Black Christmas Creative Nonfiction

He likes to drive this Peugeot 504 every possible opportunity that comes his way. Not minding the social status of the car. It is what is available to him. Never heard him complaining. It seems as if dry season is the best season he likes to drive his father’s car. The car has reputation of not being seen as being for the poor or rich. It is just in between there. So, no one is looking down on anyone when one winds down, demanding anything from the vendors from the comfort of the car. 

It is far better than his motorcycle. It seems that the status of that machine call motorcycle has permanent position in the mind of those that awards social status to all these machines. At times, Samuel narrow it down to illiteracy. Could you imagine that you will even be considered poor or call "okada man" even when on expert rider motorcycle?. “So, these illiterates don’t know that most of these motorcycles can buy one and half cars?" Samuel asked himself.   

If these people knew what one passed through before affording that motorcycle, they will be given him respect due to him. “How many of his age mates can afford bicycle on their own?," yet, he is still being looked down upon. He was 17 years when he bought the motorcycle from the money he raised in doing some dirty works to one state sponsored construction worker.  

The man will be around 60 years, almost all the work, mainly road construction in the state were being awarded to him at least in that particular administration. Samuel came to know him through his cousin who was living in their building. Through doing some errands jobs to the cousin, he was introduced to the constructor and errand jobs continued with the constructor. 

Samuel was one of those balloon kids. some refers to that type of growth as rapid. He looks like 25years old when he was 18, got contaminated at that age following the constructor around doing his dirty works. He was the one arranging all those undergraduate harlots to the man and his colleagues. The manner the man spends money once he lands any contract is surprising to Samuel. If it is old age and wine at work there, Samuel don’t know. He decided to utilize the opportunity presented to him by nature. 

In the spirit of the same birds flocking together, at times, the constructor will offer wine and harlots to Samuel and that was how he came to be somehow addicted to the two vanities. He as contact man, arranges the girls from two institutions he is using into groups of threes. He will be shuffling the girls each time occasion for them arises; and collect his commissions from them. Some that tried to cut him off and deal direct with the constructor, did not have time to regret that action. He wipe them off his list. the constructors were taking precautions because of their wives, so they don’t want to have anything to do with the girls directly. 

Samuel also acts as the purchaser of vehicle parts whenever the need arises. That was how he came to know one young dealer from their neighbouring town by name Joel. He has been dealing with him for quite some time now and believe he's a trust worthy person. At times, when there is no construction contract to do, he will go to Joel shop and stay. He was kind of learning motor parts business and he acquired a lot of knowledge on how the business is run. 

Joel will be about four years older than Samuel and he has never been abroad before. He usually buy his goods from importer in Lagos and through Samuel, his business has improved a lot. Not that he will be regarded as anything rich for he is not but, there is great improvement. Now, Samuel is suggesting going to Germany not even to buy goods and come back, but to stay and be shifting goods back here to someone who will be remitting money to him to buy more goods and send back again in that order. The idea is appealing to him. he brought his younger brother to teach him the trade and tricks involved.

When they applied for German Visa, after three weeks, they were invited to the embassy for interview. When they got there, one middle aged Lady was asking them the type of questions they don’t know and eyeing them all over. 

“You said you want to go and buy motor parts and come back right?” she asked. 

“Yes ma” they answered. 

“Both of you look rather young to me. How old are you?”

“I am 19” Samuel answered.

“I am 23” Joel answered. 

“You look like 26 years to me” she said to Samuel. 


“So, what is the full meaning of the B.M.W you said you are going to buy its parts." 

They eyed each other. 

And Samuel said “I think it means Be My Wife or something like that”.

The woman laughed.

“So, where is the headquarters of this B.M.W. in Germany”. She asked.

They eyed each other. 

And Joel answered, “Munich”.

The woman eyed them and kept quiet.

“So, why is this constructor sponsoring you both don’t go and buy these parts by himself?" She asked. 

“Busy, he is supervising works as we speak”. Samuel answered. 

She told them to wait outside that someone will contact them in 15 minutes. 

After ten minutes, someone brought their passport with their rejection form to them. 

Joel contacted his friend that travels to China and he directed them to his agent and they switched over to Chinese embassy. After two weeks, they were issued a month visa and they got ready and went to China. On getting to China around 7pm, they were surprised how beautiful the place looks. they initially planned to buys things and come back, but after observing the environment, Samuel concluded that he is not going back and succeeded in convincing Joel too. 

That was how both became illegal immigrants after one month. Because one thing always lead to another, they were observing things happening there and found out that it was those in drug business that were making it. both became interested. They learnt that the goods as the drugs are being referred to comes from Afghanistan. Someone have to go there to pick it up. Another lucrative business there was money printing. You pay original money and original fake will be printed for you. Both weighed the two businesses and decided that drugs is less stressful and more rewarding.

Samuel has done ground work of contacting the suppliers in Afghanistan and ways money is remitted to them and how the goods were being picked up. Within these periods, Joel has done two cargo shipment back to Nigeria, for it takes only weeks. Samuel having found out that Joel don’t have money at hand had sent his own money alone and sent a Philipino to go to Afghanistan to pick up the goods. after controlling the Philipino through phone as they use to refer to it. The Philipino has never seen Samuel and Samuel has never seen him, both discussed all that needed to be discussed and arranged through phone for security reasons. 

The Philipino was caught at the airport on his way back in China and he was not even able to tell the officers who sent him. He convinced the officers that he did not know what was in the box he was asked to bring. He was given ten years and sent to prison. 

Three months later, Samuel in trying to build up capital again, went to the Chinese dealers and bought pirated C.D plates. on his way to Cargo company, he was arrested for the plates and over staying his visa and was sent to prison for eight years. On hearing about Samuel’s arrest, Joel panicked packed his things and rushed back to Nigeria.

After six months in prison, Samuel and the Philipino was observing each other, for it was clear to both that each other’s voice is exactly the same voice on the phone during one week They were preparing for Afghanistan journey. each were doing arithmetic in his head for best option available to him on the situation they found themselves.       

November 09, 2020 15:24

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