Inspirational Teens & Young Adult Holiday

Roller coaster life of Krish

The resolution is either small or big that doesn’t matter, the big deal is whether we are trying to achieve it or not. I’m going to tell about the girl named Krish and the success story of her resolution.

Krish has been playing hide and seek over the years to find out the way to accomplish her resolution. What was her resolution then? . She wants to be a pillar of her family financial problems and get an identity by herself doing something special. She has been working so hard over these years to achieve her resolution. In the beginning of every year, she used to take the vow to achieve her resolution in the end of the year. She lost in the battle many times but hard work never fails, so finally she won the battle after many trials and fails.

We may think that it doesn’t such a big work. It definitely would be very tough for a typical girl like Krish who doesn’t have any special talents and has a critical financial background family. But she never lost her hope in any situation, she fell down every time and there was no one to give hand to wake her up; she did everything in her own. Her family was not playing a supporting role in her life as her family ran into many problems more than her issues. She was not such a strong girl; she gave up many time but the next moment when she thought about her family, she waked up. She faced many roller coaster situations throughout her journey until she found the edge of success.

Once she found out that she loves writing, she started to walk along that way. In spite of that she didn’t have any idea how to pursue her skills. She never missed a single chance to send her writings no matter what whether it’s a poet, article, stories or blogs wherever she sees any kind of advertisements regarding the writings. She didn’t get any chance to prove herself. She faced many problems like humiliates, disappointments, fails, depressions, heartbroken and etc. When she started her writing skills she was out of the proper knowledge of writing. She read everything in front of her eyes even it was a label of a bottle. She wrote an article more than 15 times to make it perfect. As she didn’t have enough facilities to improve her knowledge in writing she was struggling to deliver a good writings. Her writings were not accepted initially. Sometimes she didn’t get a proper reply for her work. She tried and tried.

 We all know the proverb” Try and try; one day you can fly”, according to that saying she tried each and every platforms coming in her way to prove herself for getting any identity. She yearned for the moment to taste the glimpse of success in her life. She finally got a chance to express herself and got an appreciation for that which gave her a confidence that she could do more. That was the starting step for her journey. Consequently she achieved one of her resolution in the way of her success. Even though she is not a famous writer or well-known person among people, but she at least got the identity among the small crew through her writings. She writes blogs, articles, poems and something other as a volunteered person and she is more than perfect writer than she was. She has the confidence that she would be a well-known writer one day.

Although she achieved one of her resolution, she still wanted to do the major task in contributing financially to her family. Since she acted as a volunteered writer she couldn’t get money for the works. She thought many ideas to earn money but she was lack of facilities to make it happened. She was searching for a way for that. She didn’t have any talents to put her work on it and earn money rather than writing. She luckily has only one thing with her that she is an educated girl but doesn’t have a degree. She is not a clever student but she can convey her knowledge to others. She started to search for a job regarding that.  it was a very big task  for her. In every places where she has been gone for vacancies, a degree was expected which is obvious. Even though she tried to give classes at home, she was out of furniture to conduct the classes and also the students who are not ready to attend her classes  that they have no idea whether she is a good teacher or not.

Fortunately she again got a volunteered opportunity to teach for kindergarten students for 3 months instead of her friend’s absent as she went to abroad. She got the chance to teach but without paying money. She reluctantly accepted as a volunteered teacher but she had a hope that it paved a way for her journey in teaching. She gave her best in those 3 months in thinking of impressing the principal of that school. It was a tough challenge for her to teach them, because teaching kindergarten students were not such an easiest thing.  Her good luck worked that the principal just attracted by her teaching skills and wanted to help her out. So he decided to offer a job to her which was the unforgettable moment for Krish. She took that job offer as a golden ticket and has been working till date. She could help out her family problems as much as she can. She changes something up in her family financial status. She has finally managed to succeed at a long- standing New Year’s resolution.

We all should get an opportunity to express ourselves to others. Many of us have talents but we don’t get an opportunity to show. Because of that most of us talents are hidden among ourselves. You have to face many obstacles along the journey of success but you should not give up in any situations. Some of us do a major mistake what when we get an opportunity we miss that chance because of that fear that we would loss. It doesn’t matter whether we succeed or fail, we have to face the challenge first then only we could know how much potential we have. Don’t miss any single opportunity unconsciously. Be courageous and have the determination always that you will surely achieve what you desired through your hard work.

January 06, 2021 13:05

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