Another day in the life

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a summer afternoon spent in a treehouse.... view prompt



Another day in the life

Written by Nikita Gorczynski

It was the three of us. Like it has always been. None of us has changed since middle school. Except, Polly. She has grown more in many ways. Sara and I have just gotten taller. 

All of u s were within the same age. Sara being 16, Polly being 17. Turing 17 during the summer. And then there's me. 16 and a half. We all grew up on the same road. Friends from the womb our mothers would say. 

But in all honesty. We hated each other till last year. 

That is when we built a treehouse in Saras back yard. Only one with a forest In the back. So we began building. It was beautiful.  

 It was pretty basic. Flat flooring. A rope ladder to get there. 1 window. It was basic on the outside. But this inside was magical. 

It was painted like the constellation on the ceiling. Each of our hand prints right by the door. There was a mini fridge. Snacks. Everything was solar. Our parents work within the solar field. We all got our own stuff. And we asked for more solar panels for our treehouse, they said sure. So now we have a small TV. Fridge. Lights. 

It's not the biggest. But we have a smaller table. With three bean bags. Mine being black. Saras being orange green and purple. And Pollys being pink. 

It was already 11 in the morning and we decided we should meet up. You know. What could go wrong. 

It was 11:13 when I got inside. So I sit on my bag after grabbing myself a coke from the fridge and sit down. The others arrive at 11:20. 

  Polly's hair was shorter. With a pink slip in it. 

"Nice." K say and raise my coke. Last time we spoke was a week ago. And it was an argument. Let's not get into details. But it wasn't good. This is the first time with us all together again. 

They sit down. Sara and polly looking glum. 

  Polly sighs heavily and speaks. "Okay. So just to cut to the chase. I'm moving. At the end of the summer. And you two are my best friends. And I want to have  the best summer yet. I don't care if we do illegal stuff. I want to have fun. With my two only friends. Who's down!" She says. Her eyes watering. 

  I look at her blankly. Yes...of course. But she's moving? 

 "Hell yeah! Here's to the best summer ever!" I say. We all clink our sodas together and drink. 

 "We should write down everything we want to do. Everything I ng we need to do this summer. And do it. One  or two things daily. Only 104 days till I leave. We gotta have the best of it." 

"Tattoos. All three of us. Stick n poke or whatever. Something that means everything to us. Meaningful." Sara states. I was shocked. She's drawing all day. Not to go out past dark. 

 I have given myself stick n pokes many times. Have all the stuff. Never an infection. Polly was the more shopping type. Sara was the smart one. And then there's me. Trouble maker. 

For the next two hours we plan everything we were gonna do this summer. 

  1. TattoOS
  2. camping
  3. Dye our hair
  4. Piercing(because why not)
  5. Go to Jake's house(pollies Ex) and scare him when he is with the boys. 
  6. Go to a drive in movie 
  7. Go exploring 
  8. Egg someone's house

We didn't get far. This was harder than it looked. Besides. We couldn't get Polly into too much trouble. So nothing...too illegal. Yet. 

  1. Go to a sunflower fetid
  2. Photoshoot!!!
  3. Seance 
  4. Ouija board
  5. Skinny dipping
  6. Make up a language 
  7. Learn how to hotwire a car. And steal one

We Couldn't think of much else. But we knew this was gonna be a fun summer.

  "Why are you moving? You have lived here your whole life. And now you are moving?" I look at polly. She just shrugs. 

  "I dont wanna talk about it.." she sighs and throws her can away. 

  "Are you pregnant?" Sara asks. Seriously. Polly looks at her astonished. "Hell nah. Hahaha. Oh my God. No. Parents just thought it would be better if we moved. I'm not pregnant!!" She laughs.

She rolls her eyes are grabs another soda from the fridge. Sprit. One of her favorites. 

 "We should redo this place a bit. Paint it  up on the outside. Make it look newer" i offer. They both look at me. Sara has golden eyes that light up like fire in the sun. Her hair was golden too. 

 Pollies are now a short brown bob. With a pink streak in it. 

The three of us were like sisters. Before we fought all the time. Not how siblings do. Worst. It would get bloody. But now if someone hurts one of the kin. We fight back.. 

Sara was a good fighter. Skilled. Polly wasn't much of a fighter. More of a watcher. Not even. The sight of blood got her woozy. We all went together. We fought a few times. But we always made up. But now with Polly leaving. Who is supposed to be the third person? 

I talk out a big sheet of paper. And we all start sketching our new plan for the tree house. 

  "You have to come and visit. Where are you even moving to?" I say, mt head arched in her direction. 

"Texas. Don't know where. But its gonna be hot." She shudders. 

We sketch out the new plans. Change the outside. More of a porch outside. Paint it. A better but harder ladder to come up. Locks on the door so No one but us can come in. When we finished we labeled it "plans for another summer." We signed our names in fine print. 

Sara Allen Jones (age 16)

Pollyanna Von Archer (age 17)

Blair Nova Nightshade (age 16 and a half)

Our names looked all nice. Written in black ink from a fountain pen. 

All different handwriting. 

We rolled it up and put it on the top drawer of the table. Right under our box. Of stuff we had since we became friends. Our secretes. Everything. 

  "I have one regret…" my voice cracked a bit. "I regret not becoming friends sooner. We knew each for a long time. But only became friends last year. Yeah...okay. I was kinda a bully. But… I'm glad we became closer" I raise my can. 

 "Me too" they both say and they do the same thing. We laugh and start thinking about the rest of the summer. 

 We decided to cut and colour our hair. Do a piercing and stick n poke all in one day. It would hurt. But it would be fun. Last summer. Together. We didnt know what to do with our hair. But it was gonna be fun. 

104 more days. Only. It will go by to fast. Tomorrow. She will leave it seems like. I dont know if ill ever see her again. Maybe we will lose contact. Maybe me and Sara will too. And ill be alone again.  

  "Blair. Snap out of it B. Come on. Help us" polly says laughing. I smile and know that this friendship will survive. Even from a distance. 

  "We have to video call weekly. Text daily." I remind them both. They laugh and both nod there heads. Everything seemed normal. How it always is. Polly was a little sister. Who was a year older than me. Sara was my older sister who is actually younger. I don't want the three of us to split up. Not now. Not never. 

There was not much time before we had to go home. But tomorrow was the start of a new beginning. And the ending of an old one. 

So much to do. So little time. 

Us three sat for the next 3 hours. Thinking of things we could do. I ran home to grab the stick n poke stuff. 

Matching. All on our right wrist. Our last summer. Our last summer ever all together. 

 7/6/16-12/8/16. June 7th, 2016 to August 12th, 2016. 

This was it. The beginning of the end. 

July 10, 2020 18:46

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