for the people and knew how important an invention he had made and so we broke our swear to obey the government and for the benefit of the universe let him flee away in the quiet night sky. By the time the darkness fled, he had left the planet. From what I have heard from my counterparts on other planets, he has been on a long tour to almost every planet he can cover in his lifetime. It is believed that he is currently on this strangely blue planet called ‘Earth’ and is helping scientists there to successfully launch a similar communication system. I have heard that Earthman has used it to excel in both personal lives and develop as a planet. I always knew that Dr. Sim’s invention would only do good. It is not like it would trigger eyesight damage, introverted Ness among the people, anxiety, stress, or even violence and hatred among the people. It is not a bear’s favor, right, Earthmen?

April 13, 2023 08:17

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23:58 Apr 19, 2023

This is an interesting idea and a great first entry! The writing itself could use a little practice to get a better flow and make it easier to read. I hope you keep at it!


Tanush Mahendra
09:43 Apr 20, 2023

Thanks for the advice. Will surely inculcate it in my upcoming writings :)


12:20 Apr 20, 2023

When writing, you usually want to use the most common/basic language possible to convey the ideas you're trying to express. Worlds like "inculcate" might turn off or lose some readers.


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