This story starts in Los Angeles when Elizabeth May Gray was sitting peacefully in her work chair, straining ideas from her highly educated brain for her opportunity to be featured in a brand new column in her local newspaper- The Crowder Paper. Elizabeth had dreamed of being on the front page of The New York Times, or being recognized as more than just a Los Angeles girl wandering the streets on search of Hollywood fame.
Even if this wasn't the front page of The New York Times, but a column on what she assumed one of the last pages of the newspaper, it was an opportunity to inform the world that "Elizabeth May Gray is a human being living on Earth!".
As the look in the eyes glinted and her smile grew bigger with each and every typed word, she knew this was her dream- her destiny. Elizabeth typed the last words onto the now filled document and pushed her chair back in joy, sprang her ands up and it seemed that she would explode with happiness.
Her happiness turned into pain and sickness as suddenly a wave of nausea and pounding headaches flooded into her brain like a tsunami after a powerful and destructive earthquake. Elizabeth fell to the floor and landed on her generic white (not furry) carpet with gray smudges, her right hand on her head and her left over mouth, worried she'd puke. Minutes after the wave of nausea and headaches, it came to a sharp halt. No more nausea or headaches.
Elizabeth got up and rushed to the bathroom, washing her face with cold water and watching the water drip down her cheeks then her chin, and land into sink drain. She took five solid minutes breathing deeply with the cold water relaxing her face.
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