Horror Drama Fiction

Scene: A young man sits in a dark corner of a small house. He has some sort of electronic device sitting on a wooden table in front of him, casting a bluish glow on his face. His hands are moving rapidly, as though working on something, though it is unknown exactly what. He mutters to himself, occasionally growing in volume, only to settle back into whispers. He is alone.

Date: December 31, 2020

Time: 11:00 p.m.

Even as I am recording this message, I am in a panic. I have so much left to do, and so little time to do it. An hour. One hour of the year left, but I still have not fulfilled my New Year's Resolution for the year 2020.

Why are you so desperate to fulfill your New Year's Resolution? Silly fool. Everyone knows that if you do not fulfill your resolution before the New Year begins, then that year will be full of bad luck.

If anyone finds this recording, I am dead. I will be killed! I swear it!

*quick glances around*

I'd better bring my shrieking down, before someone comes to check on me. I must hurry with this project.

If you must focus on your project, then why are you recording? Another question? No, I am not crazy. But I am close to it. I work more quickly if I can speak. But I cannot speak to any person, no. If I did, they would deem me mad, which I am not.

I must finish this project, I must finish it. I must finish this project, I must finish it. I must finish this project, I must fi...

Stop repeating yourself!

Don't tell me what to do!

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

2021 cannot be like this year. I must complete my resolution.

I must. I must! I MUST!

No, I am not crazy....

*The man nervously glances around, darkening the room as he turns the device face down on the table, his eyes searching for an unknown enemy. His hands are trembling, whatever he is working one motionless on his lap. There is no sound except that of his heavy breathing.*

Date: December 31, 2020

Time: 11:15 p.m.

Forty-five minutes before the New Year! I am almost done. It will be completed soon, and no one will have to know what I did. No one.

What did you do? What are you doing?

Stop talking! You will wreck my concentration! I am not crazy!

I must continue on. Hurry, hurry! My hands are flying faster than ever. Yes, I will complete it!

Take care. If you go too fast, you are going to mess it up.

Hush! You are ruining my concentration! I must work in silence for a bit!

*The man bows his head, his fingers moving faster and faster, though we still cannot see what it is he is working on. He is silent for a bit, occasionally glancing around, his face contorting from terror to confusion and back again.*

Date: December 31, 2020

Time: 11:30 p.m.

Thirty minutes left. It has to be enough! I am almost done!

Almost done! So close! So very, very--NO!!!

No, no, no! This cannot be happening! What did I do? What have I done? I cannot remedy this in time! NO! NO!

Stop the clock!

You idiot! That is impossible!

No, I am not crazy!

*The man screams. He is shaking and his work, whatever it may be, momentarily abandoned on his lap. He slides onto the floor, head in his hands. After a moment, he once again begins moving his fingers rapidly. *

Date: December 31, 2020

Time: 11:45 p.m.

*The man is sobbing, as he tries to continue to work.*

Fifteen minutes left, and so much work to do. I have ruined it!

What have you ruined?

Shut up! I am not crazy, I am not. I have ruined it, I have!


I will never finish in time. Never! What will I do? What will I do?

This year... Last year... This year... Last year...

I am not crazy... Am I crazy?


Stop! I must finish!

Finish what?


*With the last outburst, the man looks around, terrified. It is silent. He returns to his work.*

Date: January 1, 2021

Time: 12:00 a.m.

No... no, no, no...

What? What is wrong? What?! What is wrong?!

STOP! I did not do it, I didn't do it!

What did you do?!


2020 was me! My fault!



It was not my fault!

It was!

It was not!

It was!


All is not lost...


All is not lost!

How? How? How?

...2021 can't be any worse, can it?

Scene: A young man lays on the floor in a dark corner. His knees are curled up to his chest. Tears are streaming down his face, and he occasionally whispers to himself unintelligible words. The device still sits on the table, now unattended. His work is on the floor next to him, abandoned. He rocks back and forth, seeming unsure of what to do. There is no noise, other than the sound of his whispering and tears. The device glows on. He is still alone.

Date: January 1, 2021

Time: 12:45 a.m.

*The man finally sits up*

What to do? What to do?

Well, nothing bad has happened yet.

No, not yet, but it will!

What makes you so sure?


Shut up, fool! Shut up! Someone will hear you!

I don’t care anymore!

Are you crazy?!

NO! NO! I am not crazy!

I’m dead… I will be…


Yes, you will… If you don’t SHUT UP!

Sorry, sorry….

*The man lays back down, whimpering, saying the words, “Sorry, sorry,” over and over*

Date: January 1, 2021

Time: 1:00 a.m.

2020 was my fault… mine. If anyone knows… what will I do, what will I do!

I’m tired of your whining! Get up! Behave like a man!

*The man stands up, a new light in his eyes. The light promptly dies, and he retreats again to the floor*

No… I can do nothing. I will be killed! I did not complete my resolution! I will be killed!

Scene: A man lies on the floor in a dark corner, cold as ice, a scream frozen into his face. He is still alone.

December 29, 2020 19:49

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Johnlea White
20:02 Mar 04, 2021

Sooo... are you saying that 2021 is going to be worse than 2020? Cause right now its March and nothing bad has happened. Only the bad things from 2020 keep going on.


Crouton 828
00:23 Apr 24, 2021

Sorry, I just saw this haha. No, it was just a story to go with the prompt that I thought sounded cool.


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