Christian Fantasy Fiction

The Rainbow came out today,

She was wondering and colloquizing

Here is her thought,

 “Why must the Rain and the sun comes out before she does?”

She said to me,

“I’ve been trying so Hard to come out before They do, but to no avail”.

 I couldn’t say anything because I Believe this Conversation is beyond My reasoning.

She continues


 I responded hmm!

“Do you know or have you noticed that I often Comes out only when it rains

And hot at the same time?

And most of the time when I’m out nobody took note of me”.

She also said she wonder why humans don’t Look up often.

When they run,

They do that with Head straight or down.

 When they walk,

They do that with Head Straight or down.

 When they stand,

They do that with Head Straight or down.

When they sit,

 they do that with head straight Or down.

She asked me,

“Do you want me to Tell you what they do while Sleeping?”

I said go ahead.

 So, she continues,

“Nobody wants to lie down,

And face the sky under a hot climate”.

I said that’s true.

 She continues

“My whole life is a message

And I’ve tried to by-pass nature for centuries; Still no avail.

I’ve come to the point of accepting what God has set in order I don’t want to try anymore;

I don’t want to interrupt with the order of nature anymore.

If the rain and the sun must be aligned before my arrival, so be it”.

I was becoming emotional after listening to What the rainbow has been going through.

She continues,

“Jeff” ma! I replied.

“Man is doing to God what they don’t want Their pets or robots to do to them”.

She said she is leaving.

 I asked her, to where?

 You don’t look happy,

What can I say to make your heart feel better?

She smiles and said, “Jeff, you can’t help nature To be better than what God created her to be. God is caring for us”

I said oh! oh! I see!

Curiously, I asked her what then makes you Happy?

She said 3 things makes me happy

I. Whenever I’m leaving my abode to the earth,

2. Whenever I arrived here and those innocent children piped, saying,

“The rainbow is out,

The rainbow has 7 colors,

The rainbow is shining,

The rainbow is beautiful”

This melts my heart

And I don’t feel like leaving earth,


3. Whenever I return back to my abode,

I took over from her, Rainbow, do you know you’re special?

She said “how Jeff”,

 I said, do you know or have you notice that Whenever you’re out here humans no longer Care about the sun or the rain.

She said really?

I said really!

All we care is the sight of the rainbow,

Your glow and your beauty.

And when this happens

 It reminds us of three things,

“Jeff, what are they?” She curiously, wants to know.

1. It reminds us the first day when you’re out into this world

2. It reminds us of the seven spheres

In this world we are yet to influenced for Jesus

3. It reminds us of the blessings God Covenanted with us centuries ago.

When the rain fell last,

When the sun shined last,

When the rainbow appeared first.

 She said, “so touching Jeff, thank you”.

 You are welcome Rainbow.

She said, “Jeff I’ve to go now’.

My reply was why soon?

She said,

“I’ve agreed to be me,

And never to interrupt with nature anymore”. She continued,

“Everyone out here will all go away someday”.

 I asked why?

She said,

 “Because man was not born in this word,

He was only born into this world,

And nature demands he leaves”.

At this point my conversation with Rainbow just Transit into something more serious which Made my heart boggle, and juggle so fast,

I said where are you now going to,

Are you just fading away?

She said “fading away! I don’t fade away. Humans will always judge the elements of this World with their senses,

What they feel,

What they smell,

What they touch,

What they taste,

And what they see.

 This world is beyond your senses”,

She said, “I’m not fading away Jeff,

I’m only going back to my abode”.

Your abode!

 “Yes, my abode,” said the Rainbow.

 I said to her, please where is your abode?

She was so happy and I could see it in her eyes.

She said “Jeff, my abode is God’s throne.

 I’m going back to the FATHER of all creatures, The uncreated Creator,

The only unfolder of mystery,

And the only mystery unfolds”.

I said God!

“Yes, God”, said the Rainbow,

I slowly took a 360o turn around my Environment,

And looking back at her,

I said Rainbow,

What about me, when am I leaving?

 She said,

“Jeff, you will definitely leave when your time Has come”.

I said Rainbow,

Will I also go to God’s throne?

Will I also go to the FATHER of all creatures?

The uncreated creator,

The only unfolder of mystery,

And the only mystery unfolds,

The only wise God!

She said to me, as she leaves

“Man, you will, if you decided today to accept What God had set in order,

And when you try not to interrupt the order of Nature anymore”.

 So, she fades away.

Then I remembered her last word when she said “I’m not fading away, Jeff, I’m only going back to my abode”

My conversation with Rainbow actually reminds me of the scriptures below. And I have learnt never to change the order of nature anymore.

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

John 14:2-3 KJV

June 16, 2021 11:07

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