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Coming of Age Friendship

You may see me now and wonder who I am and what I am doing. Well, I wish I knew. My life depends on what I decide here. What am I to do about it? What will I decide? I am about to graduate and I have to choose my path. The decision deadline is approaching quite quickly. Most of my peers are exploring the path that they chose. How could someone have already made up their mind? It seems impossible. Some are looking for the path they like.

Not me. Maybe it is a path, with so many options how am I supposed to know which path is mine, and what makes a path? So I am pondering all my life decisions. I will tell you that right now I am sitting on a swing. Some may even laugh because I’m too big to sit on the swing right. I decided I would do as I so pleased, after all the swing was empty when I got here, and I would occupy it until I had to leave. To me, it did not matter what my path looked like. I knew I would probably end up sitting here thinking, pondering, and wondering all day. My path could be anywhere from finding love to cleaning houses. I knew my mother was right when she had told me not to leave it till the last minute, but I had not done this. I had been thinking about it all the time, it even kept me up at night. I had great memories here, mixed with a couple of scars.

Other peers are forging their paths with friends. Thinking that the world is full of new adventures, of this I am not so sure. Has not everything interesting been done by someone? Besides, I have been a loner most of my life, so why change now? My luck would run out as soon as I trusted anyone so I avoided trusting relationships. What evidence do I have that it will change anytime soon? Overall if you saw me, you would ridicule me. That is the theme of most people anyway, not that I would blame you. If I saw someone doing what I am, I probably would scoff.

Anyway this innocent little girl, Lilly asked what I was doing. I didn’t want to bore her so I told her I was trying to swing high enough to reach heaven. Luckily she did not realize that it was a lie. This intrigued her so she stayed with me.

She asked if that was why I didn’t sit on it correctly. I laughed and said I guess so. She said well I came here because my sister is hurting. She asked me if I were to ever reach heaven would I ask God to come and help her sister.

I told her I would relay the message. I think that she intrigued me more than she was with me. I watched the little girl run as fast as she could into the woods. She yells to her sister that she shouldn’t worry because God was coming to help. Lilly had complete faith that I would reach the heavens. I thought that this little girl was special, and if she needed help, I would give it to her.

I knew I had to run after Lilly to help her. When I caught up with Lilly she was with her sister. Her sister was crying and she was covered in scrapes and bruises.

I did not take the time to ask her what had happened to her. It was not important. I knew that in an instant when I could hear her pain. No one should be hurt at all, but no one deserved to be hurt so severely. My heart broke for her, even though I had never met her.

I scooped her up and told Lilly to follow me. As I carried her away, I wondered who could have done that to such a sweet innocent girl. I stole a glance at Lilly and realized that she had been hurt too. My heart was shattered.

After being examined, the doctors asked if I had hurt them. I was taken back. "I could never", I explained how I had just met Lilly on the playground. The doctors almost did not believe me to be on the swing set, and Lilly rushed in and told the doctors she wanted to say something to me.

" Man, heaven must not have been that high! I can not believe how you got all the way up there, talked to God, and came back down and still was able to rush to our rescue!" Her sweetness overcame me, and her innocence moved the doctors.

Their parents were going to be investigated. If they were found to be guilty of hurting these poor girls, I would be able to foster them, if I wanted to.

I found my path today. Who knew that I would find it when not looking for it? My path was to be these little girls daddy and to vow to always protect them. I know that they have to be provided for, so I am going to work a full-time job, go to school to be a lawyer, and eventually buy a house.

Lilly's sister, Jora would prove vital in their battle. She would show strength and determination. She was going to win in her mind no matter the cost. Lilly was by her side. I thought that the girls had admirable personalities, and I was quite proud.

Lilly and Jora won, they would never be hurt again. Not as long as I had any say in the matter. I took them home, and we celebrated.

I finished law school quickly. I wanted to be helping people. Protecting them. My mother was very proud of me. Before I would know it Jora would be quickly approaching the point of her decision, luckily she knows what she wants to do. I find it is amazing how your path can find you when you can not find it.

November 04, 2020 01:18

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1 comment

Samone Dandridge
21:13 Nov 11, 2020

This is such a sweet story! It would be interesting to see you go more into depth about his relationship with the girls in a continuation. Great submission!


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