Adventure Inspirational

Generic medieval Europe in a coastal town. Timothy doesn't have much to do but work, eat and shit. He's a fishing boat captain, and one of the most successful in the village. People respect him. Adore him.

His joy, however, felt fleeting. Wake up, catch fish, come home, go to sleep. Church and the market were the only deviation, both of which felt more like work than leisure.

It was a far cry from his earlier life. Not that he was doing much differently, but things felt new. He was a young man looking for love. Now, he's been with the same woman for years. He played in the grass and danced to the sounds of the streets. Now, it annoys him every morning as he walks to the docks.

And the water. The big blue sea full of possibilities with no end in sight. The coast used to provide all the mystery Timothy needed. Now, it's a monotonous sail to the same couple spots no more than 15 miles out. The fish flocked to the coast. For fishermen, staying close provided a quick exit in the case of a storm or enemy raid. There was no need to venture out into the big, blue, sea...

"How was your day dad? You catch a lot of fish?"

Despite the way he felt inside, you'd never know anything bothered Timothy. The love he had for his family was all he needed to chug along every day. To act like he has no yens or higher callings in life. To be frank, there was no room for that kind of thinking. There was nothing to gain from acknowledging an inner desire. Not as long as three children and a mother need a roof over their head.

"It was a moderate amount."

Timothy kept it simple. Stoic. Even with his kids. He wanted to ensure that, if the exploratory urge was indeed genetic, he could snuff it out before it develops in his son's minds.

"I'm sorry if it's not as hot as you normally like, I tried to have it finished right hone you got home but you were later than usual," his wife Jen said.

"Yeah Simon couldn't come out today because of a terrible cough so I had to haul all the fish in myself."

"Oh I hope he's okay," Jen said.

"I hope so too."

"We'll have to pray for him at church."

"I could help you too dad," Timothy's son Wilbert said.

"Soon enough son."

"I think you should at least take him down to the docks," Jen said.

"Please dad??"

"he really wants to go."

"Alright," Timothy said.


"But I leave the house at the crack of dawn. If you're not up and ready, you're getting left."

"Yes sir."

It seems in this instance, nature beats nurture.


The next day at the docks, Timothy and his son arrived at the docks to see a crowd of fisherman around a man on a soap box.

As the father-son duo got closer, it was clear the man was a representative of the crown surrounded by guards. A messenger if you will. Someone willing to get close to the scum that live in the cities.

"Listen here! The king is looking for highly skilled sailors to join his new 'Exploration Division.' Those who choose to sign up will be evaluated by us, and based on your skills, chosen to fill the ranks of the division which will be funded for a trip across the seas to search for the unknown. Please, if you're interested, get in this line."

Timothy kept walking.

"Why didn't you want to sign up dad?"

"That's for explorers not Fishermen."

"But you can explore too right? You're good at captaining a boat."

"It's a whole different career path son. Trust me, a job like that will get you killed. Almost no one makes it back."

"Then why is the line so long?"

Timothy had to be careful how he answered. he didn't want his son getting any ideas.

"Because they aren't good fishermen."


"There's my big guys. How was it today?"

"It was good he helped me carry the fish in and we even got to skin some."

"Oooo, that's nice. Did you have fun Wilbert?"

"Yeah. I met a lot of people.Oh can I tell her about the king's messenger?"

Timothy seemed iffy but Jen wanted to know.

"King's Messenger?"

"Yeah, with real life palace guards! They were trying to get people to be explorers."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah but dad said that's for people who aren't good fishermen."

You could see the relief on Jen's face. She knew timothy's family history.

"Well why would I explore when I get all I need right here."

knock, knock, knock.

Jen answered the door.

It's Quentin. A man known to have a firecracker personality.

"Hello Mrs. Godfrey. how are you this lovely evening?"

"Good. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Well I'm just here to ask Timothy a few questions, but I don't want to interrupt the family dinner."

"Oh no, it's okay. You're always welcome. Come in."

Timothy and Quentin are old pals. Their paths don't cross much anymore but Jen knows Quentin wouldn't mean any bad by Tim or his family.

"You know what I like about you Timothy. You never changed your opinion on me. You've always seen me as a friend, and treated me as such. And that goes for your beautiful family."

"Did you just come here to compliment me or do you wanna sit down and have a bite to eat."

"Oh no, I already ate this afternoon thank you. Could I talk to you outside Tim?"

Tim walks outside with him.

"You look good Tim."

"Clearly you're buttering me up Quentin. just hit me with the favor you want."

"I gotta want something to see my boy?"

"You don't have to but you do."

"I'm sure you saw it today. The kings opening up a new military division."

"Absolutely not."

"You don't even know what I'm gonna say."

"I'm not joining that division."



"I'm gonna be the captain. I just need you to come along and be my fisherman. Feed my crew."

"I can't leave my family here Q."

"We're going to come back Tim."

"You don't know that."

"We're getting serious funding from the king. It's a fleet. We're going to all have the best boats a man can buy. Equipment for days. And that's not even mentioning the benefits. The gold. The land. The glory. We're looking at 500 pounds a pop with the potential for land in a new country. It would set you and your family up for life."

"And for how long?"

"That's the only downside. We don't exactly know where we're going or how long it'll take to get there."


"But it's worth it Tim. I know your dad did the same thing and it didn't work out for him-"

"He left us."

"But don't you respect him for facing his fears? For adventuring across the seas and discovering what no man has ever touched before?"

"God and family is all I need to satisfy myself. A real man doesn't let greed get in the way of that."

"I find that hard to believe. And it's not greed Tim. It's destiny. For people everywhere. Just think about it. I'll be by the docks tomorrow."

Quentin walked away with hope that Tim would change his mind.


September 20, 2024 03:32

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