Drama Romance

    “I wish I didn’t sign up for this,” I thought. “Maybe then I wouldn’t have to act straight.” As the camera pans to my sham boyfriend and I, I force a smile. Steven wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. The camera moves away from us and onto the next pair.

    “That folks, is ‘The Romance Machine.’ Join us next week to find out how Steven and Leslie handle Angie and Chad’s challenge,” the host announces. The cameras cut and everyone lets out a sigh of relief. Murmurs arise as we break off into our own groups.

    “Everyone, can I have your attention again?” the host questions. Everyone falls silent, allowing the host to speak. “All of you did great today. I’ll see you tomorrow at seven. Steven, Leslie, remember you have a kissing scene tomorrow. Have a good night,” the host says. I turn away, trying to avoid Steven. Stomping away, I rush to my trailer.

    “Hey Leslie!” Steven shouts. “Wait up!” I don’t stop walking away, I pick up the pace instead.

    “I don’t want to talk to you, Steven!” I shout over my shoulder. Without looking back, I burst into a sprint to my trailer. I pop the door open, clamber inside and slam the door shut. The moment the door clicks shut, I fumble to lock the door.

    Once the door is locked, I plop onto the fold-out couch. I remove my shoes and my feet scream in agony. Before I can remove my bra, a knock resonates through the trailer. I stand and peek through the window blinds. Steven is standing just outside the door, with his hand on the door. Ignoring him, I waltz to the other side of the trailer. He knocks again, clearly attempting to get me to open the door.

    “Go away Steven!” I shout.

    “I’m not going anywhere!” Steven shouts back. “Not until you open this door for me!”

    “Then you’ll be standing there all night!” I yell. I lay backwards, indulging in the welcoming embrace of my bed.

    “I’m not leaving until you open the door!” demands Steven.

    “You’re not going to get what you want!” I retort. “It’s in your best interest to give up now!” The steps creaked as Steven walked away. As I listen to the gravel rumble below Steven, my eyelids become heavy and strong. I submit, falling into a deep slumber.

    My body aches as my alarm clock screams in my face. Shakily, I reach out to turn off my alarm. Once my alarm is off, my primary focus is gaining alertness. I climb out of bed, stretching each limb as I go.

    Finally out of bed, I stretch my body as a unit. My legs scream to attention, tired of being on a television set. After stretching, I stammer to the living room section of the trailer. The moment I enter the living room, a loud knock erupts from the door. I jump, slamming my hand against the countertop. Biting my bottom lip, I stumble to the door.

    “Who’s there?” I ask.

    “Hey, it’s me. Angie,” Angie responds. Unlocking the door, I swing it open to greet her.

    “Do you want to come in?” I offer.

    “Sure,” answers Angie, smiling widely. Taking a step to the side, I let her in. She trudges over to the couch and sits down. I close the door and lock it again. Strutting to the couch, I make myself comfortable.

    “Is something wrong?” I ask. “I mean, it’s not every day your opponent shows up on your doorstep.”

    “Chad has decided to convince the writers to split us,” Angie explains.

    “Like split all of us up?” I question.

    “Yeah, so that there aren’t anymore alliances,” states Angie. “I don’t know how I’m going to avoid being voted off without Chad.”

    “We might be in the final six,” I mutter, “but that doesn’t mean we can’t have alliances.”

    “Do you have a plan?” asks Angie.

    “In fact, I do,” I respond. “You and I improvise a relationship.”

    “Improvise a relationship?” repeats Angie.

    “Yup. I bet the viewers have never seen a blonde and a redhead team up,” I explain. “I think it’s about time they do.”

    “Then let’s win,” Angie chirps. I smirk and put on my shoes. Together, Angie and I strut into the house we’re being filmed in. Writers and camera people greet us as we pass them. We waltz into the room I’ve been assigned and settle in. The cameras begin rolling and personalities quickly change.

    “The pair being voted off is…” the host states, “Jamie and Colton.” I take in a deep breath, finally relaxing with the announcement. Chad and Steven high five, whereas Angie and I nod at each other. The cameras cut and the host turns to us completely.

    “Apparently you four had the same idea,” the host mutters.

    “We just wanted to have a little fun,” Steven retorts. He elbows Chad and they snicker.

    “Let’s just hope your improvising skills are good,” the host murmurs, “the writers have given up on writing the episodes. Just go back to your trailers and leave them alone.” Chad and Steven run off to who knows where. I grab my phone before trudging back to my trailer.

    On my hike back to my trailer, I notice a second pair of footsteps. I pause and turn around, only for Angie to be stopped behind me.

    “Is there a reason you’re following me?” I ask.

    “I wanted to talk about our plan for tomorrow,” answers Angie.

    “Then you should have stopped me a while ago,” I snapped.

    “You’re right, I’m sorry,” Angie responds. I wave her forward and she joins me as we walk to my trailer. I open the door for her before climbing in my trailer. Angie settles into the couch and watches me as I settle in.

    “So what kind of ideas did you have?” I question.

    “Well, there’s something about Chad that you should know,” states Angie. “He’s got a bad past.”

    “Like a criminal record or a history of being abused?” I ponder aloud.

    “He’s got both and I was hoping we could use it to our advantage,” Angie explained.

    “I’m sure we’ll be able to use it somehow,” I mutter. We end up talking for roughly two hours. As Angie prances back to her trailer, I snuggle into the embrace of my bed. We might be able to win this show.

    “The final pair going home is…” the host announces, “Chad and Steven. Ladies, good job. Your reward of two million dollars is on its way.” Angie giggles and I grin widely at the announcement. We’re rich beyond our wildest dreams.

November 11, 2020 18:09

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