Saturday, April 6th 2024
“I came here to hide myself away. I have a new outlook on life… if that's what I can call this little world I have created for myself.
I moved to Luna Pier Michigan fifteen years ago. With hopes to just … exist… without pressure to perform, or to exceed anyone’s expectations. To learn how to forgive myself, if there is such a thing, and to rediscover my innocence, if any remains. I hope to find mercy, both to give and receive.
My life in New York City was fun and exciting at first, tantalizing even. I was full of lust and power, and became addicted to the high of them both.
At first, I tried to stay. I hoped to blend in as one of the thousands of nameless faces that overpopulated the streets. Like cockroaches…. they are in New York…. Dirty, feasting on garbage, spreading disease, packing themselves into a tight dank space they call the city, running from the light… Honestly, I was no different. Worse maybe. But I digress.
The larger the city, the harder it is for me to refrain from my addictions and the madness they ignite. It's much easier for someone to vanish among thousands without many worrying over them compared to only fourteen hundred.
Temptation literally stands at every intersection in NYC. So here I sit, in this tiny town, occupying this barstool, watching, listening, and waiting. I allow myself this pleasure. One evening a month to lavishly wine and dine, to lust, and be lusted after.. This much I can control, but anything more and I would relapse. Back in NYC, Joe used to say I was on the prowl…. Fucking Joe.
Tonight however, I’m edgy. I have never seen so many individuals packed into this establishment, let alone the town. If the fire chief gets wind.. Oh wait… never mind, there he is now. Chief Micheal Weaver, in the flesh.”
“I can't believe people are still coming in despite the bridge being out. Gardners’ irritated with all the calls about where to park and detours. I can appreciate the town getting some extra funds coming in, but my guys and I ‘ill be the ones cleaning up the accidents on the roads when these yahoo’s head back home. Jesus! It’s just the moon going over the sun. All these people comin’ in for a two minute performance and then they’ll be out just as quick.”
Chief Mike finished his beer and leaned back in his chair. One of his lackey’s leaned in.
“Your wife doesn't seem to complain about two minute performances!”
The table erupts in laughter.
Two tables over a young couple chat.
“Oh babe, wouldn’t it be romantic if you proposed during the eclipse…”
Her man rolls his eyes.
“Look just because you know I have the ring doesn't mean you can dictate how and when I ask.”
She smiles and places her hand on his.
“I'm just saying…”
“Disgusting. Sigh… The eclipse will be magnificent. I plan to watch it, if only from the safety of my home via NASA broadcast. I recall the 2017 eclipse and how it affected both myself and the others… odd… 1994 also comes to mind, before I… The way my mother, much like Chief over there, cared more about getting her shopping done than a rare celestial occurrence. People just piss me off. It’s becoming too much being here, and I’m nauseous.”
I watched Anecia from under a trucker hat in the far corner. At first, she appeared calm, and lost in her thoughts scribbling away in some book, occasionally scanning the room. I guessed she had come here with the intent to leave with someone.
Sipping at my beer, I watched her play with one of the patrons. I knew he’d immediately struck out when he had a fruity drink placed in front of her, and began talking about himself.
“Hey.” he said, with a wink and a nod. I’m Jack. I thought you looked like a chick with fine tastes so I got you top shelf tequila. I’m a lawyer.”
She rolled her eyes and pretended to care about his sad attempt at impressing her, but then, Boom! Shot down, he hung his head in shame and walked quickly out with piss stained pants. It was a fun little game she played.
She checked out the bartender, a hot little rocker chick who appeared to come with extra spice. She didn't take any shit from the guys who hit on her, and moved behind the bar with ease. I wondered how she stayed calm while tending to this huge crowd, compared to her coworker who was dropping shot glasses and sloshing beer all over the counter while trying to keep up with demand.
Anecia stood up and threw back the last of her drink, and slapped the bar.
“Stacy, get my tab, I’m getting the fuck out of here.”
Obeying, Stacy cashed her out and slid the receipt forward to Anecia, purposeful cleavage on display.
“See you next week then gorgeous?“
Anecia scribbled her name, and smirked at Stacy, “If you’re lucky…. Or maybe you’ll be luckier if you don't see me.”
She tucked her journal under her arm, and weaved between the crowd to the exit.
I took one last bite of my burger, which in all honesty, was disgusting, despite having ordered it rare, threw a fifty on the table, and followed her out.
I trailed her until she reached the door of a tiny house.
I scoffed under my breath, “Seriously? This place? What a shit hole!”
In seconds, her hands gripped my throat. I had no time to defend myself.
“Ahh sseee you h hhavent losst your ssense of”
“No intuition needed. I can smell your rot.”
She squeezed tighter and everything went black.
I came too, disorientated at first, and then surprised she let me live. A small brass lamp provided the only light in the room, and a vintage alarm clock displayed three O’clock in red digits. The shades were drawn and with thick velvet curtains were clothes pinned together over them. My clue that it must be P.M.
I was on a small sofa,my hands bound, and gagged with a cloth that tasted of my own vomit. The scent of mothballs wafted from the gold velour fabric of the cushions, a deterrent to mice. I know I am a grown man, but I hate mice.
I distracted myself from the thought of them by logically devising a plan as to how I would behave when she came back for me, but I severely underestimated her timing. The door to the room nearly came off its hinges as she burst into the room.
“What the fuck are you doing here?
Did you actually think you could go undetected?
How many came with you, and who?”
Her fists were balled and the vein in her neck throbbed. I didn't even fully blink and she was standing over me wielding a knife.
“I should gut and hang you from the rafters like the swine you are!”
Muffled sounds vibrated in my throat and it burned from bile. Speaking with my eyes, I knew she could hear me, “You let me live for a reason. If you kill me now, you will go on with this pathetic life. You need something. You want it, you crave it. Go ahead, cut my throat. But you know it won't be a satisfying kill.”
“You mother fucker!”
I underestimated her yet again. She plunged the blade into my shoulder. Ripping and pulling at what flesh remained. I thought I had finally pushed her over the edge and that my suffering would end. At least I would die by the hand of the Queen instead of slowly starving to death.
“I commanded you to stay! All of you! I forbade any of you to follow me! I willfully abandoned all of you disgusting unworthy assholes for a reason. Yet here you are disobeying me and begging for more abuse. What could have possibly driven you to come all this way?
She pulled the blade from my chest, and with a twist of the wrist, held the knife at my throat. Blood oozed down my arm and into the cushions. I wanted to howl, to cry like a bitch, but I knew better. Anecia loved to play with her victims like a cat does a mouse… Goddamit. .. mice…
No! If I was to die restrained, then I planned to restrain my agony just the same, and face this bitch with dignity. She raised her weapon and bore down. To my surprise, she slashed the wire that bound my hands, and removed the gag from my mouth.
“Explain yourself!” she demanded.
Stammering, I brought myself to my feet, took the shirt from my back and staunched my wounds.
“Well! Speak Dog! Before I repeal my mercy!”
“You’re.. Mercy?”
She raised the knife again.
“Ok! Ok! I surrender. But when have I not done so with you Anecia?” I came to tell you that our time is now.”
She stood nose to nose with me, baring her teeth, “What the hell does that mean?
“It means that our time is now. I’ve done some research. With a little fast planning and precise action at the moment of tomorrow’s eclipse we can still prevail. The legends and lore are true.”
She didn't flinch. “Fucking liar. How dare you? You take me for an imbecile?”
I, too, remained unflinching. I knew there was a 50/50 shot of the plan working. I didn't have much proof other than some archives from hundreds of years ago, but I had to take my chances and It started there. Facing down the most evil woman I knew. Not only by further antagonizing her ego, but to call her bluff.
If she didn't kill me with the assault, then I was right about her all along, and she never was our true messiah. I… We would have a chance at survival.
I told her flat, “No. Not an imbecile. Just naive, ill equipped, and vengeful.”
I didn't breathe. Neither did she. One blink was all I got. But it was enough. I had her attention.
Taking a breath of relief, I said, “ Ok then. First, a history lesson. Then, A little story, finally our plan.”
After I showed her the archives and their authenticity, a plan was put into place. The solar eclipse of 2024 was not going to be the only extraordinary event on April 8.
April, 8th, 2024
It's 1:11 p.m. I find it both invigorating, and dreadful that in two hours' time, at the totality of the eclipse, the citizens of this tiny town will not know what came over them. They will have never seen it coming. This time however, and despite what Joe believes, I am not naive, and I am well equipped.
Until now, I thought that I would live forever in the shadows. If the legend is true, then both myself and the others like me will once again roam free under the sun. The archives say that when the eclipse is in its totality, and darkness falls, it is in that mi-nute window that the curse can be lifted, and once the light returns so will our souls.
It's a dangerous leap of faith I take, for I hear the call of my demon within, aroused by the promise of massacre. I harness control, but I confess my worry that when at the height of the screams, and the sweet taste of blood upon my lips, that I will not succumb to my weakness.
Joe’s information has offered me this fucked up sense of hope. A truth that until just yesterday, I believed was impossible and that of fantasy. Is it possible that the cover of the eclipse holds the cure?
April 10nth, 2024
I Should record the events of that day .
We had my men (and three women) stationed in various buildings with the lights off. Almost everyone was gathered outside, so it made it easy. They stayed hidden, until at precisely 3:13 I gave my signal.
The moment the moon shadowed the sun, and darkness fell, it allowed my hive to burst from their roosts to feast. The thousands gathered were too busy gaping up at the wide wonder to sense, let alone see, the danger my hundreds would bring. We had four minutes, but it was enough.
My hive took down more than half. They pounced on their prey. Breaking necks, sucking, growling, and tearing away flesh, and feasting like a pride of lions would gorge themselves upon helpless zebras.
Dear Goddess, It was a thing of beauty, and yes, I partook. I searched out Jack, the jackass from the bar the other night. I purred in his ear. What magic! Oh.. my it just makes me want to kiss you.. To be close.. Can I be close… He was so hard. So stupid. And then I fucking ate him. He tasted like shit.
It was then that I felt my demons hunger. She, no .. I’ll be honest. I.. wanted more. The scent of fear permeated the air. People were screaming and attempting to hide. Others gawked at the sky, or worse yet their phones, oblivious to the totality of peril around them. Some were being compelled to submit to sexual desires right there in the streets. A complete loss of sanity in its most beautiful form. Panic.
It was at the height of my arousal that I first felt the pain in my chest. It felt as though my ribs were breaking one at a time. I grabbed my chest and tried to cry out, delusional from the high, but no words escaped. Only blood, and blackness were being ejected from my mouth in a violent attempt to rid my body of poison.
I am grateful for that moment. Without it, I would not have laid eyes on the grotesque display of the monsters all around me. The ones that I had created. I would not have witnessed the small boy clinging to his mothers side, crying and convulsing at all that he was seeing.
I fell to my back, and laid on the sidewalk. I thought for certain I would die at that moment. But I was wrong. Instead, I wept.
I wept at the devastation, and the carnage around me. I wept at the fear that both that boy and his mother felt. I wept for the dead, and the dying. I wept for those that I turned. I wept for myself, for the guilt and shame that I felt, and for the lack of love that I desired and needed my entire life. I wept for the redemption that I dreamed of, and I wept for the fear that I would not see it.
I was hysterical. Just then, with tears falling freely like they had not since I was a child, I turned my head to see a pair of eclipse glasses laying in the dust. Remembering my cause, I put them on and looked to the sky. Totality was over. Third contact had begun.
My… the hive… they hissed, and began to retreat back into the shadows. Those that lingered too long seemed to glow from within until they simply dissipated . Few stayed in the open, and those that did also appeared to have been sick and crying like myself. With balled fists, we closed our eyes, and held our hand over our hearts, waiting for the Earth to rid us from itself.
But nothing happened. We stood up, and we walked away.
April 11nth, 2024.
I took another day to reflect. The archives were true. I’m LIVING, walking proof.
Joe is gone. I knew from the start that he had no intention of helping me to rid myself of the disease, but rather to crown himself the new King. There were maybe ten? of us that were cured, and I do not know where they are now, nor do I have any intention of finding them. I only plan to learn to live again, and to choose the good. I know the day will come that I will face the reckoning with Joe and the others, and it will be a battle to the death.
I’ve no definitive answer as to how the magic really works. The only thing that I can speculate, or dream, is this:
Like the sun, I was once bright and hopeful, cheerful and warm, but the darkness moved over me.
Like the moon, I lived in the night. Darkness was all around me, within me ,and it had become home.
But the darkness within me was no comparison in magnitude as the moon is to the sun…. The dark to the light, like the evil next to the good.
And the shadow moved over me, and slowly I saw the light grow.
I feel those that retreated had no light within, and they chose to remain the monsters they are, and those that lay there and endured the pain alongside me were never doomed to remain monsters.
Like the moon and the sun, the heart and the soul can also eclipse.
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Thanks for sharing!
I kept on reading, hoping things would resolve with a happy ending. The ending was a bitter sweet one. I wondered what Joe's intended (his name needed to come out earlier) when he first followed Anecia. Then to find out he knew her but hadn't been more cautious seemed inconceivable. Appropriate warning at the beginning. This story isn't for the faint hearted. It's hard to get all the necessary information, character motivation and development, plot etc. etc. written within the 3000 word constraint, but if you don't get it all down without holes (but without the story also feeling rushed) a reader is left confused. You have some amazing ideas.
Thank you for the critique. I was worried I may have confused some readers , and it sounds like I did .
I had meant for joes character to come across as arrogant and confident in thinking he didn’t need to be more careful … but tried to show that the flaw in that almost got him killed , and likely would have had she not been in the merciful frame of mind .
I suppose thinking this out loud, I am going to deep in my own thoughts and ideas . I will take into account your words in my next challenge .
It is hard to see your own story as a reader does because you know your story. I always run mine through a paid version of Grammarly. When I check for holes, questions come up which I make sure are answered. I haven't used the app provided in Reedsy. It may be worth a try?
Thank you
Great dialogue and gradual shift into horror. The opening speech about life in NYc was awesome!
On the critique circle thing, I think maybe framing the story, just telling us directly what's going on in a few sentences before the dialogue might be an idea. I know as a writer we've got everything in our own mind, but for the reader just being told who, what, when, where in a few sentences before the story starts gets them ready for whats coming next.
In the transitions, I think Its actually ok to just tell them what's going to happen, so then theyre excited to read the details, intro "today the shit hit the fan" instead of "let me unfold the events of the day". Stuff like that.
Thank you for the critique . I think you are correct in saying it’s all in our head … but not the readers . I will try this next time . I think I get lost in my thoughts trying to keep my readers wanting to know more. But confuse them instead ? lol.
That was a really great story...
Thank you ! Your comment encourages me !