American Friendship Gay

It's strange

I find sense of inspiration everytime i take those thing

but still same dose

going out on the run, see the gas station and wal mart

The same thing appear in my head when we have the same room onced a fly suprised me from the back. It doesn't make any sense, doesn't it??

Then Ferd, my friend from high school appearing. It's a coincidence. I don't like him anyway. "What are you doing here, fatso?" Then again, he's frowning as always. I always thought something wrong with this kid. Maybe have some sort of trouble during work time. "I mean you have double chin." Ferd already know that. Just to put some sense of effort for him to make amends. "Where's Gal?" Ferd asked me when it's the right time to eat. "Well I don't know man, let's get something to eat." We both eat sausage made from our friend named Aaron. Right after his argument with his fiancee. But it still the right time behind the crotch. "It's tasty." I'm tired of the way he compliment others. It sounds forceful. I guess it's better after Aaron's best friend lost all of his reputation in different places at the same time. College, courses, seminar, any kind of place. And somehow he's taking bachelor degree on the same campus as mine. I'm afraid of cocroach. Please God, help me. "It's cold outside Tony, you want to jump on the pool?" There is a small pool unless you don't care to be called as a mad-man. "Sure, need to take some baptism." It's sucore, the place we used to hangout since we were little. It's only small town square, but it looks a whole world for me. Sometimes we eat and drink on the pit, something around sewer and took a piss. But now the sewer is locked. Maybe lifeguard saver had found out Gal's urine smelt stinky. He's the one who always drink a coke; It seems pure water makes him spit.

"Ferd you find any idea to get out from this hole?" "Not after we finish the recording session on the band." We all know we play our part. I make most of the lyrics and tune, Aaron on the keyboard, Ferd on the bass, and Gal on the drum with coke on the table. "Are we ready to do this boys?" "What?" I already know Gal's waiting on the outside. Come late as the bird chirping on the sun rise. We forget one thing. Mr Hans is our spiritual father. Our parents are hard-work labor, often breaking stones on the grass. He's a spiritual father for us, keep us stable and safe. Nevertheless we often argue about cash. Mostly me for some pills, but Ferd is vegetarian. We going nowhere. "Let's go for walk there, to our kingdom of heaven or hell." We get into the studio. Remarkable as shack of groceries. I keep remember Marriane and Suzie. Both of them we have mate with, mostly with me and Ferd since they give mate me look on their sight. Here we go, Warranty English Club, band with the most stable from the tunnel. A pit with some water. Fresh water with some rocks wall behind us. I start grab a guitar, fender style rythm. I was a rythm man and Aaron plays the melody, but sometimes we play the opposite. I can't stop; The only time we stop is only when we run and bike. Cock, fuck, chucking chucky woody pecky. "Maybe we should bring Marriane and Suzie here," Aaron tries to flirt. "Yeah, make sure they wear leather."

Strange fantasy with a woman tied up and surrender themselves to us. Nothing more satisfied from that. Nothing strange until now. But it's about elephant in the room. Gal can sell the electricity and I bought soem earpod to listen when i do some masturbate as a meditation to reach nirvana. Aaron starts burst out of confusion, "How the hell we standing here you maniacs?" We keep silent and chuckles, we all know mosh pit happen overtime. But when it will happen, that will be the day.That will be the day, when you make me cry. Ohh that will be the day, you see with my eyes. Ohh, that will be the day, when you say goodbye. Ohh that will be the day, miss Hans come. Wayyyy yayaaa yayaaah whooo hoooo whoo hoooo ho oooo woodie boopie wiineeie teenie bikinie.

"What's all of this?" Mr Hans is coming with his grey hair. "No sir, we just have a meeting with fellers when we have some bowel problem on our butt, sir." He looks very calm and thoughtful, but someday it will not be the same way, burst out of corn dog all over again. "Just make sure boys, you keep the bread shut and the sausage in it, you know it soldier. "Yes, sir!"

"About the bowel problem, boys. It's the most crucial problem in the world." We all suddenly shut down. "How's that possible, sir?" Ferd tries to be so observed, annoying me some more. "Tony, you familiar with adult magazine." He don't even asks me first to be confirmed. "Yes, sir." "Same thing with the bowel problem."

"In this year of 1968, thousands of teenagers around your age cannot sleep very well due to extraction feses from the thing you should put your finger so it can gets out rushly.

"What happen if we force our feses to out sir?"

"Bleeding effect." "Sounds like a woman during period, sir" Mr Hans smirking, he knows he's dealing with. Gal with innocent face with wild mind.

"Hang on the second. How this should be correlated with our record," Ferd tries to be logical. "Beat it, Ferd sir. Go grab your bass before I whip you with my strings."

Mr Hans gets out. He's our manager, we must increase our bust.

"So men, it's cold." "Cold as hell, Tony. Keep your ding-dang heat on the pan," Aaron tries to make a joke. "Yes I need some oil to be frying firstly." "Some salt to make it true," Ferd added. "Conclude withh sperm to become an ommelete. My own future child."

February 11, 2025 17:16

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