
The skin of my eyes burned from the inside out as the light reflected directly on my face thanks to the diamond door nub. It is like I'm in a black hole and trying, struggling to get to the only source of light that is threatening to disappear from my view I wanted to reach out to the nub so bad but I know even if I do I would just be wasting precious time I could use to do other things.

The diamond door nub, the 24 karat gold chandelier, the diamond railings which belongs to the never ending silver stairs, the McLaren 720s, the yellow Lamborghini, the green Bently, the black death bike and the sleek black limo sitting proudly on the red carped at the racing track wide porch. Looking at all these things along with the fortune worth jewelries and the limited edition designer clothing on me, I felt bile rise up to my throat once again.

'You have it all' he would say 'be happy' he would demand but I tried, I really did try to enjoy all this luxury but no matter how much you try, 'Money don't buy happiness'.

Wincing silently in pain as I sat on one of the bar stools beside the kitchen, I lifted my blouse with summer designs slightly and stared at the new swollen purplish bluish bruises that now adorned my abdomen, I am just glad it is just bruises it honestly could have been a lot worse. Sometimes if I'm lucky I get to escape with just a black eye like two days back, but if luck decides to ditch me I end up unconscious with several broken bones and eventually wake up in a hospital with the excuse of falling down the slippery stairs which would be given by my oh so loving husband, I even poop rainbows when ever I see him then a few seconds later I would have a panic attack and collapse, is not that fabulous? urr just great now I sound like that nauseating and irritatingly extra classy sister of his, that girl ruined my life. We used to best buddies for years then few months ago, she introduced me to her brother Griffin and he was kind just like most people I have met and things were just normal until he started tagging along when ever Fiona and I went out to random places and he would occasionally send me wide grins when I did not even say anything funny and he would also stare at me constantly like a creep. I started getting confused when I would see his car that would be parked for by 10p.m leave my street by 12p.m.

One night my father came home looking like death and it turned out that Griffin threatened to turn his company to a pile of dust if I was not handed over to him, so in order to save my family I agreed to his demand. After a few days we got married and I found out that he has a shrine with things like my hair strands, a picture of me at my graduation. I was horrified when he said he worships me, I later found out that he killed all the women he married just because they did not heed to his demand. He made them do things that he knew would obviously hurt them and when they did not, he would just kill them off, Fiona knew about all this but she still set us up with an excuse of 'you are the only one who can tame him'.

Few hours ago he said he would be taking me out for dinner, honestly its the only thing I look forward to because I get to see the sun once again and he acts normal in front of others but sadly we would only gone for dinner once and the rest of the time he just never showed up and I guess today is going to be just like those days.

It is been three months now and I haven't seen Griffin, he never came home since the night he said he would be taking me out to dinner. The guards only told me that he said I should not be let out, since then I've been locked in here like Rapunzel.

"Jasmine??" As the voice boomed I woke up from my sleep scared, I know that voice anywhere and this only means one thing 'he is back'.

I found myself running down the step and tripping over a few, scared that he would get angry if I do not show up fast.

"Jasmine, I have missed you." Griffin said softly as he pulled me in for a hug, I was surprise when he did not yell at me to hug him back.

"Jasmine, I am so sorry for the way I treated you these past few months, I went to get treatment because I realized you have not smiled since the first day you came here. I know it is going to be hard and it would take a lot of time before you forgive me but I'm willing to wait for you but my selfishness wouldn't let me leave you". He smiled a little "your are also free to do what you want, you do not have to do as I say if you do not wish to and you can visit your parents and invite your friends over for what ever it is girls do"

My jaw is literally on the ground and my brows are practically in my hair line, after so many months after he deprived me of life, my family I am also sure my friends think I am dead or something and then he thinks he can just waltz in here and claim sorry, ha unbelievable . At least now maybe I would not die before I leave here but bless his delusional soul, if he thinks I am going to forgive him at all (but I wouldn't dare say that out loud).

July 08, 2020 21:29

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