siris and her adventure

Submitted into Contest #46 in response to: Write a story that takes place in a writer's circle.... view prompt

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General in demigod-camp

Dynamite was running in the woods towards the ocean. Her sparkling red eyes and her blonde hairs were attracting the animals in the woods. Suddenly she saw a blue light coming from the cave which brought nervousness to her. She knew that she lost thalia last summer. Last summer luke attacked our camp with demigods who did not like demigod camp and almost destroyed thalia's pine tree in order to take control over the camp . A  voice was coming from her back. It was Annabeth and syrin. They were practicing to ride on pegasus. Annabeth asked, ''who is thalia?” Tyson said,'' thalia is the daughter of god zeus who died protecting demigod camp and luke and dynamite.'' crystie was in a dilemma. I said' 'Zeus was the first of the GODS and a very imposing figure. Often referred to as the “Father of Gods and men”, he is a sky god who controls lightning (often using it as a weapon) and thunder. Zeus is king of Mount Olympus, the home of Greek gods, where he rules the world and imposes his will onto gods and mortals alike.

Zeus was the last child of the titans Cronus and RHEA and avoided being swallowed by his father (who had been told one of his children would overthrow him) when Rhea sought help from URANUSand Gyea. Cronus had previously swallowed DEMETER, HESTIA, HERA, ADES and POSEIDON. Later he was imprisoned by Zeus. But now Cronos parts are found by like and his mates and Cronos will be awakening soon and chaos in the world will be rising.'' dynamite was upset with this. As she was the only daughter of Hermes. She did not like her dad as he was a messenger of gods who did not give attention to her and also that he was Greek God of Trade, Eloquence, and Messenger of the Gods. Hermes was one of the 12 Olympian Gods and was the god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, a guide to the Underworld. Her attention got on Annabeth once again. Her blue eyes and brown hair were matching her denim jacket with white jeans. Tyson was the youngest son of Hermes and 6th brother of dynamite. Dynamite was the protector of animals that Hermes did not like. oh what was that for, dynamite.

2. A real mystery

Before I should tell further.......i will like to introduce myself. I am siris.I am the daughter of iris {goddess of rainbow}. You might be wondering who is iris!A goddess named “Iris” personified the rainbow in the mythology of ancient Greece. Most works of art depict her either in the form of a beautiful rainbow or as a lovely maiden. She wore wings on her shoulders and usually carried a pitcher in one hand. Her name combined the Greek words for “messenger” and “the rainbow” to signify her dual role. i think till now you would have known her. Some accounts depict her as one of the goddesses Hera’s assistants. (Hera carries associations with the sky.)The ancient Greeks considered Iris the female counterpart of Hermes. She served as a messenger from Mount Olympus. and yeah my BFF is dynamite and Annabeth. my mother would use her pitcher to scoop up water from the ocean and carry it into the clouds. Some legends also hold she used her pitcher to collect water from the River Styx, the shadowy river separating the world of human beings from the underworld. Many Greeks viewed Iris as an important link between mortals and the realm of the gods. I just love my mother as she is my rainbow! My father is Zephyros, the god of the West Wind. I have barely ever met my father as he is very know! the west wind.......!but I have an elder brother named pothos. He personifies desire. so what I am then.....! maybe a mortal. But my mother says I will get my true power of speed, rainbow, air, and beauty once I am capable of it. That is why she named me after her name. But now I am in mortal camp so I am practicing some combat lessons on pegasus. I can see my mother on rainy day. So my mother iris. The wand in her hand is the source of magic for her. The rainbow wings help her to make rainbows. So her dress represents her beauty. Wherever she goes she makes more colorful flowers and surroundings. is always jealous of me and my mother as she is god of speed and strategy and same qualities is in me. I just do not know why. Well....siris focus on lessons. Okay then! Our trainer crocus entered and instructed family Hermes, iris, Poseidon and Athena to use their powers and control pegasus. Well, first it was easy for dynamite to control pegasus. She was the animal fairy of course. Then I started I used my enchanting colorful world to make pegasus mesmerized in world and then suddenly a rainbow beam shot from my was same wand her mother used. Today I had got the unlimited power of my mother. The inevitable....................

 Well pothos was really happy from my result as I received power of my mother at age of 12 then after me.....pothos shot desire beam from his fingers, pegasus was relaxed and rilief.   Everyone was staring at us.....mouth wide open! Cyrocus said,' 'Today we can thank you for saving our camp”. I was surprised. I asked,''what did I do?''. Cycorus said, ''when you were controlling pegesus, cronos appeared in form of a python and despite of saving the camp you just shot colorful beam from your hands! And cronos' s one soul host is now dead!''. Thank god I just got my powers! Yes....!

3.It is now time to go for a long journey

I heard a distance voice from camp. The camp where everyone was happy turned into a horror house. The shouting of people and cries were everywhere. Ohhhh where is  pothos. My brother. Where is my brother? where is  annabeth? Where is everyone?.

I was upset with this. I called my mom,''iris, where are you?'' no reply came. I do not know if you will believe this but something inside my hands and feet was glowing. Something like colorful flowers. Suddenly a large beam shot and when I looked at my hands it was glowing white. My face were as if  I was just like iris with flowers on her head and a magic wand in hands. I had beautiful fairy short frock with gold threads on it. Wait...........did I just got a beautiful pair of rainbow coloured wings. OMG!!!!!!!how is that possible? I am just 12 years old and with some magic, I do not know where to begin and where to finish. Okay then hold your breath and prepare for best as we start journey  to  underworld to find my loved ones as cronos once tried to kill me and threaten me. But from where do I start my  journey, I really need to have someone to help me go to underworld. I know who will help me........ peresphone. But she can only come when river nyx is open....i have to do something. You can imagine how psyce  got back cupid and story of hercules.......their bravery mark the history of legends. okay then back to journey. I flapped my wings and flew high into air......first  time I can really feel territory above skies and rainbows and pegasases. Suddenly a lightning of bolt  crackled and earth shaked as zeus  held his lightning bolt In his hands. I can see his brown and white hairs and his angry eyes with a little emotion of love. Near to him were some wise ministers. Some cyclops, titans and minoutors. there were athena, posiedon, cupid, apollo, hades, hermes, dionysis, adonis, aether, alcyone, calliope, calino, chaos and was my mother. I was startled......what to do? Then I eventually entered the court. Everyone was mesmerised in my beauty. Zeus himself was surprised. I cried out in front of zeus,''oh allmighty god, save us from cronos.......................he has awaken and chaos in world is rising! Please help me. Guide me to way to underworld. Give me charms and protection. Please......!'' zeus was upset.

He said, ''rise, my shall rise and ago...............find golden fleece before luke finds it.''

Zeus........gave me opportunity to prove everyone that I not only posses divine beauty and powers but I also have bravery in me. Zeus told me to take help from Charon and then use my own powers to make my way to underworld. ohhhhhh god tell me that it is easy ....!

I hurried towards the gate as it opened. Marvellous! The court was so beautiful. It is a location that is holy spiritual in nature. It is viewed as eternal bliss beyond that which can currently be known. The red carpet on floor and its curtains were wonderful. So this me siris.

I exited the court and hurled towards the great wind beach, to take help from my father,zeyphros as Journey could be long and dangerous. I called my father and he appeared before me. He said,''tell that how can I help you! Little siris.!'' I was shocked. ''stop talking to me like that! Father. I have loved you like anything and you even do not know that what just happened in court of legends. Ummmmm..............huh.... sorry about that! Just help me go to to tunnel of underworld !'' My father  did not seem  dissapointed or angry, instead he smiled! He said,''Mortals are not allowed to go to the underworld—the only way to do it is by dying. Have you heard of pysce. The lover of cupid. Yet, I will tell instructions. It is impossible, and so the first response is a fit of tears, as it always is. But help is near and you will hear a voice emanating from the very tower you had come to throw yourself off of. The tower itself speaks and gives very specific instructions. The tower tells you how to find a path to the underworld and tells you to take two coins and two honeyed barley cakes with you. you will encounter a donkey-driver, a drowning man and the three Fates—you should  not to help or be distracted by any of them. Above all, you have is to save the honeyed cakes for Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the underworld, because when you throws him a cake his three heads will fight over it and allow you to pass. You have to put the coins in her mouth, so that you  may pay Charon, the ferryman who will take wil across the Styx in his boat, for both crossing and return and be brave.'' he then carried me and we came on shore of tunnel of underworld.

4.I have a meeting in underworld!

I gently came out. I was only 15. I was normally becoming a adult and this goddess thing of fight was scary for me. I was walking in dark cave and suddenly I heard a voice coming from bushes. It was heavy voice of a cyclops. I drew my sword towards the bushes and cutted beastly head of  cyclops. Then  I procedded to my -journey. I was startled. Then I swimmed through the blue water and came near the mountain. The mountain which is a way  to underworld. I climbed and a little higher and then oops.... I am falling. I then again started climbing the mountain and now I have finaly I came up. But there is no light here. It was getting dark......i do not know how? I saw a little light coming from a cave. i should hurry before it is too late. hurry siris. i hurried towards the cave. it was some type of  red radiation and noise of dying humans were coming. I was  horrified to see the souls escaping from a burning flames. Then  A beautiful african maiden came...followed by two BLOOD HOULS. they were very strange looking. I was horrified. they were seriosly strange. peresphone answered ''hello, siris! you have been expecting me!''. she looked at me exitedsly. i said,''yeah......mistress of underworld. i needed your help.....''. ''i know little girl''. peresphone said. if you want to know more read the full serties of siris.


June 13, 2020 13:59

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Crystal Lewis
14:33 Jun 22, 2020

Hello Rannusha I can see your enthusiasm in your story and I think you have a good idea. It seems you like Greek mythology just like me! However, your story is so so difficult to read! You need to work on your punctuation, grammar and paragraphing. You also need to structure things. Say something clearly and have a sequence of events. So have things happen in a clear, easy to read order. About punctuation, if a new person is speaking a new line is needed. I hope you don’t mind but I’ve rewritten some of your story below to show you ho...


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